
Archangel Michael: You are Crystalline and Getting Younger

The following is an excerpt from the In Light Radio show of Steve Beckow chatting with AAM channeled by Linda Dillion on April 15, 2013.

to see the full text, go to http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/04/archangel-michael-you-are-crystalline-and-getting-younger/

SB: Turning to our main subject today, can you help us understand the many changes happening to the human body? Are we crystalline at base yet, or still carbon? What can we expect in regard to our DNA strands coming back on line, and a larger number of chakras becoming operational?
AAM: Now, what I say to you — and I give this proviso because each of you is unique, so I speak in generalities of the collective — but you are understanding that there is a bandwidth here.
So when I speak generally, I am not speaking about those who are fully, completely, blissfully anchored in the higher realms, and I am not really speaking about those who are tenaciously clinging to the old 3rd.
But, by and large, your form is primarily crystalline.
There are still some, hmm, what we would call atoms, of carbon. If you think of your bodies as the many layers that you have, but we are talking about a physical body — and this is important for you to understand — think of it this way: that the crystalline overlay, the replacement, the re-gridding, the structure of who you are, is already there.
Now, if you think of it as a construct or even a thermometer, some of you are still at the base of your spine; some of you are at your cervical area; some of you are still very low in your root. But by and large the crystalline form is there and in place, with residual carbon.
The DNA has already been reactivated, and it is coming again on line, not as one switch, but bit by bit by bit. And you are assisting as well with that. And there are qualities that you are bringing to the forefront with your 13 strands of DNA.
Similarly, your chakras are being activated and opened. It is still important to not forget or not ignore the daily practices that have been in place to assist these transitions for thousands and thousands of years.
So what I mean by this is, for example, balancing your chakras.
And you say, “But Lord, I am a higher dimensional being now.” Well, dear heart, do not think that higher dimensional beings do not balance their chakras and their various bodies so that everything is harmonious. They do.
For your star brothers and sisters, this is essential work throughout the universe. So don’t think that you are being sent back to grade school. This is simply as clear as breathing, that you open and balance. And you are feeling the activation of the new chakras and the new meridians.
And what you are doing when you are balancing, in meditation and thought, is you are bringing to the forefront the energies that are going to feed the broader opening.
So it is like your physical body. If you do not feed it adequately — and let us talk about that! — then it does not operate at optimum level. So if you never drink water, never eat green, then of course you are going to be sluggish.
Similarly, if you do not take time in your physical spiritual practice, with your energy centers, then you are saying, “Well, I don’t really care about this. I’m just going to let it take place.” And as a part of the collective, yes, it will take place, and it is taking place. And particularly my brother Raphael has his work cut out for him working with all of you! (He is very glad about it.)
But when I say to you that we are in partnership, then that partnership also assumes, includes, requires that we do this work together.
There are parts of your brain, the human brain, even if you are hybrid or starseed; if you are in the humanoid form on Earth, not just a recruit, because there are many star beings that are on Earth and they have different mental capacities and formulations, shall we say; but if you are in a human form, there are parts of your brain that are being activated — by light, by love — that have never been activated before.
It was the original plan. When the Creator Race was first formulated, it was there. But it has not been there for thousands and thousands and thousands of years.
So for example, some of you feel as if you are — depending on how sensitive you are — that you are getting little electrical jolts in your brain, and in fact throughout your body. Because the turning of the switch — and we are not doing it all at once — but the turning up of the energy is very electrical.
The sensation that you would identify is a feeling of electricity, like there is too much electricity in your head. And that is part of the activation of portions and lobes, fissures and craters of your brain that have not been used. So that is being brought forward.
And this is also in a physical reality part of your ability to create and to manifest. So that what you are finding — and I know that there are some of you who are listening this night who would say, “Well, I am not seeing this, Lord.” Well, I am asking you to pay attention and to bring the light in through your crown.
What you can tell is that the time lag between a thought and the bringing of that thought into form is shortening. So in other words, your ability to position yourself where you wish to be in the interdimensional spectrum of space is becoming clearer, so that the time, that muddling through of positioning is becoming shorter and shorter.
The other thing that many of you are noticing — yes, and the channel has been reticent to talk about; but here we go — is that many of you are experiencing shifts literally that you feel in your chest, in your heart, in the movement of your blood, which is blood pressure. So you are experiencing palpitations, a racing heart, a feeling of sweats, day and night sweats. They are not hormonal; they are adjustments to your grid, to your body.
Your body, your heart — many of you — is beating faster, or sometimes irregularly, simply because it is incorporating the shift in energy. It is part of that shift from the carbon to the crystalline.
Similarly, many of you — now, I do not say if you think you are having a heart attack do not attend to it; of course you will attend to it. But I am telling you part of what is happening with your body. Toxins, and particularly emotional toxins, are coming out of your body.
So some of you may be experiencing skin irregularities — small cysts, yes, even small tumors — foul odors, and you are thinking, “What is going on?” Again, be vigilant, be cautious, but simply also know that what has ever been stored within your body — causal, mental, emotional — the toxins such as you were just speaking of, Steve, the toxins of observing and being in the energy of brutality, do not think this does not come into your sacred space.
Yes, you use my sword and shield, but still you are affected. And you are affected because you care, because you love, because you are Nova Beings, because you are the core of caring.
So these toxins are coming out. Some of you will feel even aches in your joints and in your bones and also know that that is stored memory, particularly in the bones. Because what is happening in the bones, it is like your rocks, your mountains.
They have taken memories that you have had, both collectively and also your own past lives, and if there are things within there that need to be released — and I do not only mean what you think of as debris; I mean also understandings of your talents, of your qualities, of your abilities — so if you are feeling achy in your bones, the violet flame is very powerful, even though as you know I am very partial to the emerald and to the blue.
But yes, any of the flames, just see that you are igniting within the core of the bone or at the base of a long bone. So for example, close to your ankle for your shins, and allow this to be cleared. It is a time when exercise or sweating — yes, walking, saunas — are very important, because it is allowing the sweat to eliminate what is of the old realm.
So these are some of the things…. Also what you are experiencing is rejuvenation. And I can hear the collective cheer go up, all the way to heaven. Now, this does not mean that you will move from being 60 to 20 tomorrow.
But what it does mean is that there is rejuvenation not only in the outer realm, but your organs, your cells. The cell of crystalline is substantially different than a carbon-based cell. It is lighter, it is brighter. It even moves in different patterns. Your scientists will get to this. Do not worry.
So you will feel more vigor. And it is also that sense that you feel that you can’t sit still, so that, yes, do your sacred practice, and be still, but then move, as you must. Many of you will find yourselves more comfortable in walking meditation. And do not make the mistake, dear hearts, [believing] that taking a [simple] walk is a meditation. A walking meditation is a practice unto itself. (1)
So these are some of the shifts. Some of you will notice you are even growing taller. Hair color is shifting. Eyes are becoming clearer. One of the biggest issues that we are hearing about from many is about teeth, because teeth are your receptors and your transmitters. It is extremely important, and it is particularly important for those of you sweet angels who are working with the galactics and inter-galactics. So pay particular care to your teeth during this time of transition.
Is this clear, dear ones?
SB: That’s very clear. And you’re such an easy person to interview, Lord. You’ve just answered three of the questions I had for down the line, and that’s just wonderful.
This is a question for particularly lightworkers. What is the process by which interdimensionality is restored? Is it the triggering of a DNA code, or an assimilation of energies, or some other process?
AAM: It is a combination. So you may think of it not simply as one element. So take the element of love, which is everything, and then apply it to your ability and your willingness to be and to stay in your heart consciousness, in your heart. So to think, to see, to be within that realm of heart consciousness. Because a huge part of this, as you put it, triggering of the interdimensionality, the multi-dimensionality, is willingness. It is an act of will. So you are saying “I will.”
Now, you have a very old saying upon the planet. “I will to will thy will.” And when you do that you are referring to the Source’s will, what you think of as the Godhead. Well, this is part of what is the activation.
So it is heart, it is will, and willingness, acceptance, and acceptance of the change, and then bringing it into action. It is the activation of the DNA, and it is the Divine activation? This is one of the places where we are still very much involved with you, not in judgment, but in assistance.
SB: If I may interject, Lord, you’ve raised a very interesting question by mentioning will, because it was by an act of will last week that I emerged from the constructed self, from the box of conditioning. It was distinctly by an act of will.
So perhaps you could talk a little bit more about how we can use our will to accomplish the goals that are before us in this time of Ascension? If that would be okay.
AAM: I would be very happy to do that. And I would like to preface what I say, because never do I wish my words to be construed as not understanding the trials, the tribulations, what you think of as struggles that so many lightworkers have experienced.
And so it is not my way to blithely say, yes, it is an act of will, and it’s up to you. So listen to me carefully, please.
Alignment — and this is one of the reasons why we have talked and guided and asked you to pay attention, to your chakras, to your meridians — that alignment of your will with the will is part and parcel, not only
of interdimensionality, but of raising the frequency. And we cannot give you much more frequency or vibration attunements without blowing your circuits; you are maxed!
So now you are saying, “I want, I will, to do this.” Now, you know in common usage that you use this word will all the time. “Oh, on Thursday I will go to the grocery store.” “Oh, I will see you on Saturday, so it’s all right.” That is very different, and each of you knows. Go into your hara, into your solar plexus, and join it with your heart as if this is one giant portal — because your chakras are portals — and remember the time; and there have been many times for each of you in this lifetime when you have said, not only to us but to yourself, “I will do this. I will do this if it is the last thing on Earth I do.”
And when that has come to pass, it is because it is a higher vibration. It is you claiming your ability to effect change, shift in interdimensional reality. Very seldom do declarations of will that are of the lower vibrations stick; they don’t hold. But a true decision, a heart decision joined with your center for will is powerful, because it catapults you within and throughout the universe into a different reality.
You have all had moments where you said, ‘I just got through by sheer willpower.” Willpower. And this is part of true power, in the sense of Divine power, infinite power, eternal power. It is using your spark to direct yourself, not another, but yourself.
We have repeatedly said to thee that Gaia is anchored in the 5th; therefore, beloved ones, your feet are in the 5th. But what you are doing is you are waiting for all the attunements, all the package, all the restructuring, and then to simply stand up and declare a new day.
But what we are saying to thee, how this can be achieved, for yourselves and there by ripple effect for the collective, is through an act of will. You have to will yourself. And seldom will I say you have to do anything, because that is not my role.
You have to will yourself to let go of those illusions of the old. They don’t serve you. They limit you. They hurt you. And then you turn to us and you say, “Lord, I am hurting. I am bereft. I am depressed. I am disappointed. Please help.”
We never turn away from you, but we are giving you, in this moment, a tool — well, it is more than a tool; it is an activation. Turn on the will. Accept your power to change. And I do not mean to color your hair or lose five pounds or move somewhere or get new jobs; I mean fundamental change that will shift everything, within you and on your planet. And far beyond.
Lord Jesus Sananda has said to you this year would involve change and acceptance of that change. Acceptance means that you will take it and work with it and go forward in it.
Now, if you need a jumpstart, we are here. If you say to me, to Gabrielle, to the Mother/Father One, “I think I have lost my will,” — and I have heard you; I have heard many of you say, “Yeah, I think I have lost my will to live,” — then ask, ask for that jumpstart.
But be willing to accept it. It may feel irregular, like the palpitations of the heart. It may feel momentarily uncomfortable as you let the old go, because it is the known.
We know that we are asking you to venture into the unknown, but you also know that. And you are yearning for that. So this will be the partnership. So yes, will plays a very strong role in this shifting reality.
SB: Thank you, Lord. I sometimes think of awakening the will as similar to stamping my foot. But I would like to squeeze in one last question — [music up] — oh! It’s too late. Let’s see if I can do it quickly.
Those people who come from the higher dimensions, as most of us do, is it a fragment of their higher dimensional self that incarnates, or the whole of it?
AAM: You are bringing in the whole of it. That is part of what is taking place with the activations.
SB: Okay. Thank you, Lord. This has been a very interesting hour, and I thank you very much.
AAM: Go with my love, and go in peace. Farewell.
SB: Farewell, Lord.


(1) Zen masters call walking meditation kinhin. It is slow and deliberate, mindful and focused.

