(Continued from Part 7.)
Equally shocking as the revelation that the dark cabal intended to decimate the world’s population through nuclear warfare is the revelation that they intended to reduce it through the release of laboratory-designed pandemic viruses.
Before turning to these engineered outbreaks, let’s look at what dark agenda pandemics served.
The Dark’s Pandemic Agenda
Matthew Ward told us in 2009 that the release of potentially-deadly viruses served numerous dark agendas:
“The darkly-inclined individuals’ aim [in releasing pandemic viruses] is to distract the attention of the populace from their growing demands for peaceful negotiations; indicting responsible ones in the US government who authorized torture; [hiding] the truth about the perpetrators of `9/11′; what caused the collapse of the global economy; the decades of government cover-up about the presence of extraterrestrials; who operates the illegal drug industry; the real purpose of chemtrails and weather control; the aims of the worldwide Zionist movement; and the `black ops’ behind terrorism around your world.” (1)
What Matthew called “designer diseases” were intended to spread panic and fear, which aids the cabal in many ways: “The media-created stir over new diseases like SARS and exotic flu types [is] intended to send the rest of the world into panic and everyone running for an inoculation.” (2)
The vaccines supplied were themselves toxic and contained nanotechnology with harmful effects.
“Fear is being deliberately created by the dark forces because fear’s energy is incompatible with the energy of light, so you can see that the fearful ‘what if’ situations are making the progress of the light more difficult.” (3)
Creating laboratory diseases also enriches the pharmaceuticals industry, Matthew said. “African AIDS victims have no money to buy outrageously expensive drugs.” For that reason, “the new designer diseases are released in populations that do.” (4)
However the darkest reason for creating man-made diseases is not to instil fear in people or cause them to buy expensive cures, but to eliminate a large proportion of the Earth’s population deemed to be “useless eaters,” Matthew says. “Far more pernicious than greed and fraud is the larger goal of the peak of darkness, which is to vastly reduce the population this force considers useless to serve them.” (5)
Of AIDS, he later wrote: “This laboratory-designed disease is the most successful of the dark forces’ methods within the past half century to reduce the world’s population.” (6)
“As long as the dark forces retain any power, they will continue attempts to unleash their laboratory-devised viruses to vastly reduce Earth’s population—achieving this end has been part of their scheme for global domination. With AIDS and various types of conditions diagnosed as cancer, they have achieved success primarily by means of the toxic medications and treatments, but the introduction of new diseases will not succeed.” (7)
Reports of Pandemics
Although it isn’t generally known, AIDs was a man-made virus, according to Matthew Ward, who wrote in 2003: “laboratory-made diseases—which AIDS is [are] man-designed for the purpose of causing sickness and death.” (8) Millions and millions have died from this man-made pandemic, he says.
“While millions in African countries have died and many more millions are suffering from the effects of AIDS, most governments have virtually ignored the plight of the weakened nations where the disease is endemic.” (9)
“So, even though not much longer will AIDS plague Earth’s peoples, exposing the fraud about drugs is part of the truth-bringing. Most create additional adverse physical conditions that still more drugs are prescribed to ‘treat,’ and the manufacturers know this.” (10)
When Suzy Ward asked Matthew about mad cow disease in the U.S., he told her that it was more of the same – man-made diseases being introduced into the population. In the course of his comment he disputed the official story that AIDS came from infected monkeys.
“[Mad cow disease comes from] a ‘planted,’ deliberately infected animal. Thinkers are not accepting the official line any more than they accepted that the first diagnosed cases of AIDS, in two United States cities across the country from each other, were caused by infected monkeys in Africa.” (11)
“Of course the virus did not come from monkeys on a different continent from the one where the first AIDS patients were diagnosed not long after being infected with the virus.” (11)
A cure has existed for AIDS from the beginning, he tells us.
“Always a cure is developed along with these manmade diseases. The peak of darkness considers the scientists expendable, but the scientists do not see themselves that way, nor anyone they care about, so the means to stop the viral damage is known to them.” (13)
On the other hand, those who followed the officially-prescribed treatment for AIDS usually died and were intended to die, he reveals.
“HIV diagnoses do not mean AIDS follows, but the prescribed treatment is fairly certain to bring on AIDS, just as the drugs for treating the symptoms of AIDS are fairly certain to cause physical death. I say ‘fairly certain’ because some individuals who have opted to depart from the established medical regimen have returned to sound health through alternative means. When this occurs, it is a matter of the pre-birth agreement, with those individuals listening carefully and heeding the messages of their souls to take that alternate therapeutic route and recover.” (14)
While later man-made diseases like SARS and avian flu were stopped by the galactics, Matthew tells us that:
“There was no provision for extraterrestrial intervention, which could have neutralized the AIDS virus as was recently done with the SARS virus and also the avian flu virus, to prevent its intended mutation into a contagion situation for humankind. Many souls, aware of AIDS’ devastating course, chose to experience it as a concentrated karmic lesson that would complete their third density learning and permit evolution to fourth [or fifth]. “ (12)
At the time he said this, the cabal was spreading sickness in the Ukraine, which our galactic family overcame.
“The mysterious illness striking in the Ukraine and spreading beyond its borders is a continuation of the dark ones’ biowarfare. After failure to produce the intended global fear and death toll with the SARS, avian flu, and swine flu/N1H1 viruses, which were neutralized by our space family’s technology, the darkly-inclined ones developed a combination of strains whose virulence cannot be destroyed with the same high degree of success as with those three lesser toxic laboratory-designed viruses.
“The intended pandemic and death toll will not happen, but not all who become sick will recover.” (13)
Though Matthew has reported the situation most often, others have as well. Here are Sheldan Nidle’s sources commenting on the dark agenda in this area.
“We have observed the many biological projects produced in the dark cabal’s laboratories. While we have drastically curtailed these projects since the late 1990′s, several of them, introduced during the 1970′s and ‘80s, devastated your world and became major global epidemics.” (14)
SaLuSa also warned us about what the Illuminati were doing and how the Galactic Federation of Light was responding.
“Fear is the weapon of the dark Ones, and it has crept into all aspects of your life. The threat of Swine Flu is grossly exaggerated, and the vaccine can be every bit as dangerous as the flu itself.
“We see a major revolt against it, and the imposition of its mandatory use will engender a great backlash from the public. Like a number of earlier flus, it is man made, and intended to keep you in a state of panic.
“That you have woken up to how you are being used and abused has stalled the progress of the Illuminati plan to hold you all in their grasp. We also have some input into such matters, and we are allowed to limit the extent to which such plans are successful.” (15)
In the next article, we’ll look at the global nature of the pandemics and the ET intervention which ended them.
(Continued in Part 9.)
(1) Matthew’s Message, April 28, 2009, athttp://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm. By “Zionism” Matthew does not mean legitimate Jewish sentiments. On March 1, 2012, he explained:
“One of the truths to come forth is that Zionism, which by dark intent has been made synonymous with Judaism, actually is a bellicose political movement within the Illuminati, and its aim for more than six decades has been to create conflict and instability in the entire Middle East. Zionists, who have wielded powerful influence within and behind major governments and their military forces, do NOT represent the Jewish peoples in Israel or anywhere else. And, like all other Illuminati factions, they have been committed to that cabal’s goal of global domination.
“Although Semites are of diverse national origins and religions, the Zionists have been successful in convincing many that “anti-Semitic” is exclusively prejudice against the Jewish peoples and opposition to Israel’s right to defend itself from its “enemies.” By means of that blatant distortion, they obtained not only world sympathy, but also massive defense funding from Israel’s allies, most especially the United States, all of which served to increase the Illuminati’s vast profits from their industrial-military machine. “
(2) Matthew’s Message, Dec. 31, 2003.
(3) Matthew’s Message, Feb. 16, 2005.
(4) Matthew’s Message, Dec. 31, 2003.
(5) Loc. cit.
(6) Matthew’s Message, Jan. 19, 2006.
(7) Matthew’s Message, April 5, 2005.
(8) Matthew’s Message, Jan. 19, 2006.
(9) Matthew’s Message, Dec. 31, 2003.
(10) Loc. cit.
(11) Loc. cit.
(12) Matthew’s Message, Jan. 19, 2006.
(13) Matthew’s Message, Nov. 19, 2009.
(14) Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation, “Summary of Sheldan Nidle’s Teachings,” undated, http://tinyurl.com/omtry7z.
(15) SaLuSa, Sept. 9, 2009, athttp://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.html.