
More Ascension Symptoms

Denise Lafay has written a few essays about ascension symptoms in the past couple of yrs. Below is the most recent update of the symptoms. I found myself have lot of the symptoms that Denise described. To add her list, I also have been experiencing severe vertigo since last summer and it is still going on every couple of days. I even went to see a doctor and he checked on me and found nothing wrong. So I know it is an ascension symptom and the conventional doctor will not be able to see.

Just as I was about to finish my last Vatican post, I literally felt the floor and the chair where I was sitting on were shaking for a few seconds and I could see the lamp by the computer was moving. Thought it was an earthquake? Called somebody and was told nothing happened. So it was just my unique experience.

Another thing I noticed quite often is time is really flying! Not only the day goes by fast, but anything that happened, be a place we went to, or somebody we met, a couple of days ago, when we recall that happenning, it is like they happened long, long time ago, time is, literally passing by, right in front of my eyes, like a movie. Everything, anything that happened quickly fades into the background of the past, a distant, fading memory.

I've also had moulting/sheding skins since last summer. Usually I had itchy skin during the dry winter time. But during the humid summer time? It never happened before. The itch starts from my scalp to my legs. Some day I'm like a monkey scratching all over the body all day long. LOL.
Here is what Denise said:

So this is what’s going on for me now along with other Ascension symptoms too. Here’s a short rundown of them because I know some of you reading this are going through this now too:

  • Ascension flu-like body aches and pains, chills
  • Inner cold flashes that radiates out just like “hot flashes” do
  • Parts of body internally and externally feel bruised and sore like I fell or was hit etc.
  • Parts of head and skull internally and externally feel bruised and sore like I was hit or hit my head on something etc.
  • Sudden nausea immediately followed by my heart/heart area hurting and feeling like a “muscle spasm” for a few seconds then it’s all gone
  • Head, skull, eyes, spine pains and pressures
  • Blurry vision again, dry sore eyes
  • My hair looks and feels like corpse hair again
  • Inner body thermostat in flux again. Inner cold flashes followed by inner hot flashes which build up skin sensitivities
  • Since 1-1-13 constant ringing in my ears — “ascension tinnitus”
  • Bouts of diarrhea (again) due to purging lower frequencies/density etc.
  • Sense of smell terribly amplified, smelling cooked food smells for DAYS to the point that it starts to make me nauseous… and pissed!
  • “Time” is present and then not, then back again, then not again. Increased difficulty with linear awareness, passage of linear “time”, day, date etc.
  • Actual dreaming (not daydreaming) while fully awake and doing other physical things
  • Increase of anomalies again. Walking into a room in my house and seeing something very different there instead of what’s normally there.
  • Increased awareness of positive higher-dimensional Beings nearby observing me/us, and them waiting for the next phase to begin with us


