Everything is energy. When the soul incarnated into a body, the societal collective consciousness and the parents' consciousness all start to imprint on the soul. This is the incarnational energy matrix that creates the personal growth energy field. Ascension is the process that the soul awakens from the dense energy and process the suppressed stored memory of the collective consciousness of the energy matrix and release the sorrow, grief. Ascension begins when you desire to heal the old wound, and move forward, when you desire to communicate with ET, to have the self-realization you are oneness.
A light warrior's mission is to create the light grid - the new energy matrix that is formed through love and joy, to welcome and imprint the incoming souls who are called or choose to experience godness through physicality.
May 21,2013 MagentaPixie2012
We draw your attention to this information at this point, not only because it is part of your individual journey but because it is part of the collective journey.
The White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine speak through their conduit Magenta Pixie.
Music by Kevin Macleod
Images by Stock Xchng
Moving images by Motion Backgrounds For Free
Edited by Catzmagick Productions
First seen from http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/incarnational-energy-matrix-creating-grid-light-13th-baktun-true-occult-reality