Cosmic interstellar to intracellular
- Resonant frequencies
William Brown, a molecular biologist based at the Institute for Bioregenesis Research at the University of Hawai’i, did some Investigation into the connective tissue and extracellular matrix. He discovered new insights into the use of resonant frequencies for modulating bio-molecular functions. These bio molecular functions had the ‘..capacity to not only eliminate all diseases, but to prevent the formation of illness in the first place. It could even be used to reverse or stop the ageing process…’
DNA is the frequency transmitter
He also states that “DNA forms a continuous network that carries an electromagentic wave within the lumen (inside space of a tubular structure) that transmits information through the body. The light emission and absorption by biomolecules modulates/adjusts their function, and therefore prescribes the necessary resonant frequencies for their targets areas in the body.”
Dr. Royal R. Rife 1888-1971 stated that every disease has a frequency, substances with higher frequency will destroy diseases of a lower frequency.
Nikola Tesla, 1856-1943, pioneer of electrical technology discovered that if we could eliminate frequencies that interfered with our bodies, there would be a greater resistance toward disease.
"Father of Acoustics”, Ernst Chladni -German physicist and musician -conducted research on vibrating plates and the calculation of the speed of sound for different gases..1756-1827
Chladni figures are patterns that appear on surfaces when they are made to vibrate at certain resonances.
Kenichi Kanazawa visualizes sound using rainbow-colored sand
•Lower frequencies – attract lower frequencies / negative energy…create physical changes in the body.
•A healthy body resonates in frequency range between 62-72MHz .
•When frequency drops, our immune system is compromised.
Isn't it interesting when we say things like..."I'm feeling low, depressed, under the weather, blue etc.", when we are ill.
•Colds and flu resonate at a frequency of between 57-60MHz
•Disease … 58MHz
•Death … 25MHz.
SCENAR and Frequency
One of the functions of the SCENAR is to assist the body to recalibrate its frequency. Please go to this article HERE and HERE to learn more about the SCENAR and how to PURCHASE your own Personal Device.Information on the Professional bioSCENAR deviceHERE.