
Cobra's Interview with Alexandra Meadors, 7th January 2014

Published on Jan 8, 2014
* 2013 Overview (01:00)
* Official First Contact (08:00)
* Brotherhood of the Star (12:00)
* Reasons for the Past Delay of the Event (13:00)
* Draconian Control Over Humanity & the Quarantine (14:15)
* Last Attempt to Liberate Humanity Happened 2000 years ago (15:20)
* Delay of the Liberation Process is Possible, Cancellation of it is NOT (16:00)
* Time Frame for Completion of the Transformation 1975-2025 (16:20)
* Critical Mass, Global Meditations and Quantum Leeps towards the Event (17:00)
* The Lightforces aka The Resistance Movement (18:00)
* Snowden's Revelations, Morsi's Removal & the Mass Awakening in 2013 (19:00)
* Nuclear Tests, Nuclear Exploisons & Empty Threats Explained (21:00)
* 0% Increased Radiation in California and Japan in the last 3 years (22:20)
* Vatican, the Pope and the Jesuits Agenda (23:40)

* Fullford Update, Debt Forgiveness and the Cabal's Negotiations Tactics (27:00)
* Inter Galactic Commerce (28:20)
* January 1st and Completion of a Light Forces Operation Phase (30:00)
* RV, Revaluation a CIA Distraction Tactic (31:00)
* Prosperity Packages, the Reset and the Event (32:00)
* USA, the Constitution adn the Federal Reserve (33:40)
* Star Brothers Intervention & Comets Falling on Earth (37:35)
* Plutonium, Saturn and the Secret Space Program (39:50)
* Zeta Reticulans Assisting the Light Forces (41:00)
* Abductions are a thing of the Past (42:15)
* Only 1% of Snowden's Material has been Released (43:55)
* Imminent Asteroid Impact and Russia Warnings (44:20)
* Comet Ison's Full Disentegration (44:50)
* Viruses, Epidemics are all Under Control (45:20)
* Chemtrails and Purification of Earths Atmosphere (45:50)
* Russian, Chinese and German Troops on USA Soil & Arrests (47:00)
* Africa a Strategic Place for the Light Forces and the Cabal (48:00)
* Devaluation of US Dollar, NOT an Interest of the Light Forces (48:50)
* Light Forces Intervention and Life on Earth (49:00)
* ET Civilizations & the Humanity (49:40)
* The Reistance Movement, Suface Population & the Event (52:00)

