American TR3-B Aurora spacecraft
by Steve Beckow
Now that the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure has taken place, perhaps it’s time to review what we know about the galactic visitors who’ve been visiting this planet for millennia.
First of all, I’m not directing my attention to the so-called negative aliens such as the little Greys (Zeta Reticulans), Annunaki, and the like. These species, together with their terrestrial allies such as the U.S. Government under George Bush and previous presidents, are the cause of the abductions. My understanding is that the U.S. Government itself is the cause of the cattle mutilations.
These species have been escorted away from Earth years ago and are prevented from returning.
I’m reserving my attention for the friendly galactics who are gathered around the planet in numbers at this time. They hail from such star systems as Sirius, the Pleiades, Arcturus, Andromeda and many others that would not be readily recognizable to us.
They respect the universal laws; we do not. Hence they haven’t been intrusive and await our fear subsiding before announcing their presence. They’ve gradually made appearances over the years, including the odd fleet flyover above New York, London, Lima, Mexico City and other places. Videos on these flyovers existed but many have been banned or taken down from such sites as Youtube.
SETI listens for beeps and clicks, but many of the galactic visitors communicate with terrestrials telepathically and their messages can be followed quite easily on the Internet.
To my knowledge, SETI is a distraction and part of the massive cover-up of their existence. But the evidence of it is becoming overwhelming and undeniable.
The crop circles are another means by which they communicate with us.
The United States itself has had a space fleet (Solar Warden) since at least the 1970s and has bases on Mars and the Moon but few people know about them. The TR3-B Aurora is one example of an American spaceship. NASA is just for show and to distract the population. Far more advanced space-travelling technologies exist than anything NASA has, including teleportation.
The galactic visitors came in force after we exploded atomic bombs and thereby caused damage to other areas of space. Although the authorities will deny it, no one has been able to explode a nuclear device in space or on Earth (for hostile purposes) since decades ago.
They will not allow us any longer to make war on each other. If the media was not controlled, we might know that many weapons will not function at the present time.
They’ve removed depleted uranium and other forms of radioactivity from the air. Depleted uranium alone would have ended life on Earth, it is so destructive in even miniscule amounts. They prevented the Japanese tsunami from being much worse than it might have been. They removed a lot of the Fukushima radiation from the air.
They’ve forced the closure of such malevolent programs as HAARP (High Altitude Auroral Research Project, a weather-warfare program), rid the air of the polluting elements in chemtrails, halted numerous pandemics (SARS, Avian Flu, Swine Flu, etc.), and forced the closure of many deep underground military bunkers (DUMBs) where torture was being practiced and from which nuclear warfare was being planned.
You’ll notice that we haven’t had an earthquake in some time. Many of these were HAARP-induced, as were many floods, hurricanes, etc. There’s much more to say about their benevolent influence on us. They come from civilizations much more advanced than ours and promise us much good, if we choose to meet with them.
So far the governments of the world and their militaries, along with a controlled press, have concealed their existence but they won’t be able to conceal it much longer.
When the cover-up breaks, this planet stands to benefit from many new technologies that will do away with fossil fuels, eliminate diseases whose cures are known but have been withheld, bring peace and prosperity to the world, and many other advances which they make freely available to us, just as they’re freely available on their home planets.
They are human like us. In fact it was they who seeded the Earth in the first place. The human template, called the Adam/Eve Kadmon template, is more common in the universe than we imagine.
It really only takes us opening our eyes and our hearts to enter a new epoch in human history. They have patiently awaited us extending the invitation to them, all the while cleansing the Earth and keeping us safe from world war.
Steve Beckow
Editor, Golden Age of Gaia
Editor, Golden Age of Gaia