(Continued from Part 5.)
The truth of the destruction of the underground bunkers revealed.
I’ve told the story elsewhere of how the galactics prevented World War III. Interested readers are directed to those existing accounts.
“How Many Times Have Extraterrestrials Saved the Earth? – Part 4 – The Space Beings have Prevented Nuclear War,” at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/03/how-many-times-have-extraterrestrials-saved-the-earth-part-4/
“How Many Times Have Extraterrestrials Saved the Earth? – Part 5 – Continued,” athttp://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/03/how-many-times-have-extraterrestrials-saved-the-earth-part-5/
Let me simply repeat what SaLuSa told us on Sept. 21, 2012: that the elite planned to foment a nuclear war and will not be allowed to do so.
“The warmongers still try to start another World War, but do not be alarmed as they will not be allowed to do so. We can use whatever powers we have to prevent it, and some of our advanced technology is quite astonishing and absolutely perfect for these purposes.
“Indeed, we have often used it to keep a relatively peaceful situation on Earth, when certain elements would have launched all out war against another country.” (1)
But one part of that story has not been told. That’s how the deep underground bunkers, in which members of the cabal intended to pass the nuclear winter following World War III were destroyed. These bunkers had been built with the aid of exteraterrestrial technology.
With their destruction, the cabal knew that their plan for world domination was defeated.
Quite some time ago, George Green described how various elected officials and other Illuminati hangers-on vied for tickets to the bunkers as their guarantee that they would survive the expected nuclear World War III Here is that discussion from Kerry Cassidy’s transcript:
GG: And then I said, Ah, the heck with it. So, Desiree and I, we moved to Boulder, Colorado, and I said, I’ll just kinda kick back.
But then I sat in on a meeting with the Governor of Colorado, and he’s discussing the underground facilities in Australia, and he got his ticket.
I said, What ticket?
[Pause] … He’s one of the chosen ones.
KC: Oh, wow.
Bill Ryan: George, I have to ask you, though, if there are a bunch of people who have tickets for these underground facilities in Australia and elsewhere… what’s the need to go underground at that point? Is it to do with war, or to do with…
KC: Nuclear fallout?
GG: Yeah. Nuclear fallout. (2)
These deep underground military bunkers (or DUMBs) were designed to protect the Illuminati elite. Without them, the elite would have to suffer the same agonizing death that people trapped on the surface would.
David Wilcock broke the news that the cabal’s deep underground military bunkers had been destroyed in August 2011. Most people could not understand what appeared to be earthquakes in places like Virginia and Colorado that seldom had earthquakes. But David understood. His first oblique mention of it came in Sept. 2011:
“Two huge underground cities were destroyed on August 23rd — which may be seen by historians as the critical moment in which the war was won. …

“UPDATED Wednesday 9/21. No radioactivity was found in either of the bases. Method of attack still unknown. Damage is so extreme there will be no effort to access them. Scroll to bottom of article for more.
“NOTE SUNDAY 10/2: There have been significant new developments, including good intel that as many as six additional bases were destroyed soon after the first two. …
“I am not permitted to go into specifics, but I can now comfortably say that in addition to the first 8, MANY additional bases have now had all personnel and materials mysteriously removed. It happened within the last week. In this case, the rooms are still there, but they are now empty — except for some broken pieces of furniture.
“I know this sounds ridiculous, but this is the situation. Apparently no one has died from any of these incidents. Audio recordings reveal the sounds of furniture sliding all over the place and people yelling for up to 24 hours before it stops. …
“I must admit that since the sources who revealed this latest development to me have demonstrated profound trustworthiness, I was so overwhelmed about the news of the sheer number of bases that have now been affected by this campaign that I burst into tears.
“I don’t know how long it will take for the results of all this to be public for everyone, but it most definitely appears that the Old World Order are being forced to surrender by the same ETs that have systematically protected us from nuclear holocaust.” (3)
(Continued in Part 7.)