My spiritual learning has taught me that we have so many diseases because we are at Dis-Ease with our inner self, our higher self. When our intention is not aligned with our soul purpose, the disconnection is manifested as disease in our physical body.

KEY ~ Be the witness, do not attach to your mind stories
Most of us are in a deep sleep of unconsciously attaching ourselves to our thoughts, binding ourselves tighter to the thoughts with our emotions. We identify ourselves as our thoughts and we suffer. Thoughts happen in the mind, the mind is a data center of all past experiences and happenings and their interpretation through the data collected. The mind knows only the past and it likes to travel into the fantasies of the future. The past and the future exist only in the mind. The mind constantly thinks itself into a world of time, a world of past, future, ideas, concepts, opinions, dreams and fantasies. When one is in deep sleep, one gets lost in this created world of time which is an illusion. True freedom is waking up from this world of time/ this world of human thinking/ this dis-ease of humanity.
Identification with the mind and its constant repetitive stories disconnects us from the truth of life at this moment. Due to this disconnection even the present moment is seen through the eyes of the past stories, the past is projected on to the present and re-experienced again and again, which is also known as 'karma' in the East. Projecting the past on to the now moment distorts the gift of the present moment and life seen through this distortion is extremely painful. The mind stories separate us from the world around us and from the truth of who we are. There is no ease with any situation, with any person or even with oneself. Being aware of the mind stories, being a witness to our thoughts and noticing them is understanding the truth of who we 'are not'. Allowing the thoughts to pass by and understanding ourselves as the being beyond all thoughts and concepts and knowing the truth of who we 'are not', helps us to be aware of who we 'are'.
It is wise to wake up to the truth of the Present Moment from this created dis-ease of the mind stories. Every human is gifted with the capacity to wake up and live consciously every moment. Being consciously present to the now moment is the powerful key to get out of the dis-ease of the mind. We are the immortal Spirit, the eternal Soul, the essence of the Divine in perfect expression in physicality, that existed before knowledge, before the creation of this physical world. If we get disturbed by thoughts about created situations and physical things, we limit ourselves and we lose our freedom to be in joy and peace. When we understand and know that we are not our thoughts then it becomes the greatest key to know and be the truth of who we are.
Who we are is the part of the Creator that is all abundance and fullness of life. Getting out of the way of thoughts and allowing them to pass, being a witness of life, and acknowledging the good that is already in our life is the way to be in joy, peace, and freedom.
Since the Universe works on the principle of "reap what you sow", it is wise to understand that whatever we are seeking is already in us. Whatever we think we are not receiving form the world around us, we go ahead and give the world that which we are seeking, so that whatever we are seeking will be given back to us in plenty. Hence if we are seeking love, friendship, understanding or kindness from others, it is wise to give away these things from ourselves to others so that the Universe knows that you understand that you are the source of all abundance and will fill you with the wellspring of abundance that you seek.
Let us choose to be the conscious creators of abundance for ourselves and our Planet!
~Premlatha Rajkumar