So many scientists have been silenced, injured, banished or exiled from their place of birth,
imprisoned, tortured, and even killed, because of their work and their contribution to the
advancement of science for their nations and for humanity, by order of organisations and by
authorisation of the so-called men of power or leaders of nations, religions or other groups,
for political and/or financial gain. These inhumane attacks against scientists and the pain they
cause them, their families and humanity, are heinous acts that shall never be forgotten.
The truth about the scientists’ message to mankind will outlast these short-term peacock
pretenders and so-called leaders of insignificant power, and in time their criminal acts against
scientists will bring shame on these leaders of dust of the Earth.
These crimes against scientists are the most heinous crimes committed by these men of power and their servants in all levels of creation and these relentless attacks on them are considered equal to if not worse than the killing of religious prophets of the past and the future.
What will be the future for the souls of these so-called leaders supported by so-called
governments, religious, financial or scientific organizations and their misguided servants who
carry out their master’s orders?
As the scientists flock together like doves and as the present leaders of the world hunt
together like vultures, then the fate of men of greed and leaders of one sort or another and
their cronies who commit crimes against scientists has been and will surely be banishment to
the lowest corners of the universe, where the souls of these peasants acting like so-called
leaders will reside for eternity.
The same shall be true of their progeny and all their souls shall be condemned to the darkest
parts of the universe, where they will never progress and never be enlightened by anyone.
The souls of these leaders and of their offspring, who are the material beneficiaries of the
deliberately misguided actions of their forefathers, shall all stay forever at the level below the
level of the soul of man for eternity, which is nothing but the lowest of the lowest in all
realms of the world of creation.
Beware those who have committed and are considering committing such crimes to stop the
progress of all lives in all the realms of creation through development and release of new
science and intellect by the men of science, as scientists are nothing but the messengers of
God for the development of the intellect, social structure and physical progress of man. The
status of true scientists is equal in the sight of God to the status of prophets for the souls who
come under the banner of religion.
Therefore crime against one messenger who is a scientist is and has been the same as crimes against the messengers of the soul or religious prophets of God.
Then no wonder that certain civilizations of this Earth over centuries have been in the
doldrums of history as one nation or race has betrayed the messengers of the soul and another the messengers of knowledge. These messengers are equal in their status and mission for the progress of man’s life in this and future realms, for the progress of man’s physical body and soul on this Earth and in the universe.
By this act we put the status of scientific messengers on a par with the messengers of the soul and of religions of the past and the future, and from now on one shall not exist without the other as the prophets of the future. Both realms of knowledge have to be in harmony in one body and soul according to the present universal laws of coexistence, as the human race is to succeed in joining the universal community in the very near future and as man will be able to enjoy the harmony which has been established in universal communities with all the beauties of their creations in the universe.
M T Keshe
Iranian nuclear scientist
The founder of the Keshe Foundation