As many of you may be aware I am on my own personal journey and this journey will now see me leave the area in which I have spent the past 3 years healing and the country I have spent my whole life in so far. Many people have expressed to me how excited I must feel and how amazing this opportunity is for me and whilst I can totally relate to this there is a part that is often overlooked. The dissolving and transmuting of the old self in order to find balance and wholeness once more in the SELF that I AM at this moment. I have found the past week or so extremely challenging and have noted how my human vehicle has resorted at times to what can only be described as blind panic. When I returned from my week in Edinburgh I was full of excitement and full of plans, on walking through the front door of the house I currently live in slowly this began to dissolve. So I asked for guidance and I meditated and I watched as one trigger arose then another. I also noted how often the word “ghosts” came up for me, the song “ghost” by Ian Astbury was forever popping into my head. So i listened to my guidance and asked to be shown the “ghosts” that were hiding within my own life.
In relation to my personal possessions there is no trigger or if there is it is a tiny trigger, knowing that they will be safe whilst I travel I have managed to work with. The furniture and other household items have been a huge emotional trigger for me and I have had to leave the sorting out of furniture for a while as I looked at the trigger and keep looking below the layers. Much of the furniture that I have, like the furniture you will have in your homes are memories. The coffee table that used to sit in my late mothers house, each look at the coffee table igniting the memories of her and the childhood home, my mother was very particular about this coffee table so I can literally hear her words of “careful, dont scratch it” in my head at times. The furniture from previous homes, when it was bought, why it was bought, the travels it has endured, all come to the surface.
The reason for writing this blog is to show you how the emotions and the memories can blind you to TRUTH. These emotions have prevented me from even looking at any options relating to what to do with a houseful of furniture when you are leaving the country for a while. Logic dictates many options but when emotion springs to the surface of your being this can be blinding. I am fully aware consciously that a coffee table is just a table but the emotions and memories associated with the table are what is holding me in a pattern of frequency that is no longer serving. ALL is vibration and ALL is energy and the frequencies of the furniture have to be transmuted. I no longer live within the karmic dimensional timelines and holding on to things from those timelines no longer serve. For in TRUTH the memories are not within the table they are within my heart and my BEing. Holding on to a table because …. does not take the memory out of my heart, for the memories I have of my mother are always within my heart. Yet the old earth is trying to teach me that I must “keep hold” of things in order to keep hold of those memories and to keep the connection with her.
At this time upon planet earth we are all being asked to transmute the lower dimensional energy frequencies and anchor the higher dimensional energy frequencies. For me personally I cannot anchor the higher dimensional energies that are coming in for me whilst I hold on tightly to the ghosts of the SELF that I used to be. So different in vibration and outlook from the person I was even last week, I can no longer keep one foot in the old SELF and one in the new. I am asked to take a leap of faith and to follow my heart. It is to be noted that at an energy level I am more than happy with all that is now transpiring, the dream I have within my heart is now taking shape and it is a dream that I have worked with for well over a year, ironically this time last year I was in Los Angeles staying with friends. My life now a year later no longer resembles any of what was around me back then, people have moved on, people have stepped forward and all has changed. Often we do not realise how much our lives change because often the changes are so subtle.
Memories can also prevent us from fully being in the moment and that is also something that I am working with at this time. No amount of reminiscing is going to change the fact that my mother is no longer in her physical form and yet all around me are human family who are trying to re-anchor the patterns back into me. On hearing what I was planning my sister expressed her “horror” at what I was proposing to do, unable to comprehend why I would “give away” my life and start from scratch as it were. Unable to comprehend the energy frequencies associated with all that I had surrounded myself with, the ghosts that shared my home with me that I have been blind to and worked around. Would I have the coffee table if my mother had not died? possibly not, would she still have it if she were still alive? possibly not, yet I know of many people who “store/keep” things that belonged to people who have died for the connection that it appears to give them. Often when someone dies it is like you are wiping them off the face of the earth when you begin to dispose of their possessions, I remember the feeling well when my father passed away and then when my mother passed. It would be like they never lived for there is no trace of them physically upon the planet. THAT is the key to all in a way for it is those who are still in human physical form that yearn for the connection and try to physically manifest the connection. My mother is now energy in TRUTH, the work done on the higher dimensional planes has allowed her to come to me in the form of a guide, no longer in the mother “role” she played her upon planet earth. This allows her the freedom to move and to choose where to incarnate next if at all. She has chosen to walk with me as a guide and I send her much love for this. It took a while and a lot of clearing to reach this outlook, which is why the emotions around the furniture was so surprising, after all how can I accept the energy that incarnated upon this planet is no longer my mother but SOUL family in their energetic form and yet trigger over a coffee table?
The human vehicle is like an onion with layers of emotions over layers of emotions. I write this blog to highlight the challenges and the teachings of distortion that may now illuminate for you in your own human life experience for we are now approaching a new moon. This is a moon of new beginnings, new life and you are asked to release the old in order to step fully into the new.
Now i prepare to work through the emotions, to release the cords that have kept me chained to the lower dimensional frequencies and to bring in more LIGHT and the LOVE that IS to help me find balance once more. I now step out of where I have walked before in order to walk in new lands (literally) and new spaces for I have only the FEELing that is withing my heart space that is guiding me now and the FEELing is what keeps me peeling back the layers and healing and peeling back the layers to heal. Stepping out of the logic and the patterns was challenging, the temptation to keep everything and store it until the “future” when it was needed dissolved with the realisation of the triggers.
Now we are asked to be who we ARE THIS MOMENT, not who we were last year, last week or even yesterday. Look to the patterns that are there and then look again for there are patterns within patterns. We are here to live a human life experience, we lose no one in TRUTH for ALL ARE ONE. Now we are being asked to LIVE this TRUTH and to anchor this TRUTH.
with many blessings
Copyright Karen Doonan, all rights reserved