(Continued from Part 3.)
The truth of the cabal’s intentions to start World War III and enslave the human race must be revealed
I’m going to go through this part of the series in a fair amount of detail because the revelation that the Illuminati planned to start World War III and decimate the human race is perhaps the hardest for most people to accept but the most important of all the emerging truths to know about.
Matthew Ward advises us that “you need to know why your world became a hotbed of corruption and deception and bloodshed, why Earth reached the point of near death and called out for help, why other civilizations came to her rescue, why the Golden Age was planned. All of that is why you are where you are!” (1)
SaLuSa explains that “the truth behind many dark operations is leaking out. … The truth will come out regardless of what steps are taken to hide it, and we will back up the evidence against the Illuminati for the crimes committed against you by them.” (2) He continues:
“Sooner or later you will have to face the awful truth of how you have been used all along, to fill the coffers of those who have for eons of time been the driving force behind your governments. The extent of their power will truly astound and shock you, and more so when you realise how a large proportion of the population was destined to be eliminated. With our coming that threat has been removed, but history will show that the lives of millions were nevertheless subject to their insidious plots.” (3)
“Until you learn how you have been manipulated and used by the dark Ones, you will have little idea of how far their tentacles reached.” (4)
The Illuminati drive for world domination took many paths. Along with their plans for World War III, they also did all they could to deprive national populations of their civil rights, as SaLuSa tells us.
“You have been totally misled about your rights, that have been slowly taken from you to remove your independence. Your enslavement was been very carefully planned, and you were nearly under the total control of the Illuminati.” (5)
Why would anyone want to hear about these matters? The Pleiadians explain:
“The revelations will indeed be pouring in one after another, and we are confident in stating that those of you who have already prepared yourselves and learned so much about the very subjects humanity is to be taught in the time ahead, will be able to both calm and inform those around you who may initially wish to panic or retreat back into the paradigm they feel comfortable within.
“This paradigm is to truly burst open, which is why your Light and your knowledge will be more needed than ever.” (6)
Sananda advises us to prepare ourselves for our lightwork by first learning the truth.
“Prepare your selves my beloved for the times that are fast approaching … by first becoming informed of the many atrocities that have been committed in the name of God or for misuse of power. This is only the tip of the proverbial iceberg as so much will be revealed to you shortly.
“That dear ones will be where you come in, to assist those who are asking. … So as they ask, you will be there to assist in their awakening and to extinguish all the flames of mistrust that arise and to quench their thirst for truth. Literally, ‘the truth shall set you all free.’ It is the truth that will pave the way for a new earth and a new heaven upon the earth for only in truth are a people actually free.” (7)
If we agree then that it’s necessary that we learn of the cabal’s attempts to start World War III and enslave the population, then let’s turn to those revelations.
(Continued in Part 5.)
(1) Matthew’s Message, Jan. 4, 2012, at http://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm
(2) SaLuSa, June 18, 2012, at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm
(3) SaLuSa, May 4, 2012.
(4) SaLuSa, Feb. 22, 2012.
(5) SaLuSa, April 2, 2012.
(6) The Pleiadian Council of Nine through Wes Annac, April 29, 2013 athttp://aquariusparadigm.com
(7) “Sananda: Only Love Prevails,” channeled through James McConnell, Feb. 28, 2012, athttp://www.meetup.com/Ancient-Awakenings/messages/31453472/