- our science is using Zero Point Energy for propulsion and many other wonders but is being suppressed by our military industrial complex by force. The Extraterrestrials who work to help liberate Earth from a state of ignorance look forward to sharing their science which is 1 million to 100 million years ahead of what we now know.
- our governments went into treaties to allow ET abductions, mutilations and hybrid implantations widely experienced by millions of people without interference in exchange for advanced technologies
- 911 truth - The night before NESARA Law was to be announced Donald Rumsfeld the then Secretary of Defense went on ABC news to announce that 2.3 Trillion dollars ʻhad gone missingʻ. The next day on September 11, 2001 a missile was directed into the Pentagon building and hit the servers where the military finance accounting was stored on large computers.
- The International Space Station is not as it appears. We know the Altimarians work with our Earth Scientists on joint projects as well as Extraterrestrials from other places
- Galactic Intervention in the form of Clones and Holograms has been a dispensation to help us move toward Disclosure since Harmonic Convergence in August 1987
New Paradigm for Earth
Science unravels the mystery of nature. Far too long we have been held captive by stories of traveling the speed of light and locked in by petroleum propulsion for our planes, trains and automobiles. As we found out at the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure from Dr. Robert Wood, Dr. Thomas Valone, Dr. Steven Greer and witnesses from more than ten countries, the extraterrestrial sciences seen in space defy what we understand in physics. What is less often being told is that our science is using Zero Point Energy for propulsion and many other wonders but is being suppressed by our military industrial complex by force. This is one of the obstacles to announcing Disclosure. How do we tell Congressmen that all they have believed in, the lies they fell for based on ignorance held back our civilization from having advanced technologies and free energy? So much has been withheld that caused a lot of misery for billions of people. We will all have to forgive ourselves for not demanding the truth be told. The science we bank on today is not even one percent of the mystery of nature. This is a Cosmic Crisis because Earth depends so much on other Planets and the Civilizations which live there. The Extraterrestrials who work to help liberate Earth from a state of ignorance look forward to sharing their science which is 1 million to 100 million years ahead of what we now know. The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure was a purification preparing for the abundance to come. Preparation, renewal and a reminder of the fulfillment of those whose work it is to bring bliss to Earth.
Mischief in the Making
Some where along the line we began believing gold is the main vehicle for wealth. In this world everything else has devalued. Gold today represents wealth. Those making money since 1972 based on the petroleum economy of Earth have 100s of millions of dollars – much of it socked away in off shore accounts – more than they could ever spend – and they refuse to let go of $10 million dollars to change everything. St Germain and others have given an invitation to those with excessive wealth to open the path to liberation for the whole Planet and as of this writing they continue to refuse. Everything has become distorted. Once the invitation is extended to help then the karma becomes that of the wealthy One who refuses to help. Granting Earth the hand up clears the karma for those caught up in the Star Wars of thousands of years ago. It is an honor not to be missed.
When we have Full Galactic Disclosure then we must face up to Earthsʻ long history of engaging with Extraterrestrials. There was a period from around the 1920s to the 2009 when Extraterrestrial abductions, mutilations and hybrid implantations were widely experienced by millions of people. Back then our governments went into treaties to allow these things to happen without interference in exchange for advanced technologies. This happened due to greed of a few and this is where the money was made.
911 At The Pentagon – Defense Accounting Computers Destroyed By Missile Attack
It came through private companies building new technologies and gaining the boon to selling these technologies to countries over all Earth.
Understand. In order to implement these clandestine cooperatives new laws were written to support these activities directly. Laws effecting banks, education, medicine, governments, currencies, land ownership, illicit drugs, our militaries and intelligence were written to keep the Secret Space Program functioning while hiding the technology and the money laundering from public scrutiny. The night before NESARA Law was to be announced Donald Rumsfeld the then Secretary of Defense went on ABC news to announce that 2.3 Trillion dollars ʻhad gone missingʻ. The next day on September 11, 2001 a missile was directed into the Pentagon building and hit the servers where the military finance accounting was stored on large computers. April Gallop took this issue to court suing Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Richard Meyers for endangering those at the Pentagon. President Bushʻs cousin John Walker heard the case in the Second Circuit which was eventually dismissed. There was never a plane at the Pentagon. There has been a deep, deep and far reaching across the board refusal to allow the truth to come out. This is why it is called The Truth Embargo. We are seeing in the news now the IRS is coming under attack, the bribed bank officials in China are under fire, The media AP have been exposed, Eric Holder and Ben Bernanke are being held to task by Elizabeth Warren for Too Big To Jail, CIA and FBI members have been killed in different ways – all players who have kept these secrets can no longer run and hide. They are turning on each other. 
President Obama hugs Gabby Giffords after her presentation to Congress in 2013 asking for legislation on gun control.
The Truth Is Very Difficult
On April 17, 2013 an explosive wrapped in ceramics was dropped from the International Space
Station. The Blast registered 2.1 on the Richters Scale. It was reported on 911 as ʻa bomb explodedʻ. There were multiple buildings around there that were leveled and there was a large crater left where the bomb hit.
Immediately following this a false flag went out in Boston to cover over any speculation in West, Texas that a bomb was dropped in a place where an explosion could be perceived. Boston was a Black Op and was a diversion to take our attention off the fact that the United States had been bombed by the United States. Why? We do not fully know and it is still being investigated. The Citizen Hearing testimony made it clear that decades of information has been suppressed which would explain these relationships between those representing the United States and the Citizens who have given away their power.
Station. The Blast registered 2.1 on the Richters Scale. It was reported on 911 as ʻa bomb explodedʻ. There were multiple buildings around there that were leveled and there was a large crater left where the bomb hit.
Even as this is hard to receive we have evidence that something on the International Space Station is not as it appears. We know the Altimarians work with our Earth Scientists on joint projects as well as Extraterrestrials from other places. Gabrielle Giffords, former Congresswoman from Arizona had appointments on these committees when she was shot in the head: Committee on Armed Services, Subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land Forces, Subcommittee on Readiness, Committee on Science, Space and Technology, Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics (Ranking Member) Subcommittee on Technology and Innovation. She also is married to Astronaut Mark Kelly who was Commander of ISS a number of times and whose twin brother Astronaut Scott Kelly was the current Commander of ISS January 8, 2011, the day Gabby was
It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better
All over the internet are paid disinformation agents, CIA Agents infiltrated into the media and false stories so it is very difficult to know what is true. Often horrific stories are told which have no truth at all and there is no way to verify them. Many dubious plans have been hatched over the years by those still wanting control over the StarGates, still waging wars for that control and wanting control over natural resources on Earth to trade in deep Space.
The Galactic Federation Is Here Now Helping Us
Those in the Ashtar Command have been helping us from many points in Space, the Pleiades, Niburu, Arcturus, Alpha Centauri and many other Civilizations with technologies vastly greater than ours. The Wing Maker Ships and Pleiadian MotherShips help us with environmental disasters and mitigating effects to the Poles
preventing a shift. There are also Sun Cruiser Ships which are massive beyond your belief. These have been seen on youtubes driving past the Sun and seemingly pulling energy out of the Sun.
After many years of observing nuclear weapons proliferation on Earth Ashtar and the Legions of Light made a permanent change to Earthʻs atmosphere rendering all nukes useless. On April 22, 1999 Ashtar using two Sun Cruisers hurled two balls of light into our Sun Sol and this changed it from hydrogen based to helium based rendering all nuclear weapons duds. No nuclear weapon discharged since then has had an atmospheric effect. These technologies are millions of years advanced to what we know now.
Galactic Intervention in the form of Clones and Holograms has been a dispensation to help us move toward Disclosure since Harmonic Convergence in August 1987. Russia in the X17 facility in Siberia and the United States in Area 51 have had cloning programs. They have been used by the dark and the light. A portion of the persons original DNA is used. When it is time a remote control will shut down these clones and holograms and they will no longer exist on this timeline. When this happens the solutions will have been put into place for Disclosure, for our economies, governments and religious organizations. Last week BBC news in the UK featured advances in human cloning on the front page of their newspaper. These articles are to help us ease into the very difficult stories which will come out with Full Galactic Disclosure. Only around 65 of 535 United States Congress are still human. The others are either solid holograms or clones and that explains why they have no soul and will not move forward to change things. These Clones and Holograms are controlled by the KOS. The war criminals have been removed from power and when it is time their stand-in will be turned off. The arrests are complete now whether we are aware of it reported to the public or not.
These pictures from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory show the three X-class flares that the sun emitted in under 24 hours on May 12-13, 2013. http://youtu.be/uEodMTGl4rg
This Week A Very Large Operation Was Averted with Help From The Sun Cruiser Ships From The Ashtar Command
A failed and very elaborate operation from the International Space Station was planned during this period of an immense influx of light between the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on April 25, 2013, the New Moon Solar Eclipse on May 10, 2013 and the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse which will be the Wesak Full Moon on May 25, 2013. The result of the intervention by the Highest Forces of Lights utilizing the Sun Cruiser Ships again were four massive CMEs launched from the Sun. These Extraterrestrials helping in this are human Galactics. They live on the Ships, not on Earth, though many have had incarnations on Earth. Some are of the Angelic Realms, some are from other Stars, some are Ascended Masters. These Extraterrestrials are our Galactic Family and we are a Galactic Civilization. When we accomplish World Peace with the enactment of NESARA Law we become eligible to join the Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds as the 33rd Member and participate as Galactic Members at the Galactic Round Table. We have been preparing for this a very long time. The CME blasts were felt on Earth about 48 hours after leaving the Sun. This was an organized and coordinated effort from the Ashtar Command which purpose was to effectively strengthen the electromagnetic grids around Earth and create a force effecting the tetrahedral core of Earth found at 19.5 degrees within Earth where the Earth Crystals of Arkansas and other places are engaging in their new role inside the mountains there. This process helps Earthsʻ stability in the physical realm. This process is preparing for a Zero Point Energy forcefield created by the grid of energy becoming activated between the Earthʻs Pyramids, Ziggurats, Obelisks, StarGates and Zero Point Modulators (ZPMs). Within this forcefield no mischief will longer be possible.
El Hierro island in the Canaries off the shores of Morocco had a large crack in the seabed under the Island going back to the nuclear explosion which destroyed the Earth Crystal during the time of Atlantis. Many who are incarnated now have returned to work out the karma associated with that event. Back then during a power struggle the Palaces of China were the target for nuclear destruction. We are playing out these scenarios today. We play with the idea of nuclear war with North Korea, South Korea and China. The nuclear destruction during the time of Atlantis 5000 years ago left a seven mile deep hole and great cracks in the floor of the ocean. Continents sunk. The one that was a very
big fissure came from the Bermuda Triangle,
where the Crystal was shattered, all across
t he Atlantic Ocean to the Azores in the Canary Islands.
These land masses today are rising and a great island is being formed by volcanic activity under the Canary Islands. If the volcano which is under great pressure blows at El Hierro it could complete the large fissure which would effect changes in Florida and all the way up the East Coast into Newfoundland. The only way this could happen would be if the dark Ops were allowed to use the technology they have on the International Space Station.

The release of the four CMEs in two days from the Sun through the technology on the Sun Cruisers averted the attack planned from the International Space Station which could have caused major trauma for thousands in the United States. It would have been like being struck byʻKatrinaʻ and ʻSandyʻ at the same time with massive flooding and destruction. An event such as this could have diverted plans for Disclosure for an unacceptable amount of time. The operation has been successfully cancelled.
Connect The Dots
This Video http://youtu.be/W0xzsbSbVUE Links NESARA, 911, and Disclosure. Witnessed by U.S. Major General Albert (Bert) Newton Stubblebine III, U.S. Army, retired. Last job – In Charge of All Army Strategic Intelligence Forces Around The World. George W. Bush sat there in the classroom after his Chief of Staff told him the U.S. was “under attack” he just sat there continuing to read with the children for several minutes.
Dick Cheney Was in Colorado on 911 at the NSA Astronaut Headquarters inside the mountain across from Air Force Academy and he Ordered the Air Defense Systems in NYC and D.C. turned OFF.
THEN he flew to D.C. and took his place in the White House 50 stories underground with NSA operatives while he commanded with a joystick the Missiles which hit the Twin Towers while “W” was with Jeb in Florida.
This was the morning Alan Greenspan was going to Announce NESARA Law Provisions in Public and the North Tower held the Computers on Floor 1 & 2 which would have changed us over to Treasury Bills throughout the Banks. Has NESARA been enacted then we would have achieved World Peace – no more war. No trouble.
This was the morning Alan Greenspan was going to Announce NESARA Law Provisions in Public and the North Tower held the Computers on Floor 1 & 2 which would have changed us over to Treasury Bills throughout the Banks. Has NESARA been enacted then we would have achieved World Peace – no more war. No trouble.
Disclosure, Announcements and NESARA The Big Picture
Now that the small “d” disclosure event has come to pass April 29th – May 3rd in Washington D.C. and all the testimony has been shared with former members of Congress we are prepared for big “D” Disclosure which will be President Obama with his Military and Intelligence representatives announcing to the world that the United States has engaged with Extraterrestrials. If another Head of State from another Country goes first President Obama will have to follow quickly behind and miss his chance at being The Disclosure President. At least thirteen other Countries Air Forces all have video tapes from their Fighter Gun Video Mounts with indisputable evidence that the United States and other governments have engaged with Extraterrestrials. It is time now for an official Announcement to the public and delaying it is very foolish for those involved who will be held accountable. Twelve years after 911 preempted enactment of NESARA Law public Announcements will begin the Economic and National Security Reformation. When you watched the testimony from these very brave men who are aged and have kept their secrets for a lifetime – did you contemplate what would have kept Disclosure from happening sooner? It wasnʻt the Nazi Extraterrestrial Crafts reported to Eisenhower by the CIA. It wasnʻt time traveling War Criminals traveling through rifts in time. It wasnʻt Alien Abductions or 911. Those events are greatly important but it is so much more!
Disclosure, Announcements and the enactment of NESARA Law happen simultaneously. This will raise the collective consciousness of all on Earth. Everyone will be able to handle the Truth. We have been slowly prepared for a dozen years now. We are at a cross roads now that the final dubious plan has been averted by The Extraterrestrials working to free Earth from tyranny. It wonʻt be long now. Elizabeth Trutwin © All Rights Reserved. http://GalacticRoundTable.net, http:// GalacticRoundTable.co, http://ElizabethTrutwin.org
Listen to 911 Witnesses to Bomb dropped on West, Texas here: http:// video.foxnews.com/v/2308772779001/911-calls-after-deadly-fertilizer-plant-explosion/
Hi Everybody! I have built the NEW http://GalacticRoundTable.net As soon as I am done loading information from http://GalacticRoundTable.org I will forward all other sites to the new site. Please let me know your thoughts. Email me any questions you have eltrutwin@gmail.com I have discontinued my radio program for now because the financing is no longer available. I am looking into other free alternatives now and I will keep you updated. In the last week on air I interviewed Stephen Bassett, Senator Gravel, Ron Garner and Gary Heseltine. I am youtubing these now and will send them along in an email very soon. With these tasks behind me I am finishing the full transcripts of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure and those will be available immediately. With these many tasks behind me I will finish the two books I have promised which were well into production at the beginning of April before I left town for some weeks. The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure has made it so that I will never be the same again. With the testimony out there for all to see I feel no one on Earth will ever be the same again. If you have not yet witnessed the testimony you may do so at http://CitizenHearing.org for $3.80 It is not to be missed! I will start to catch up on emails and schedule readings again tomorrow. Sending All My Love, beth