As channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana – April 7, 2013
Beloved Ones,
As the days march on into the new Age of Light and humanity is being cleansed of all old patterns of thought and behavior that no longer serves their higher purpose, the heartbeat of the Earth joins with them.
The Earth deeply desires to allow the time necessary for as many of her inhabitants to join her in her ascended state of expansion and so the Cosmic window of opportunity is still wide open to allow this change and transformation to occur. All upon the planet are finding themselves awakening to many truths that were not available for their conscious knowledge before these times that you are now in the midst of.
As these truths are revealed more individuals are finding themselves in difficulty, having to struggle to deal with acceptance of how much they have allowed their innate sovereignty as divine beings to be usurped by those they have allowed authority over their lives. The initial reaction is one of uncomfortable rejection of these truths followed by an internal upheaval as they try to process and overcome this requirement for awakening.
The good news is that the more who awaken to these truths, the greater the impetus becomes for all to awaken and that is what is occurring in your world in the now moment. All upon the planet are opening their consciousness to the idea that they are much more than they ever dreamed possible and that they have many rights they were not aware of before.
These are the end times spoken of by seers and prophets from the days of old. These are the times of tribulation that have been forewarned. What is required of each human soul in the now moment is to make a conscious choice and commitment to align with their own divinity and Source in whatever way is meaningful for them and to nurture that aspect of themselves with full consciousness and motivation. Every soul incarnated upon this planet has a magnificent destiny ahead for them but effort is required to transform former ways of thinking and doing into a new way that is more in unity with their own divine essence and being.
Upon the surface of your planet, seeming chaos is everywhere but all one has to do is become centered within themselves and daily align with their higher essence, to recall and intend to be the greatest vision of themselves and to expect the highest outcomes for all facets of their lives upon the Earth. It also requires each soul to recognize that each is going through their own versions of awakening, acceptance, growth and expansion and that all are united in this great undertaking. All must step up in their comprehension of the bigger picture of the events taking place and make sense of it in a way that will allow the greatest good for all.
Through it all, underlying all activities, is the remembrance that these times were chosen by each soul as a tremendous opportunity for soul growth and expansion that is rarely available anywhere else in the Universe. It is up to each and every creator being who is alive and experiencing life upon this planet to bring about the changes that will uplift and nurture all life in a positive and constructive, loving way, for when this happens there will be peace and harmony on Earth. Those in the forefront of this movement are asked to persevere and keep on keeping on, holding your Light and your Love as an anchor upon and within the Earth.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
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