Every time I read this word, I hold deep respect in my heart. It often reminds me of a story I read from a Buddhist teacher Nan Huijin (南怀瑾). The late Master Nan told his students that in the old times before the communist came to power in China, in the Er Mei Mountain (峨眉山 ) which is one of the 4 famous Buddhist mountains in China, the elderly monk who resided there, every morning when he got out of his room, and he would see a monkey playing on a tree cross the other side, the elderly monk would bow to the monkey and say: “Good morning, Mr. Monkey!” He did not say it in a humorous way, he said it with every respect because he knew that monkey, is like him, a sentient being, sooner or later, will awaken. That is a perfect example of Namasté.
每当看到Namasté这个字,就让我想起已故南怀瑾大师讲过的一个故事。很早以前在峨眉山,山上居住的和尚,早上起来后,见到对面山上的玩耍的猴子,会深深地鞠躬:“早上好,猴居士!” 充满了敬意,因为他知道猴子是有情众生之一。这是对Namasté最好的注解。
I honor the place in you
in which the entire universe dwells.
I honor the place in you
which is of love, of truth,
of light, and of peace.
When you are in that place in you
and I am in that place in me,