Since last December, each day I feel the uplifting energy from the sun that is helping me tremendously to focus on positive things. Are we going to see big changes starting from Feb. 14? All sleeping beauty, better wake up!
Major energetic shifts are to be expected through the date of 2-13-2013. Although actual calendar dates are not significant to us, the numerological aspect of the 2-13-2013 are significant. Acceleration on a grand scale (increased volume and intensity) of the “rectification” [prior post] are to be expected.
Alignment with this acceleration up-shifts those intending for up-step to Higher Dimensional Gaia. “Sleepers” are to be left temporarily on 3D Earth, yet with upgraded OS [Eireport note: presumably, meaning "Operating System(s)"]. Ascension of those remaining on 3D Earth will occur more rapidly in current cosmic cycle than the prior one.
“Up-shift to Higher Dimensional Gaia” intenders will up-shift as individual fields are cleared of expectations.
“Intend for the Light, and your Path is Bright…”
GaiaPortal Jan. 29: Rectification of all front line Light Beings is currently ongoing.
I noticed I have become more and more disinterested in and detached to the 3-D affrairs over the past year. Sometimes it feels difficult to talk with former colleagues, schoolmates, friends and families who are so deep entrenched in their illusion of the 3-D realm. This particular message really speaks to me. During the past few weeks, in the midst of all the hoopla going on outside, all kinds of intel/info flying around the internet, I have constantly felt strong inner calling to look within, to pay attention to my inner feeling, voice etc, to withdraw from the without. Just to Be, doing nothing.
Rectification of all front line Light Beings is currently ongoing. Such beings will note a heightened sense of purpose; others will note a heightened desire for change in local circumstances.
Inner Recognition of the “Higher Calling” is paramount. Continuous release of paradigms as recent as the prior moment is required.
Rapid upgrades occur for those who recognize their Higher Self as an evolving Light Being. “Evolving” is the key word at this point.
Many of humanity are refusing assistance to higher levels. Such beings will remain in the standard 3D environment throughout this next cosmic cycle. Assistance will be granted at the appropriate time, with the appropriate method.
Follow Inner Guidance. This is the way to Galactic citizenship.
Rectification of all front line Light Beings is currently ongoing. Such beings will note a heightened sense of purpose; others will note a heightened desire for change in local circumstances.
Inner Recognition of the “Higher Calling” is paramount. Continuous release of paradigms as recent as the prior moment is required.
Rapid upgrades occur for those who recognize their Higher Self as an evolving Light Being. “Evolving” is the key word at this point.
Many of humanity are refusing assistance to higher levels. Such beings will remain in the standard 3D environment throughout this next cosmic cycle. Assistance will be granted at the appropriate time, with the appropriate method.
Follow Inner Guidance. This is the way to Galactic citizenship.
Poisonous Flu Shot
I was wondering the past few days about the flu shot I got every year for the past 4 or 5 years except 2012. Each year after the flu shot, I got sick. This year I have not been sick, because I did NOT get a flu shot! So when I saw the following post on the 2012 bigpicture blog site, I think I should reblog it.
It is time to abandon the flu shot, too! There are just too many junk/baddess we need to get rid off. The system we are in is killing us. I already made my mind I will not ever take a flu shot!
Too bad, Piers. Thought you’d take one for the team, did you? Are you that stupid? What goes around comes around.
And if you think Dr. Oz is on “our” side, friends, think again. He’s disinfo; telling just enough truth to make you think he’s one of the “good guys”.
We’re TOLD the flu vaccines contain “dead” viruses. Do you believe them? I don’t believe anything they say. They only tell us what they want us to know. Better safe than sorry.
No good can come of flu vaccinations because there is no supporting documentation or study to show they work at all to prevent influenza. It’s fear-mongering and a money grab, pure and simple. Big Pharma laughs all the way to the bank.
Rather than a flu shot, we would be well advised to take mega-doses of Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Oregano Oil, Coconut Oil, and Olive Leaf Extract.
January 24th, 2013
Just two days after it was reported that GlaxoSmithKline’s Pandemrix H1N1 swine flu vaccine has actually caused a whopping 800 cases of narcolepsy in children according to Reuters, a major publicity stunt for the efficacy of the flu shot as presented by CNN has crashed and burned. After receiving his very first flu shot live on air from vaccine advocate Dr. Oz in attempt to showcase the ‘safety and effectiveness of the shot’, Piers Morgan has now developed flu-like symptoms that even he and his guest have attributed to the reception of the shot.
In the January 23 interview with country music celebrity Dwight Yoakam, Piers and Dwight discuss the connection between the recent shot and his new sickness. In the interview, which can be seen below, Piers asks “…As you can tell, things are deteriorating. Is there any advice you can give me?”
Yoakam replies with a simple “Don’t ever take a flu shot again,” sparking further discussion surrounding the public injection that ultimately turned into a PR nightmare for Big Pharma. In a surprising reply, Piers says ““We’re both doing the math, so I mean, we both saw him put that thing in my arm and within 10 days I’m struck down.” It was Piers’ first flu shot in his life, according to his own testimony.
As pointed out by Adan Salazar, the sickness is also highly ironic as Piers actually questioned Dr. Oz about the so-called ‘myths’ surrounding the shot before it was administered. One such ‘myth’ was whether or not the shot could actually lead to the flu. In dialogue with Dr. Oz, Piers nervously asked:
“So the myth about these, and I’m told it’s a myth, is that you can actually get flu or flu-like symptoms simply by having the shot. Is that true?”
Dr. Oz, of course, regurgitated information provided by the CDC in stating that such an event is impossible due to the fact that the flu shot contains the dead flu virus. Dr. Oz also fails to mention that even the FDA’s own website admits that vaccines contain toxic additives like:
Antibiotics: Linked to the development of mental illness, obesity, and serious gut imbalance due to the depletion of beneficial bacteria in the gut, superbug-spawning antibiotics are used in vaccinations as an ‘additive’ as admitted by the FDA.
Formaldehyde: This of course is the known carcinogen used in the preservation of corpses by funeral homes and elsewhere. Even admits that formaldehyde is a serious cancer-causing chemical, stating “Formaldehyde has been classified as a known human carcinogen (cancer-causing substance) by the International Agency for Research on Cancer…” So why is this cancer-causing substance being used an additive for vaccinations?
Aluminum: Popularly associated with Alzheimer’s disease and a bunch of other brain disorders, aluminum is used as a vaccine additive to ‘stimulate a response’ from the body.
Thimerosal: One of the most widely known additives, thimerosal is a mercury-containing substance that is unsafe at any dose. Your doctor is likely entirely misinformed on this additive, stating there is no mercury-containing thimerosal in a vaccine when even the FDA and CDC plainly state this. As stated by Dr. David Wallinga from the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, mercury is ‘toxic in all its forms.”
Instead of giving Piers a vaccination full of these toxic additives, Dr. Oz could have simply recommended that Piers begin supplementing with high quality, inexpensive vitamin D3 — or simply take a walk around outside in a warmer climate. Even in considerably low doses, vitamin D3 has been found to flash the risk of flu development by nearly half – a much great success rate than the flu shot.
It is time to abandon the flu shot, too! There are just too many junk/baddess we need to get rid off. The system we are in is killing us. I already made my mind I will not ever take a flu shot!
Too bad, Piers. Thought you’d take one for the team, did you? Are you that stupid? What goes around comes around.
And if you think Dr. Oz is on “our” side, friends, think again. He’s disinfo; telling just enough truth to make you think he’s one of the “good guys”.
We’re TOLD the flu vaccines contain “dead” viruses. Do you believe them? I don’t believe anything they say. They only tell us what they want us to know. Better safe than sorry.
No good can come of flu vaccinations because there is no supporting documentation or study to show they work at all to prevent influenza. It’s fear-mongering and a money grab, pure and simple. Big Pharma laughs all the way to the bank.
Rather than a flu shot, we would be well advised to take mega-doses of Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Oregano Oil, Coconut Oil, and Olive Leaf Extract.
January 24th, 2013
Just two days after it was reported that GlaxoSmithKline’s Pandemrix H1N1 swine flu vaccine has actually caused a whopping 800 cases of narcolepsy in children according to Reuters, a major publicity stunt for the efficacy of the flu shot as presented by CNN has crashed and burned. After receiving his very first flu shot live on air from vaccine advocate Dr. Oz in attempt to showcase the ‘safety and effectiveness of the shot’, Piers Morgan has now developed flu-like symptoms that even he and his guest have attributed to the reception of the shot.
In the January 23 interview with country music celebrity Dwight Yoakam, Piers and Dwight discuss the connection between the recent shot and his new sickness. In the interview, which can be seen below, Piers asks “…As you can tell, things are deteriorating. Is there any advice you can give me?”
Yoakam replies with a simple “Don’t ever take a flu shot again,” sparking further discussion surrounding the public injection that ultimately turned into a PR nightmare for Big Pharma. In a surprising reply, Piers says ““We’re both doing the math, so I mean, we both saw him put that thing in my arm and within 10 days I’m struck down.” It was Piers’ first flu shot in his life, according to his own testimony.
As pointed out by Adan Salazar, the sickness is also highly ironic as Piers actually questioned Dr. Oz about the so-called ‘myths’ surrounding the shot before it was administered. One such ‘myth’ was whether or not the shot could actually lead to the flu. In dialogue with Dr. Oz, Piers nervously asked:
“So the myth about these, and I’m told it’s a myth, is that you can actually get flu or flu-like symptoms simply by having the shot. Is that true?”
Dr. Oz, of course, regurgitated information provided by the CDC in stating that such an event is impossible due to the fact that the flu shot contains the dead flu virus. Dr. Oz also fails to mention that even the FDA’s own website admits that vaccines contain toxic additives like:
Antibiotics: Linked to the development of mental illness, obesity, and serious gut imbalance due to the depletion of beneficial bacteria in the gut, superbug-spawning antibiotics are used in vaccinations as an ‘additive’ as admitted by the FDA.
Formaldehyde: This of course is the known carcinogen used in the preservation of corpses by funeral homes and elsewhere. Even admits that formaldehyde is a serious cancer-causing chemical, stating “Formaldehyde has been classified as a known human carcinogen (cancer-causing substance) by the International Agency for Research on Cancer…” So why is this cancer-causing substance being used an additive for vaccinations?
Aluminum: Popularly associated with Alzheimer’s disease and a bunch of other brain disorders, aluminum is used as a vaccine additive to ‘stimulate a response’ from the body.
Thimerosal: One of the most widely known additives, thimerosal is a mercury-containing substance that is unsafe at any dose. Your doctor is likely entirely misinformed on this additive, stating there is no mercury-containing thimerosal in a vaccine when even the FDA and CDC plainly state this. As stated by Dr. David Wallinga from the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, mercury is ‘toxic in all its forms.”
Instead of giving Piers a vaccination full of these toxic additives, Dr. Oz could have simply recommended that Piers begin supplementing with high quality, inexpensive vitamin D3 — or simply take a walk around outside in a warmer climate. Even in considerably low doses, vitamin D3 has been found to flash the risk of flu development by nearly half – a much great success rate than the flu shot.
More OPPT radio talk dated Jan. 28, 2013
Brian from the AK blogsite said there is something huge going on behind the scenes. It is coming. I recall the other day that Sheldan Niddle said over his webnar that in the next 30 days, the floodgate for prosperity will be open. So hang on there, folks. The beasts are starving (I take that as money supply has been cut off to the cabal). OPPT never ask people to donate money. So if somebody asks for donation on behalf people's trust, don't belive it. And soon we will not even need to file anything to be free of debt, or any bills.
Listen to internet radio with FreedomReigns on Blog Talk Radio
Chemicals banned in Europe still make their way into US foods
People, it is time to abandon all sorts of soft drink! I'm glad I quit soft drink several years ago. Around 2003 shortly after I began my spiritual journey I found myself often having the thought "water is the best thing to drink" in the back of my mind- now I think it is either my guide or my higher self was talking to me.
But I continued with the habit of drinking Coke, Pepsi etc until in around 2007 when I saw a TV program on a local PBS that they talked about an experiment where a can of Coke was pouring into a glass with some iron nails in it. 20 minutes later, the metals were all gone, i.e. melted by the Coke fluid! So you know how corrosive Coke is. I still remember somebody on the show claimed that they found out it takes 180 days to completely flush out the chemical contained in Coke from the body once you drink it! Think about it, how long those chemical poison are stuck inside of your body: 180 days! That PBS show helped me make a conscious decision to get rid of soft drinks I put into my mouth every day. I thought it was easy since I already know they are really really bad.
Boy, it was not easy! It took me about a year to completely get off Coke, Pepsi etc. I tried to do cold-turkey, and it made me more crave for Coke and Pepsi. Then I realized I was hooked and addictive. And I started to understand how hard it is for people to quit smoking, alcohol and drug. I took a gradual reduction approach and finally I won! I remeber when I first tried to drink water to replace soft drinks, yak, water tasted aweful. Now all soft drinks tasted terrible and I can't even bear to drink them at all and pure water becomes my staple drink. My body now doesn't take in bad stuff such as soft drinks, processced meat, unfresh food, can food, cakes, etc. All those things made my body sick and instinctively, my body asks me to avoid them.
Do you see that all these soft drinks are designed to retard us, poison us and stunt our growth into a full human being!

Have you ever tasted a soft drink so good you thought it should be illegal? In some parts of the world, ingredients used in beverages available across the United States are outlawed — but not because they’re dangerously delicious.
Drinks including Mountain Dew, Gatorade, Powerade and Squirt are all commonly available at restaurants and convenience stores across the US. If you’re overseas and thirsty for one of many products made by PepsiCo, Cocoa-Cola or the Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, you might get something entirely different. Brominated vegetable oil, an ingredient used by those manufacturers in an array of beverages, is banned in locales like Europe and Japan.
The New York Times reports that around 10 percent of drinks sold in the US contain brominated vegetable oil, or BVO, but elsewhere things are a bit different. Beverages overseas are stripped of the chemical, used usually to help distribute flavor, with foreign health officials citing some serious medical concerns as the reason for the ban.
Sarah Kavanagh, a teenager from Hattiesburg, Mississippi, only became aware of BVOs recently while examining a bottle of Gatorade. A quick Web search had her rethinking what she drinks, though. “I knew it probably wasn’t from an animal because it had vegetable in the name, but I still wanted to know what it was, so I Googled it,” she tells the Times. “A page popped up with a long list of possible side effects, including neurological disorders and altered thyroid hormones. I didn’t expect that.”
Most Americans are in the same boat, but the substance is still completely legal in the US.
“BVO is banned other places in the world, so these companies already have a replacement for it,” Kavanagh tells the Times. “I don’t see why they don’t just make the switch.” According to the paper, companies say the switch would simply cost all too much.
After becoming aware of the compound, she started a campaign on to help raise awareness of BVO. Since that petition was launched in November, she has collected over 205,000 signatures from others urging a federal ban on BVOs.
"I was shocked that they'd put their consumers at risk like that and that the FDA would allow something like that to be put in products," she tells the Chicago Tribune.
The US Food and Drug Administration maintains that all foods sold legally in the US are safe for human consumption. In a statement to the Tribune, in fact, the FDA says the US food supply is “the safest in the world” and that the agency’s foremost promise is to “protect public health by ensuring that foods are safe and properly labeled.” Even if American labels advertise the use of BVOs, though, that doesn’t do much to dismiss the concerns that have caused bans of the chemical internationally.
Brominated vegetable oil isn’t addictive and it hasn’t been proven to be fatal just yet. According to some studies, rodents subjected to the substance developed reproductive and behavioral problems.
"The FDA has been extremely lenient in evaluating food additives and it's almost impossible to get the FDA to ban an additive once they have approved it," Michael Jacobson of the Center for Science in the Public Interest adds to the Tribune. "It's just not as public health oriented as it should be."
“I just don't think they're doing enough to protect the public's health with regard to food additives,” he says.
That one additive, BVO, certainly doesn’t seem safe to Kavanagh. On her petition, she notes that one of the elements of BVO, bromine, is used most often to make products flame retardant. It’s also been included in gasoline additives and pesticides, and was originally used as a general sedative until only a few decades ago. Scientific Americans says BVO “links to impaired neurological development, reduced fertility, early onset of puberty and altered thyroid hormones.”
“I’m not a scientist, but if there are lots of suspicious things about putting a flame retardant chemical in Gatorade (most flavors don’t even use it!) then why would Gatorade want to put it in a product designed for people like me who are into sports and health?” Kavanagh asks on
The petition, which needs fewer than 95,000 more signatures before it is complete, will be sent to Gatorade, PepsiCo and other American beverage companies. “Please stop deceiving consumers and remove this chemical from your products,” the petition insists.
But I continued with the habit of drinking Coke, Pepsi etc until in around 2007 when I saw a TV program on a local PBS that they talked about an experiment where a can of Coke was pouring into a glass with some iron nails in it. 20 minutes later, the metals were all gone, i.e. melted by the Coke fluid! So you know how corrosive Coke is. I still remember somebody on the show claimed that they found out it takes 180 days to completely flush out the chemical contained in Coke from the body once you drink it! Think about it, how long those chemical poison are stuck inside of your body: 180 days! That PBS show helped me make a conscious decision to get rid of soft drinks I put into my mouth every day. I thought it was easy since I already know they are really really bad.
Boy, it was not easy! It took me about a year to completely get off Coke, Pepsi etc. I tried to do cold-turkey, and it made me more crave for Coke and Pepsi. Then I realized I was hooked and addictive. And I started to understand how hard it is for people to quit smoking, alcohol and drug. I took a gradual reduction approach and finally I won! I remeber when I first tried to drink water to replace soft drinks, yak, water tasted aweful. Now all soft drinks tasted terrible and I can't even bear to drink them at all and pure water becomes my staple drink. My body now doesn't take in bad stuff such as soft drinks, processced meat, unfresh food, can food, cakes, etc. All those things made my body sick and instinctively, my body asks me to avoid them.
Do you see that all these soft drinks are designed to retard us, poison us and stunt our growth into a full human being!
Have you ever tasted a soft drink so good you thought it should be illegal? In some parts of the world, ingredients used in beverages available across the United States are outlawed — but not because they’re dangerously delicious.
Drinks including Mountain Dew, Gatorade, Powerade and Squirt are all commonly available at restaurants and convenience stores across the US. If you’re overseas and thirsty for one of many products made by PepsiCo, Cocoa-Cola or the Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, you might get something entirely different. Brominated vegetable oil, an ingredient used by those manufacturers in an array of beverages, is banned in locales like Europe and Japan.
The New York Times reports that around 10 percent of drinks sold in the US contain brominated vegetable oil, or BVO, but elsewhere things are a bit different. Beverages overseas are stripped of the chemical, used usually to help distribute flavor, with foreign health officials citing some serious medical concerns as the reason for the ban.
Sarah Kavanagh, a teenager from Hattiesburg, Mississippi, only became aware of BVOs recently while examining a bottle of Gatorade. A quick Web search had her rethinking what she drinks, though. “I knew it probably wasn’t from an animal because it had vegetable in the name, but I still wanted to know what it was, so I Googled it,” she tells the Times. “A page popped up with a long list of possible side effects, including neurological disorders and altered thyroid hormones. I didn’t expect that.”
Most Americans are in the same boat, but the substance is still completely legal in the US.
“BVO is banned other places in the world, so these companies already have a replacement for it,” Kavanagh tells the Times. “I don’t see why they don’t just make the switch.” According to the paper, companies say the switch would simply cost all too much.
After becoming aware of the compound, she started a campaign on to help raise awareness of BVO. Since that petition was launched in November, she has collected over 205,000 signatures from others urging a federal ban on BVOs.
"I was shocked that they'd put their consumers at risk like that and that the FDA would allow something like that to be put in products," she tells the Chicago Tribune.
The US Food and Drug Administration maintains that all foods sold legally in the US are safe for human consumption. In a statement to the Tribune, in fact, the FDA says the US food supply is “the safest in the world” and that the agency’s foremost promise is to “protect public health by ensuring that foods are safe and properly labeled.” Even if American labels advertise the use of BVOs, though, that doesn’t do much to dismiss the concerns that have caused bans of the chemical internationally.
Brominated vegetable oil isn’t addictive and it hasn’t been proven to be fatal just yet. According to some studies, rodents subjected to the substance developed reproductive and behavioral problems.
"The FDA has been extremely lenient in evaluating food additives and it's almost impossible to get the FDA to ban an additive once they have approved it," Michael Jacobson of the Center for Science in the Public Interest adds to the Tribune. "It's just not as public health oriented as it should be."
“I just don't think they're doing enough to protect the public's health with regard to food additives,” he says.
That one additive, BVO, certainly doesn’t seem safe to Kavanagh. On her petition, she notes that one of the elements of BVO, bromine, is used most often to make products flame retardant. It’s also been included in gasoline additives and pesticides, and was originally used as a general sedative until only a few decades ago. Scientific Americans says BVO “links to impaired neurological development, reduced fertility, early onset of puberty and altered thyroid hormones.”
“I’m not a scientist, but if there are lots of suspicious things about putting a flame retardant chemical in Gatorade (most flavors don’t even use it!) then why would Gatorade want to put it in a product designed for people like me who are into sports and health?” Kavanagh asks on
The petition, which needs fewer than 95,000 more signatures before it is complete, will be sent to Gatorade, PepsiCo and other American beverage companies. “Please stop deceiving consumers and remove this chemical from your products,” the petition insists.
Cameron Day: Shifting into 2013 – The Big Squeeze Is On
Cameron Day is talking about another kind of darkness, from the astral level, another dimension that has been attacking human beings for thousands of years. This probably explains why the earth resistance movement still can't make the disclosure happen, in addition to the dark earth human factors. His account reminds me of Cobra's talk of the Archon Grid. I tend to think they are right. Dark energy not only manifests on the 3-D, physical realm but also exist on the non-physical realm. Hence the Silver Legion story of fighting against the darkness in a non-physical manner to help Gaia and its people. I'm sending my support to all lightworkers that are pushing out the darkness on all dimensions. Namaste to you all, lightworriors.
For about 80,000 years (give or take), this planet has been “infected with darkness,” an infection that continued to grow and grow, encircling the planet in layers of darkness. The beings that thrived in this darkness called themselves Archons, but I call them ankle-biters instead. Please see the “Never Call Them Archons” article for more details about these beings and how they originally came to power on Earth. This infection of darkness on earth is why in spite of the basically good nature of most people, evil men (and some women) have had control of the levers of power in religion, government, business, etc. on this planet for so long.
There was a major operation on May 20th 2012 that broke up and removed the outer layer of this low-vibrational energy layer that I called the “dark grid.” That dark grid was replaced by a light grid, which now serves as an outpost for 4th density positive Service to Others beings. This was the beginning of the end for the dark forces on this planet, but because they are a relentless bunch of trouble-makers, they didn’t just give up and leave Earth. Instead, they retreated to the lower layers of darkness that they had built up around and within the planet over those eons of time, then intensified their efforts to manipulate humans into generating more distorted, dark emotional energy for them to consume.
Nonetheless, the Forces of Divine Light continued to apply pressure to the darkness from the outer light grid and slowly dissolve the dark structures in the next zone closer to the earth, and in September 2012 there was another big operation to decontaminate this energetic layer. This particular layer took several months to process due to a very complex situation where many human souls were being held in this zone by ankle-biters posing as the “lords of karma” in order to force souls to continue incarnating on Earth. This layer was fully liberated in mid-December in preparation for a big infusion of light from the Galactic Core that occurred on December 19-23rd.
During the 4 days of December 19-23, two more distinct layers of ankle-biter controlled space around the planet were cleared out entirely and reconfigured to amplify the incoming light energies onto the planet. Wherever possible, the dark denizens of these layers were either taken to the Galactic Core to be transmuted, or were sent to a “transition zone” where they will be held until Earth is completely free from all dark infection and thoroughly shielded so that the dark forces cannot enter again.
As of December 23rd 2012, all that remains of the dark forces 4th density stronghold on Earth is a layer of dark energy on the surface of the planet, extending up several hundred feet, and two layers below the surface, descending about a mile deep. All remaining ankle-biters have been compressed into these spaces by the incoming light energies, and the expanding light from the planetary core. They are literally trapped, so all they can do now is try to increase chaos and suffering among humans in an effort to expand their dark infection. They will fail and they know this, but they won’t stop trying because they don’t know any other way of life.
A Time of Intensification
Our energetic environment intensified on this planet tremendously after the May 20th 2012 operation. This was the first real defeat the dark side had experienced on this planet since they first infected it over 80,000 years ago, and they don’t handle defeat very well. The ankle biters went even more insane than they normally are and began intensifying efforts to cause havoc and pain among people. For example, it was shortly after this defeat that the “Miami Cannibal” story happened, as well as several other incidents of people suddenly “snapping” and acting in bizarre, insane ways. For other people, especially those with a spiritual orientation, life circumstances seemed to get more difficult after May.
If this was a victory, why did things get worse? In essence, we shook up the ankle-biter’s entire paradigm and served them an eviction notice, but were not able to evict them all at once. It would have been nice to remove them all in one fell swoop, but that simply wasn’t possible. What happened instead was an intensification of the Divine Light coming into the planet coupled with a simultaneous intensification of the dark energies as they fought back against being compressed by the light.
Ankle-Biters Push Back…For Now
The most recent advancement of the Forces of Divine Light that finished on December 23rd 2012 has severely contained the dark forces, but at the same time, the ankle-biters are very much like cornered wild animals (with rabies) looking for any form of escape that they can find. Many of them are trying to hide within the subconscious of humans, and impel those people to act in the darkest possible ways. Others are hiding underground and sending up waves of negative energy that seek expression through low-vibration human emotions.
Between December 24th 2012 and January 4th 2013, the dark forces launched three large attacks attempting to reclaim territory and push back the incoming light. These attempts ultimately failed, but they did result in many difficult and emotional experiences playing out in small and large scales.
All of their efforts are focused on maintaining the infection of darkness and blocking out the light, but they will not succeed. In the grand chess-game of this planet’s cleansing process, the dark forces are out of viable moves. All they can do is defend the territory they have left and try to prevent their inevitable defeat, so that is exactly what they will do. This means that in some ways they are more dangerous than before, and the “dark noise” that they are putting out is going to intensify. At the same time, any actions they take to temporarily increase negative emotions will work against them in the long-term, which means that every move they make to regain control will ultimately be part of their undoing.
Intensified Polarities
The current situation, illustrated in the picture below is one where the polarities are intensifying as the darkness is compressed by the light. There is now MUCH more light energy available to those who meditate and connect to the Galactic Core through their Divine Inner Self. At the same time, because the darkness is compressed into a narrow field of operation, it is creating more intense emotions for people all over the planet. These can be very difficult to process, especially for those who aren’t regularly doing some type of spiritual practice.
Additionally, the stronger incoming light is bringing up unresolved emotions within “aware” people in order to assist in self-clearing practices, which can also produce intense emotions. So in a sense, we’re getting hit by the dark and the light at the same time, with the difference being that the dark wants to exploit and expand those suppressed emotions, while the light wants to help us to examine, release and heal them.

Personal Choice Strengthens
With this new “energetic configuration” on the planet, personal choice is more powerful than ever before, which means that whatever we choose to focus on and empower is going to show tangible results very quickly. This is great news for manifesting, but it also means we have to be very careful about what types of interactions we are going to engage in, and to be very selective about how we spend our time.
The darkness will try to seduce people into choosing arrogance, egoic judgment patterns, conflicts, aggression, dominance and selfishness whenever possible. At the same time, the light now has a vastly stronger presence on the planet, but it waits for an individual to CHOOSE the light. The dark will try to force itself upon your mind, while the light waits for you to come to it. This is one of the fundamental differences between the Service to Self and Service to Others path. STO does not impose itself, but rather makes its presence known and offers the individual an opportunity to expand their awareness.
Due to these recent changes, we need to take a long, honest look at our current choices, and start making new choices that align us with the STO / Light path, which is done through the canvas of our life.
Do you hate your job? Take action to do something you enjoy instead.
Are you working for a corrupt financial institution, rapacious corporation or government entity? QUIT! Look for something you can do that actually helps other people.
Can’t stand your spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc? Take responsibility for your role in building a dysfunctional relationship, work on healing yourself and make a choice to either work on healing that relationship, or leave it.
Are you stressed out and distracted? Set aside time to meditate every day, and if you’re “not good at meditating” use Brainwave Entrainment to help you achieve a meditative state.
Are you harsh or overly critical? Minimize your ego and learn to speak real truth from your heart, not the ego’s condemnation disguised as “truth.”
Are you a doormat / victim? Learn to stand up for yourself, set healthy boundaries, say NO when appropriate and speak an honest truth from your heart.
Are people in your life bringing you down? Stop spending time and energy on them, and spend it on bettering yourself. Seek out positive, like-minded people and build mutually-fulfilling relationships.
Thank You, Captain Obvious
Yes, that is all pretty basic stuff, but you would be surprised how often people overlook these basics because they think they can “ascend” and leave all their problems behind. We are all on this planet for various reasons, and to learn unique lessons. We must not fall into the trap of thinking that we have to wait until the planet is fully cleared from its darkness infection before we can create a Spirit-Infused life! It’s up to each of us to choose the Light and embody that into our lives, to be beacons of light in the dark, and in doing so we will help bring about the full cleansing of this beautiful planet.
The energetic environment on our planet is better than it has been for almost 80,000 years, but we have to CHOOSE that light. The light doesn’t come rescue us – WE are the rescuers! Most of you reading this are light workers, healers, and light warriors who volunteered to come into the depths of this darkness and anchor the light, and I thank you for being here. Our efforts have borne fruit, but not the cartoonish version of instant enlightenment portrayed in the media and through disinformation sources.
In For the Long Haul
As I said in last month’s email on the “Shift of Ages,” we have a lot of work ahead of us on a global scale to bring about the conditions of a fully light-infused planet and society. All of the hidden darkness, hatred and horrible crimes that have been covered up and kept secret are going to continue to erupt into the light for everyone to see. This is an unavoidable part of our healing process, so we need to be strong enough to face this darkness and dissolve it.
What is coming to light are atrocities that have been committed daily on this planet by those who are thoroughly infected with darkness. The public awareness of recent brutal rape cases in India and Ohio are examples of this new level of exposure, as one year ago, those stories would have been kept hidden. Soon, the criminals who have gotten away with even more heinous acts due to being wealthy and powerful will be exposed. Then they will start to expose each other to plea-bargain for leniency.
We are in for a tumultuous ride in 2013, so I urge you all to make sure you are taking time to go inward, connect to your Divine Inner Self and just BE. There is enough time to DO all of the things that need to be done externally. We actually have more capacity to DO things when we have taken enough time to nourish ourselves by simply BEING still and going within. It is only through meditative, heart-centered awareness that we can screen out the “dark noise” of disinformation and lies via intuition. Logical reasoning alone can’t get us there, so the intuitive impulses of the heart and belly brains have to be heard.
I have so much more to say, but it will have to wait for later. I would love to hear your feedback on your experiences interacting in meditation with this new energetic environment. Are you able to more easily get and stay connected to the planetary and galactic cores? Are you experiencing a lot of purging of old emotions? Are you being hit with dark-side retaliation? Please let me know in the comments.
Much Love,
Cameron Day
For about 80,000 years (give or take), this planet has been “infected with darkness,” an infection that continued to grow and grow, encircling the planet in layers of darkness. The beings that thrived in this darkness called themselves Archons, but I call them ankle-biters instead. Please see the “Never Call Them Archons” article for more details about these beings and how they originally came to power on Earth. This infection of darkness on earth is why in spite of the basically good nature of most people, evil men (and some women) have had control of the levers of power in religion, government, business, etc. on this planet for so long.
There was a major operation on May 20th 2012 that broke up and removed the outer layer of this low-vibrational energy layer that I called the “dark grid.” That dark grid was replaced by a light grid, which now serves as an outpost for 4th density positive Service to Others beings. This was the beginning of the end for the dark forces on this planet, but because they are a relentless bunch of trouble-makers, they didn’t just give up and leave Earth. Instead, they retreated to the lower layers of darkness that they had built up around and within the planet over those eons of time, then intensified their efforts to manipulate humans into generating more distorted, dark emotional energy for them to consume.
Nonetheless, the Forces of Divine Light continued to apply pressure to the darkness from the outer light grid and slowly dissolve the dark structures in the next zone closer to the earth, and in September 2012 there was another big operation to decontaminate this energetic layer. This particular layer took several months to process due to a very complex situation where many human souls were being held in this zone by ankle-biters posing as the “lords of karma” in order to force souls to continue incarnating on Earth. This layer was fully liberated in mid-December in preparation for a big infusion of light from the Galactic Core that occurred on December 19-23rd.
During the 4 days of December 19-23, two more distinct layers of ankle-biter controlled space around the planet were cleared out entirely and reconfigured to amplify the incoming light energies onto the planet. Wherever possible, the dark denizens of these layers were either taken to the Galactic Core to be transmuted, or were sent to a “transition zone” where they will be held until Earth is completely free from all dark infection and thoroughly shielded so that the dark forces cannot enter again.
As of December 23rd 2012, all that remains of the dark forces 4th density stronghold on Earth is a layer of dark energy on the surface of the planet, extending up several hundred feet, and two layers below the surface, descending about a mile deep. All remaining ankle-biters have been compressed into these spaces by the incoming light energies, and the expanding light from the planetary core. They are literally trapped, so all they can do now is try to increase chaos and suffering among humans in an effort to expand their dark infection. They will fail and they know this, but they won’t stop trying because they don’t know any other way of life.
A Time of Intensification
Our energetic environment intensified on this planet tremendously after the May 20th 2012 operation. This was the first real defeat the dark side had experienced on this planet since they first infected it over 80,000 years ago, and they don’t handle defeat very well. The ankle biters went even more insane than they normally are and began intensifying efforts to cause havoc and pain among people. For example, it was shortly after this defeat that the “Miami Cannibal” story happened, as well as several other incidents of people suddenly “snapping” and acting in bizarre, insane ways. For other people, especially those with a spiritual orientation, life circumstances seemed to get more difficult after May.
If this was a victory, why did things get worse? In essence, we shook up the ankle-biter’s entire paradigm and served them an eviction notice, but were not able to evict them all at once. It would have been nice to remove them all in one fell swoop, but that simply wasn’t possible. What happened instead was an intensification of the Divine Light coming into the planet coupled with a simultaneous intensification of the dark energies as they fought back against being compressed by the light.
Ankle-Biters Push Back…For Now
The most recent advancement of the Forces of Divine Light that finished on December 23rd 2012 has severely contained the dark forces, but at the same time, the ankle-biters are very much like cornered wild animals (with rabies) looking for any form of escape that they can find. Many of them are trying to hide within the subconscious of humans, and impel those people to act in the darkest possible ways. Others are hiding underground and sending up waves of negative energy that seek expression through low-vibration human emotions.
Between December 24th 2012 and January 4th 2013, the dark forces launched three large attacks attempting to reclaim territory and push back the incoming light. These attempts ultimately failed, but they did result in many difficult and emotional experiences playing out in small and large scales.
All of their efforts are focused on maintaining the infection of darkness and blocking out the light, but they will not succeed. In the grand chess-game of this planet’s cleansing process, the dark forces are out of viable moves. All they can do is defend the territory they have left and try to prevent their inevitable defeat, so that is exactly what they will do. This means that in some ways they are more dangerous than before, and the “dark noise” that they are putting out is going to intensify. At the same time, any actions they take to temporarily increase negative emotions will work against them in the long-term, which means that every move they make to regain control will ultimately be part of their undoing.
Intensified Polarities
The current situation, illustrated in the picture below is one where the polarities are intensifying as the darkness is compressed by the light. There is now MUCH more light energy available to those who meditate and connect to the Galactic Core through their Divine Inner Self. At the same time, because the darkness is compressed into a narrow field of operation, it is creating more intense emotions for people all over the planet. These can be very difficult to process, especially for those who aren’t regularly doing some type of spiritual practice.
Additionally, the stronger incoming light is bringing up unresolved emotions within “aware” people in order to assist in self-clearing practices, which can also produce intense emotions. So in a sense, we’re getting hit by the dark and the light at the same time, with the difference being that the dark wants to exploit and expand those suppressed emotions, while the light wants to help us to examine, release and heal them.
Personal Choice Strengthens
With this new “energetic configuration” on the planet, personal choice is more powerful than ever before, which means that whatever we choose to focus on and empower is going to show tangible results very quickly. This is great news for manifesting, but it also means we have to be very careful about what types of interactions we are going to engage in, and to be very selective about how we spend our time.
The darkness will try to seduce people into choosing arrogance, egoic judgment patterns, conflicts, aggression, dominance and selfishness whenever possible. At the same time, the light now has a vastly stronger presence on the planet, but it waits for an individual to CHOOSE the light. The dark will try to force itself upon your mind, while the light waits for you to come to it. This is one of the fundamental differences between the Service to Self and Service to Others path. STO does not impose itself, but rather makes its presence known and offers the individual an opportunity to expand their awareness.
Due to these recent changes, we need to take a long, honest look at our current choices, and start making new choices that align us with the STO / Light path, which is done through the canvas of our life.
Do you hate your job? Take action to do something you enjoy instead.
Are you working for a corrupt financial institution, rapacious corporation or government entity? QUIT! Look for something you can do that actually helps other people.
Can’t stand your spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc? Take responsibility for your role in building a dysfunctional relationship, work on healing yourself and make a choice to either work on healing that relationship, or leave it.
Are you stressed out and distracted? Set aside time to meditate every day, and if you’re “not good at meditating” use Brainwave Entrainment to help you achieve a meditative state.
Are you harsh or overly critical? Minimize your ego and learn to speak real truth from your heart, not the ego’s condemnation disguised as “truth.”
Are you a doormat / victim? Learn to stand up for yourself, set healthy boundaries, say NO when appropriate and speak an honest truth from your heart.
Are people in your life bringing you down? Stop spending time and energy on them, and spend it on bettering yourself. Seek out positive, like-minded people and build mutually-fulfilling relationships.
Thank You, Captain Obvious
Yes, that is all pretty basic stuff, but you would be surprised how often people overlook these basics because they think they can “ascend” and leave all their problems behind. We are all on this planet for various reasons, and to learn unique lessons. We must not fall into the trap of thinking that we have to wait until the planet is fully cleared from its darkness infection before we can create a Spirit-Infused life! It’s up to each of us to choose the Light and embody that into our lives, to be beacons of light in the dark, and in doing so we will help bring about the full cleansing of this beautiful planet.
The energetic environment on our planet is better than it has been for almost 80,000 years, but we have to CHOOSE that light. The light doesn’t come rescue us – WE are the rescuers! Most of you reading this are light workers, healers, and light warriors who volunteered to come into the depths of this darkness and anchor the light, and I thank you for being here. Our efforts have borne fruit, but not the cartoonish version of instant enlightenment portrayed in the media and through disinformation sources.
In For the Long Haul
As I said in last month’s email on the “Shift of Ages,” we have a lot of work ahead of us on a global scale to bring about the conditions of a fully light-infused planet and society. All of the hidden darkness, hatred and horrible crimes that have been covered up and kept secret are going to continue to erupt into the light for everyone to see. This is an unavoidable part of our healing process, so we need to be strong enough to face this darkness and dissolve it.
What is coming to light are atrocities that have been committed daily on this planet by those who are thoroughly infected with darkness. The public awareness of recent brutal rape cases in India and Ohio are examples of this new level of exposure, as one year ago, those stories would have been kept hidden. Soon, the criminals who have gotten away with even more heinous acts due to being wealthy and powerful will be exposed. Then they will start to expose each other to plea-bargain for leniency.
We are in for a tumultuous ride in 2013, so I urge you all to make sure you are taking time to go inward, connect to your Divine Inner Self and just BE. There is enough time to DO all of the things that need to be done externally. We actually have more capacity to DO things when we have taken enough time to nourish ourselves by simply BEING still and going within. It is only through meditative, heart-centered awareness that we can screen out the “dark noise” of disinformation and lies via intuition. Logical reasoning alone can’t get us there, so the intuitive impulses of the heart and belly brains have to be heard.
I have so much more to say, but it will have to wait for later. I would love to hear your feedback on your experiences interacting in meditation with this new energetic environment. Are you able to more easily get and stay connected to the planetary and galactic cores? Are you experiencing a lot of purging of old emotions? Are you being hit with dark-side retaliation? Please let me know in the comments.
Much Love,
Cameron Day
A collection of the OPPT information
The following is the blog site that keeps track of all OPPT documents, videos, discussions etc. Lots of information. If you have a question or questions, pls go to the following blogsite and you may get your answer there! If you like it, spread the word and the truth! We are in this together. Let each of us try our best to push it further and collectively we make it happen!
Here is a snippet.
The One People’s Public Trust 1776
On the 25th of December 2012 the OPPT – the One People’s Public Trust 1776 – became public. Since then, amongst certain communities on the Internet, this news went viral across the world.
The Announcement was not actually for Us the Public of the World. It was a legal Notice, an Official Announcement to the powers-that-were, that the eons-old regimes-system is over, totally wiped, a clean slate, ready and waiting for the diversity-of-Us to wake-up to it, spread the news, real-ise it, stand upon it, apply it and thoroughly establish the Foreclosure, to pursue comprehensive Justice, to thoroughly cleanse – without which there is no healing or restoration – and release Us to create in ever-expanding Freedom and Prosperity, a whole new future, a new way of living … being.
This site will try and list the unfolding living-story as it is released from various websites and online programs. Forgive me if I miss something. It is not a commentary or a social-site adding to the turmoil of white-noise, but just offered for clarity, and to assist the distribution of this important information in a nutshell, simply, and for sharing far and wide as quickly as possible.
It has been a very short time since the release; and patience, commitment, self-discipline, self-education and continual updating is required. While many are working hard to understand the material and its application, we are promised very soon that we will be assisted to make sense of it and will know its exact application for the Planet, and therefore what We must do … by Us. Meanwhile, hanging loose, not wrestling with it, but instead playing, dreaming and loving the possibilities is a really good work to involve ourselves in right now.
This living-story and the power of its growing understanding, can be followed by going to the:
•Recommended Interviews ( - highly recommended, especially to get a quick feel for it all.
•The OPPT Story So Far posts for the most recent 10 issues, and the:
•All ‘OPPT Story So Far’ ( Issues section, with which one needs to begin at the beginning and build one’s foundation incrementally from there as it all unfolds.
If it helps, by subscribing or following, you can receive updates as this unfolds, as best I can find developments that is, because like most of Us, I am just doing the best I can to tune in.
This is epic …
It is indeed a totally new beginning … if we walk this Way …
Here is a snippet.
The One People’s Public Trust 1776
On the 25th of December 2012 the OPPT – the One People’s Public Trust 1776 – became public. Since then, amongst certain communities on the Internet, this news went viral across the world.
The Announcement was not actually for Us the Public of the World. It was a legal Notice, an Official Announcement to the powers-that-were, that the eons-old regimes-system is over, totally wiped, a clean slate, ready and waiting for the diversity-of-Us to wake-up to it, spread the news, real-ise it, stand upon it, apply it and thoroughly establish the Foreclosure, to pursue comprehensive Justice, to thoroughly cleanse – without which there is no healing or restoration – and release Us to create in ever-expanding Freedom and Prosperity, a whole new future, a new way of living … being.
This site will try and list the unfolding living-story as it is released from various websites and online programs. Forgive me if I miss something. It is not a commentary or a social-site adding to the turmoil of white-noise, but just offered for clarity, and to assist the distribution of this important information in a nutshell, simply, and for sharing far and wide as quickly as possible.
It has been a very short time since the release; and patience, commitment, self-discipline, self-education and continual updating is required. While many are working hard to understand the material and its application, we are promised very soon that we will be assisted to make sense of it and will know its exact application for the Planet, and therefore what We must do … by Us. Meanwhile, hanging loose, not wrestling with it, but instead playing, dreaming and loving the possibilities is a really good work to involve ourselves in right now.
This living-story and the power of its growing understanding, can be followed by going to the:
•Recommended Interviews ( - highly recommended, especially to get a quick feel for it all.
•The OPPT Story So Far posts for the most recent 10 issues, and the:
•All ‘OPPT Story So Far’ ( Issues section, with which one needs to begin at the beginning and build one’s foundation incrementally from there as it all unfolds.
If it helps, by subscribing or following, you can receive updates as this unfolds, as best I can find developments that is, because like most of Us, I am just doing the best I can to tune in.
This is epic …
It is indeed a totally new beginning … if we walk this Way …
GaiaPortal, Jan. 27: Finalization of ascendance energy structures is in process.
About GaiaPortal…
GaiaPortal conveys messages regarding changes and progress in Mother Earth’s planetary energy phases. The messages contained herein are to inform, assist, and alert those drawn to it, to energetic events transpiring moment to moment.
Those drawn to this site will know instantaneously if it is theirs to read.
The authors of this site are Star Beings connected to the sacred land of Éire, and embody the original sacred feminine energy of that place. (My note: Eire is in Ireland)
Finalization of ascendance energy structures is in process. Priorities are given now to individualized optimization of human structures, of 3D, 4D, 5D. Sweeping transformation occurs within each consciousness unit.
GaiaPortal conveys messages regarding changes and progress in Mother Earth’s planetary energy phases. The messages contained herein are to inform, assist, and alert those drawn to it, to energetic events transpiring moment to moment.
Those drawn to this site will know instantaneously if it is theirs to read.
The authors of this site are Star Beings connected to the sacred land of Éire, and embody the original sacred feminine energy of that place. (My note: Eire is in Ireland)
Finalization of ascendance energy structures is in process. Priorities are given now to individualized optimization of human structures, of 3D, 4D, 5D. Sweeping transformation occurs within each consciousness unit.
GaiaPortal Jan. 22: Disturbance and displacement of outdated paradigms occurs with increased frequency
About GaiaPortal…
GaiaPortal conveys messages regarding changes and progress in Mother Earth’s planetary energy phases. The messages contained herein are to inform, assist, and alert those drawn to it, to energetic events transpiring moment to moment.
Those drawn to this site will know instantaneously if it is theirs to read.
The authors of this site are Star Beings connected to the sacred land of Éire, and embody the original sacred feminine energy of that place. (My note: Eire is in Ireland)
Disturbance and displacement of outdated paradigms occurs with increased frequency, and leads to rapid dissolution of 3D security grids. Those unwilling to accept such displacements experience intensified individually configured vortices of recognition. These vortices bring outdated paradigms into awareness, often during meditation and/or sleep times.
Gaia Planetary consciousness undergoes similar process, visible at local, national, racial, continental levels.
Outdated paradigms, once released, will not return. Those exhibiting persistent resistance will be transferred to alternate learning environments.
GaiaPortal conveys messages regarding changes and progress in Mother Earth’s planetary energy phases. The messages contained herein are to inform, assist, and alert those drawn to it, to energetic events transpiring moment to moment.
Those drawn to this site will know instantaneously if it is theirs to read.
The authors of this site are Star Beings connected to the sacred land of Éire, and embody the original sacred feminine energy of that place. (My note: Eire is in Ireland)
Disturbance and displacement of outdated paradigms occurs with increased frequency, and leads to rapid dissolution of 3D security grids. Those unwilling to accept such displacements experience intensified individually configured vortices of recognition. These vortices bring outdated paradigms into awareness, often during meditation and/or sleep times.
Gaia Planetary consciousness undergoes similar process, visible at local, national, racial, continental levels.
Outdated paradigms, once released, will not return. Those exhibiting persistent resistance will be transferred to alternate learning environments.
Is NESARA for REAL? by Elizabeth Trutwin
I'm not sure when was this written by Elizabeth who channels St. Germaine. I can't find the original post. It looks like it was written in 2011, judging by the WH petition for NESARA she asked people to sign on. It is now resurfacing on the internet. It is quite a read. Tons of mazing information. I feel it is much in line with what I have been reading about NESARA. But use your discernment. Nowdays too much disinfo and misinfo is flowing around on the internet. As always, I never trust anything 100% unless it is verified by my own first-hand experience. I have yet to figure out how this can be reconciled with OPPT.
According to Elizabeth, we are under NESARA since Oct. 1, 2008. The current government in the US is only a theater play, and many of them are clones. NESARA is delayed by 9.11. No congressman can talk about it publicly becuase they are under gag order. Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich were involved partially in NESARA drafting. (no wonder Ron Paul is a big supporter of gold and silver!)Lady Nada is the final authority to announce NESARA which nobody knows when it will happen officially. It is part of the divine plan to lift us to the 5-D.
What is NESARA?
National Economic Security and Reformation Act.
Is NESARA for real?
I can assure you that NESARA [the National Economic Security and Reformation Act] is for real. I say that because I and my colleagues have talked to Bill Clinton, King of Swords (KOS), Ashtar, Mother Sekhmet, Lady Master Nada and 14 members of Congress who contributed their expertise to crafting various sections of the Law – not a bill! KOS and Seal teams recently moved the original signed document to a safer place so it will be available to Lady Master Nada when she makes her TV Announcement.
NESARA [National Economic Security and Reformation Act] was signed into Law by Bill Clinton in Oct 2000, but sealed from any attempt to prove its existence until it is announced, at which time it becomes fully enacted.
What are your sources on NESARA?
What I know comes from Faction 3 Intelligence, which is 38 levels above the President, which involves KOS, ACIO [Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization] of which I am a member, Ashtar Command, Ascended Masters, Mother Sekhmet, the president of the Solar Tribunal, and White Knights within the top levels of government and intelligence.
One of my friends was originally contacted by the team of 100 wealthy visionaries over 33 years ago and asked to help get the word out and be a liasion between parties. My friend, Rama Arjuna, who is Ashtar’s incarnated son, was contacted by Ashtar to combine their efforts with KOS in 1979 to help bring this to Announcement. All of these folks are real and backed up by Galactic Federation support, around the world in every country.
The sources of our information, come from both alternative broadcast media–like Air America Radio; local media personalities and, most importantly, from those at 38 levels above the President in the ACIO/Seal/Delta Teams/King of Swords/King of Egypt (code names of course); Mother Sekhmet through direct channelling; OOB meetings with Ashtar, Sananda, Ascended Masters on the Starships and Solar Tribunal Councils.
KOS has an encrypted telephone network through which he sends people messages to get information out to the public. He is based in D.C. and was appointed with St Germain by the World Court in 1999 as head of the worldwide militia of over 4 million, and is a high ranking member of the secret service.
One source was approached more than 33 years ago by the wealthy visionaries and asked to assist with what became NESARA. She has continued with that work to this moment. And, NO, this is not Dove. Rama goes up to the ships almost every night to work with Mother Sekhmet, and many others. We are all dedicated to getting NESARA announced and bringing the New Republic into full manifestation and to full Planetary Ascension.
Our summaries are sent to a very small circle of close friends. We try to only include what we have personal knowledge of even though–like everyone else–information comes in dribs and drabs and some questions and exact times will not be answered until it is safe to do so. I mention the designations of those we get info from even though some congressmen have checkered political records. Some are double agents and will soon decloak and spill the beans as to their roles. Filters are about to be ‘cleared’ and new mission assignments will be downloaded, internally, to each of us as these current events transpire. I should mention that many existing leaders may well surrender their vehicles to fully awakened galactic walkins. This has already happened in many cases…in addition to the hundreds of involuntarily cabal-cloned ‘standins’ we see on TV.
What does NESARA mandate?
The illuminati controllers will do anything to prevent its implementation as it immediately spells their removals from political and economic control over the people and resources of this Planet. It requires full return to Constitutional and Common Law principles by 190 countries starting with the US. It involves — due to present fraudulent practices — mortgage debt forgiveness; cancellation of all credit card debt; student loan forgiveness; ends IRS collection of Income Tax and substitutes a National Sales Tax on non-essential items only with no tax on food, medicines or used goods. It requires all existing congressional/administrative heads to resign; all lawyers would have to take a 30 day Constitutional Law course as statute laws will be dissolved.
The world economic system will shift to transparent operations — Basel II was implemented in the month of April — precious metals backed currency and the federal reserve and its collection agent [IRS], and most corrupt alphabet agencies will be dissolved. Current Federal Reserve notes will be exchanged for US Treasury bills backed by Gold, Silver or precious metals on a $1 for $1 basis.
Special Trusts and 78 programs which were originally created by St Germain over 200 years ago for this time, will provide the means to offer free education to all and assist all in upgrading quality of life. Suppressed technologies, secretly being used by the controllers, will be made available to the public. These provide clean and unlimited power for home, industry and travel. Replicators will be made available with First Contact landings to provide most items.
There will be a worldwide re-indexing of currencies, 30 days after announcement, so that while you now receive $100 income and pay sales taxes and income taxes on that amount, you will only pay sales taxes on $10 when spent for non-essential items after re-indexing. This is to remove much of false inflation from the prices of goods caused by use of fiat money instead of precious metals backed currency.
Peace is a requirement and no more wars or nuclear weapons will be allowed. The methods and means to achieve this are already in place and can be implemented upon a single command.
A single molecular change in the nuclear process will make all existing nuclear processes benign. Galactic/human teams will clean up air, water, soil and toxic contamination in the first two months following Announcement. Polluting industries will no longer be necessary as their replacements will be non-polluting and the old plants will be removed by processes that re-cycle the energies.
Benefactor programs will become available and gifting programs are extensive and worldwide to ensure that all will experience unprecedented opportunity to make new choices for their future occupations and enhanced learning programs will be available to quickly upgrade or learn new skills. Diagnostic/healing methods and technologies will become available to reverse all medical conditions and restore optimal health. All these technologies and methods presently exist. Many others have been suppressed but will be brought forth for all to benefit from.
Our new financial foundation has already been laid and is being powered up now. St Germain and Kuthumi are in charge of that aspect. Massive arrests and millions of Starships will be decloaking over all the major cities on the planet. That will be followed by direct broadcasts from all satellites…connected by nanites to the bridge of the New Jerusalem the Flagship of the Galactic Federation …with messages from Ashtar and Sananda. First Contact landings will occur within 7-28 days following NESARA’s Announcement. This is why the NESARA Petition and the Disclosure Petition are intrinsically connected.
An interim government will be enplaced with full revelations of the truth about our origins and the galactic presence that has been actively kept from us for over 70 years. Everyone will be told what to expect next and all areas of life will be invited to participate and share in the abundance–free from credit card/mortgage/student loan debts…with NO IRS; NO war; all military brought home immediately and given positive new employment and educational options. Constitutional Common Law will be fully restored. Peace will be declared. Skies/water/air/land will be cleared of all toxic substances and all DNA is being raised to higher awareness. Everyone will experience an increase in quality of life…no matter what age.
Enhanced educational opportunities will become freely available along with enhanced medical care and a new worldwide communications system–’Internet 5′… will begin to replace existing communications systems. Zero pollution energy systems will become commonplace along with new transportation methods. New housing methods will quickly be introduced and congestion in cities will no longer be necessary as new transportation innovations will not require roads or petroleum products.
There will be a National Sales Tax payable only on NON-essentials, with food and medicines/medical treatments non-taxable. Within 30 days of NESARA’s Announcement there will be a worldwide re-indexing of currencies on a 1:10 ratio which will mean that a 10% sales tax on $100=$10 vs $1000 x 10%=$100…a major savings for each of us. This is needed to wring out the inflation caused by fiat/worthless paper currencies, worldwide.
These funds and others will result in the end all poverty on the planet within a 12-15 month period. That will then ensure that all will have the opportunity to receive spiritual education about who we all are; our purpose here as an expression of Source essence in physicality.
Who has the power to announce and enforce NESARA?
KOS has the defacto authority, granted by the International Court of Justice at the Hague in 1999, to get NESARA Announced and the power to use his Martial Law authority “as needed.” Lady Master Nada—previously appointed by the ICJ/World Court as International Special Prosecutor with authority to take whatever actions are required, including dissolving our Supreme Court and unsealing all 10,000 indictments and ordering arrests–is thereby the top Officer of the World Court and can override any order of that or any other court. As President of the Solar Tribunal and as NESARA’s “Postal Lady”, she is the ONLY one who can order NESARA’s Announcement and authorize deliveries of funds.
We are at this moment actually under the joint jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice/World Court and the President of the Solar Tribunal [Lady Master Nada] who has been appointed by the ICJ as Special Prosecutor with power to arrest the indicted ones; dissolve our corrupt judiciary and Announce NESARA. Agents from Interpol and ICJ are present in D.C. along with the 82nd Airborne and others. We have been well advised that galactic ships are over every major city and will decloak when the signal is given.
NO one gets any money until Lady Master Nada makes her Announcement on TV, at which time she will tell us the date of release that will be within 72 hours of her announcement. She is Special Prosecutor authorized by the Solar Tribunal, of which she is President, and the ICJ. She is expected to dissolve our Supreme Court; appoint Patrick Fitzgerald as Acting Attorney General and then authorize the arrests and removals of all cited ones. Many of these are now clones.
The legal means to take us through this denouement was set in place in 1999 by the ICJ at which time St Germain and the King of Swords who is head of the worldwide militia of 4,000,000 men + 40,000 Galactic-humans, were given the power to prosecute and take such actions as are required to remove the corrupt ones and to insure that the whole Planet is prepared for upshift into the 5Dimension, in the short time left in this cycle.
Are we under NESARA law now?
The King of Swords … put us inside NESARA Law and saved the world banks and stock markets from crashing. We’ve been under ICJ jurisdiction since then. So it may look like Congress has the power; that is a fiction. They are simply convicting themselves of treason…prior to being arrested and removed. We have been inside NESARA Law since Oct 1, 2008 and that has allowed many foundational changes to be implemented.
NESARA has been divinely decreed and refined into its current form by the labors of dedicated terrestrial and celestial beings.
There is only one LAW and that Law of the Land is NESARA.
There is no other Law to cite. It is popularly known in D.C. as “the Reformation Act”.
Anything else deals with the reach of NESARA, which is global, but which starts here.
We have been INSIDE NESARA Law, since 10/2/08. … King of Swords has sent in teams of his men to each of the banks and about 99% of the infrastructure is ready to go on receipt of a signal from Ashtar, St Germain and/or Lady Master Nada. … Mother confirmed not only that we are Inside NESARA Law and all that that entails, but that most of the foundational changes have been quietly set in motion since 10/2/08. She rephrased that: We are in a CONTINUOUS ANNOUNCEMENT UNFOLDMENT NOW.
The next day, was the day we went INSIDE the NESARA Law; not UNDER, INSIDE. So that gave KOS [King of Swords] the go ahead to insert into Basel II, some of the supports for NESARA.
We are seeing the first fruits of NESARA Law, and it is just the beginning, as each new day will continue to reveal more and more positive changes. All elected candidates will now have to be accountable for their oaths. They have been told and Galactic Federation will ensure that any failures to honor those oaths will bring removal and replacement by authentic and honest representatives. Each day inside NESARA Law is bringing the means to ensure that you, your benefits and your freedom to exercise your new responsibilities as leaders of the Golden Age will be enhanced and moved forward. NESARA is NOW the Law of the Land!
Is NESARA being worked upon in other countries?
There are people in other countries, such as the Canadian hierarchy, who have been working behind the scenes to prepare for the announcements and implementation in their country. New leaders of truth, integrity and accountability are ready to come forward in 190+ countries.
What is this about a “gag order”?
There was a gag order that prevented congress or the media from talking about this on pain of death. It is about to be lifted. Thousands of media people have attended weeks of briefing sessions arranged by KOS and are ready to flood the media with stories as soon as the gag order is lifted. The Secret NESARA Law was signed by Bill Clinton in Oct 2000, and then Sealed with a gag order on all government and media. I do not have a gag order in place. I have been asked to get the word out and my goal is 1 million people.
Don’t bother to check on the Internet as that Law is sealed until announced and is now protected by Lady Master Nada and the Galactic Forces along with Faction Three earth-based resources under the King of Swords.
What is the significance of Basel II?
You remember that Bush had G7 Visitors a few days before the end of the Fiscal Year on 9/30. He was told, as was Paulson, Bernanke and others, that if the money owed to them from the $300 Trillion in recovered stolen funds was not paid on 9/30 that they would be toast. There was also a deadline of 9/30 for coming into compliance with Basel II Provisions, which Bush had agreed to in April 08 but had not yet complied.
If certification of compliance did not occur, Oct 1 would require that Central Banks not accept funds from Federal Banks that day. Here’s what happened: Bush failed to comply. The White Knights stepped in with Program funds and saw to it that all US Banks were in compliance, inside NESARA Law. Bush intended to declare Martial Law due to Economic Emergency. He was stopped by the Provost Marshal General and specially-selected Naval Flag Officers and placed under House Arrest along with the Vice-President.
The G7 ultimatum which finally got this administration to implement Basel II financial standards of transparency and accountability on Monday, after very major assets were seized, included a 100 day period for full compliance in bringing all off-balance sheet assets onto the books. Since these ‘assets’ were fraudulently constructed and leveraged by 30-150 times their actual value, they have little real value and that requires other assets to be produced to cover the equity requirements. Since no other assets exist the 100 days is reduced to hours as full compliance would result in worldwide bankrupcy and criminal prosecution of all involved. The latter is unavoidable, as justice must be done. We will see every nation and every bank bankrupt as we change over to the new financial provisions which will be made available to every child, woman and man on Earth. All who are illegally jailed under false laws will be released, all except violent offenders. Those ones will be offered appropriate remediation.
How long has this been in the planning stages?
All of the measures now culminating have been planned for hundreds of years. This is no political party scheme. This is the Return of the Light to the Planet and the Planet’s Ascension to the spiritual dimension by divine decree. All of the Universe is involved. Trillions of spaceships are here to help.
Where are the funds being kept?
The true funds and documents are safely out of their reach, in St Germain’s safe custody. Too many criminals in the banks, government and black ops/intel organizations would steal the funds in an eyeblink if the deliveries occurred prior to regime change. All of those ones will be purged from the international financial systems before any funds are inserted into the new safe system.
What about the rest of us?
In addition to these beneficiaries, all citizens, men, women and children, of these countries — not in any program– will receive $10 Million, and forgiveness of most debt, bank credit cards, and student loans.
They can expect to receive their $10 Million within 72 hours after Announcement. Thirty days later we will have re-indexing on a 10:1 ratio. That means the buying power of that $10 Million will actually be the equivalent in purchasing power of $100 million. Pretty impressive result.
Most of the inflation of the past 30 years will have been wrung out of the market. The adjusted prices for Gold, Silver and Platinum have already been set.
Mortgage payments will be deferred for 30 days after announcement, to allow expedited application for cancellation of mortgages.
Income Tax will be ended and IRS will be handling refunds only.
A National Sales Tax on non-essential, new items only will replace the Income Tax.
You can see how no one will have to work to pay basic living expenses ever again. That frees us all from the drudgery, which will then be accomplished by new technologies, and that allows plenty of time for creative pursuits and spiritual development opportunities unprecedented in scope, supporting Planetary Ascension. We will no longer be in the pursuit of survival. We will be able to spend our lives on Earth focused on spiritual development which is the whole point of being on Earth.
Will any be left behind or lose out from participation in NESARA – for instance, from the drop in value of our 401Ks?
No one will be left behind that chooses to trust, ask and allow the new to unfold. Presenters were all very definite about not fearing loss of Social Security; 401Ks, Retirement benefits, supplies of food, non-toxic medical treatment, education for our children. It won’t happen! NESARA is here and is ready to bring better solutions forward with our Announcement.
When will children be eligible to receive their benefit?
New kids being born will be able to ‘come aboard’ in 12-15 months.
Gold will be the currency of choice
Gold will be the currency of choice for as long as we still need currency, and it is also important in the alchemy of our own Ascension.
What will be the impact of these programs?
The arrangement is exceedingly fair and will have a predictable effect of jump-starting the new economy and technologies. Of course, anyone wanting to open a trust or create a foundation will incur fees and expenses for those professional services.
Four countries – the US, the UK, Canada and Australia — will begin the NESARA distributions within 72 hours after Announcement of NESARA. Other countries are to be paid in sequential numerical order over the following 12-15 months. I neither created nor am involved with the administration of any of these major programs so I can’t speak on the subject of how these programs were designed or the order of payments.
A few of the major programs are unlabeled and theoretically could be used to fill important needs not originally anticipated. There will be NEW programs after all 78 current programs pay out around the world over a 12 -15 month initial period post-announcement. This is so much simpler than the random and complicated bookkeeping methods that were spoken of ten years ago. This is far more generous and yet, the amount left to do projects will still be greater than ever!
Will every one of the original participants in the 78 major gifting programs receive a payout?
Everyone who has been operating mostly from integrity since entering one of the major gifting programs and whose intentions are harmonious with the divine purpose will receive a payout.
Anyone in these programs who has been intending or demonstrating criminally-corrupt intentions and whose spiritual frequency and behavior is inimical to unity, healing, harmony and integrity will not receive a payout from their investment in the programs.
How will this disqualification be determined?
KOS and his people have been monitoring everyone involved in the major gifting programs for years. Irresponsible, criminal behavior or intentions has basically disqualified one half of the original participants. That means there is more to be distributed in various ways by half as many people than was originally calculated. I won’t cite expected amounts, but it should be clear that far more — perhaps double the original amounts — will now be available for the gifting programs and their intended humanitarian projects.
Will the existing economy utterly collapse?
There is a critical mass of people who now understand that big changes are required and that–painful as change is–we can not try to patch the old system. It is too far gone; it’s too late and there are no resources left. In this country we are still better off than 90% of the world, where conditions are beyond the average American’s comprehension.
At the same time as the outer conditions collapse, we are in a profound universal situation where all are waiting for us to take our next step towards Galactic Citizenship.
What is the fate of victims of stock-market fraud?
Outside of the Prosperity, Freedom, Farm Claim programs, the bad guys owe additional settlements for which they have not paid; i.e., stock market fraud settlements, will these be paid too and will they be paid one for one or will the payments be RE-Indexed 90%? If so, will they be paid in the new Rainbow Currency that is backed by gold/silver?
Those obligations are of the Corporation USA, in D.C. They have nothing to do with NESARA. The money they put into their secret offshore accounts has been recovered by the Hong Kong Blondes who now work for KOS. The country settlements represent fraud/theft and none of them will get those funds—$300Trillion cyber-lifted from those secret accounts and back in the U.S. now…in safe hands.
Neither Wanta nor 160 nations’ heads will get any of that stolen money. St Germain has good projects benefiting the People that will get that money. Post Announcement, the Phoenix ‘Rainbow’ currency will be exchangable by US Citizens, in this country, on a $1=$1 basis. 30 days after NESARA’s announcement, all non-NESARA funds/prices will be reindexed to wring inflation out of the world economy. That will put more spendable income into the hands of citizens.
How is this operation being conceived and managed?
The St Germain World Trust … brought the gold of Atlantis forward for the Lightworkers of this time. One of the keys to the success of this culminated in the St Germain ‘Advisories’ which became NESARA. Ascended Master St Germain has watched over those funds and in addition has coordinated much gold coming here from Venus and other off-planet locations which cumulatively now equal $1+40 zeros which is sufficient to provide $10Million to each man, woman and child after NESARA’s Announcement. These funds and others will result in the end all poverty on the planet within a 12-15 month period.
Some logarithms from St Germain, have been mathematically modeled through matrices to develop self-replenishing ways to keep generating income and participation for as long as needed. I’ve seen those matrix examples and they can do what is needed to fund governments and people and projects indefinitely.
There is no need for any anxiety or fear. All has been prepared and solutions to all the major challenges of food, shelter, income, education and safety are included in NESARA’s provisions.
What about the impact of matters like the Bailout on NESARA?
When Bush signed that bogus bailout bill, it did not become law! He was under house arrest. That was what Ashtar meant on Tuesday 10/7, when he said: “Bailout Cancelled!” Signing that bill was only a way to get him to convict himself and all who were his corrupt co-conspirators in treason … going all the way back to 9/11. What this meant was that the Congressional votes had to do with the Corporation USA and not the Republic which is “We the People,” who are being protected and funded inside NESARA.
When will the banking and economic arrangements behind NESARA be put in place?
All NESARA gold and precious metals are in US Banks along with our new Phoenix Currency, and we are compliant with Basel II since 0ct 1.
New banking and economic systems are NOW in place! KOS has sent in teams of his men to each of the banks and about 99% of the infrastructure is ready to go on receipt of a signal from Ashtar, St Germain and/or Lady Master Nada.
When is all this likely to be announced?
Soon. Be cautious about anyone giving an exact date for actions. That should be seriously questioned. We will know when these events are happening, be assured of that. Signing the NESARA Petition is one of the most important things anyone can do to bring the Announcement into fruition.
We have been INSIDE NESARA LAW since Oct 2nd per KOS’s authority and direction. Much is being done to purge the financial systems of ‘tinkering’ vulnerabilities. That has progressed significantly and will be ready when needed.
Mother Sekhmet confirmed not only that we are inside NESARA Law and all that that entails, but that most of the foundational changes have been quietly set in motion since October 2nd.
We are not waiting for Inauguration. Tying all these loose ends together: 9/11 Treason, the role of the Vatican/Pope; War Crimes; Financial Fraud on unbelievable level; Peace across the planet; Truth about Galactic presence and assistance throughout all times and ages; truth about all the clones, holograms of all types; complicity of the media; the rogue intelligence harassment of citizens; and criminal collusion and corruption with all government heads.
We have been told there are two things pre-requisite to NESARA’s Announcement. They are: Sibel Edmond’s testimony about 9/11 and the lifting of the coverup about the galactic presence in our skies, over every major city on the planet. The two, 4 day, earth-based meetings in Europe and Dharamsala, along with Solar Tribunal meetings on Saturn, and currently in D.C., produced a statement from both the King of Egypt and associates of the King of Swords–all of whom work together, since being in service together during the Vietnam war, at the 38th level above the President.
That statement was quite specific: All the alphabet agencies known, and a few most do not know, have White Knight assets inside. Those White Knights along with about 40,000 fully awake and aware galactic-humans will combine with complements in the military to bring about and support the needed changes. The ascended masters are now present. It is obvious to any informed observer that any large sums paid to anyone at this time would put their lives in extreme danger as well as result in the funds being stolen.
That is one of the imperative reasons for No Distributions until after regime change and Lady Master Nada addresses us on TV.
All the preparations are now complete. When the first TV address is heard, the removals will all have been accomplished. This is a worldwide restoration of freedom, honesty and abundance. Gold in the amount of $1+ 40 zeros, has been recovered and includes gold and precious metals from many other Planets. These funds have been accumulating in Master Trusts for the last 200+ years through the stewardship of St Germain. Over 200 banks and safe depositories are involved worldwide in these programs. All but the master criminals and confederates, will have greater abundance, opportunities and assistance in all areas: medical, educational, expanded spiritual awareness, political expression, and so many other areas that will be possible when peace is established…. The means is already in place and can be accomplished by a single command.
What is the cabal doing to prevent its announcement?
The Bush crime family and cohorts have tried everything, including the demolition of the Twin Towers and other 9/11-related events, to see to it that the Announcement would never be allowed to occur. They have failed, but their efforts have delayed parts of the program until now.
There are disinformation ‘damage control teams’ who have planted bait on the internet. Their websites were made by people who got tired of waiting for announcement, turned bitter, and then became pawns for Cabal disinformation and damage control efforts.
But the Announcement is coming soon.
In earlier actions it was noted that “moles” existed in many agencies including the US Marshalls and those insiders consistently gave advance notice to bankers and administrative heads whenever arrests or other legal actions were scheduled. Mother confirmed that all such ones have been removed and will no longer be an impediment as the above actions prepare the way for massive arrests of indicted ones.
Any fund transfers intended to subvert NESARA or steal the so-called Settlement Funds, will be intercepted and given over to St Germain and the criminals removed. They are being electronically ‘tagged’ and will be ‘bagged’ on a single command. Many are already ‘missing in action’. This is crunch time for the tricksters.
Are the so-called “packages” legitimate?
Do not be concerned with Casper et al’s emphasis on “packages” being delivered before NESARA is announced. That is a Bush Sr ruse to dissappoint and distract Lightworkers.
Anyone receiving anything purporting to be a “packie”– before Lady Master Nada announces on TV the delivery schedule—should be aware that it is likely an invitation to sign papers that will put their lives in danger. This is the way the dark side works.
Take a legitimate program and the lists of beneficiaries which they have gotten access to, and send out ‘trial balloons’ to see how many gullible ones they can snare; steal their funds, and then entice them offshore and then dispose of them. For the protection of the funds; the beneficiaries and all the purposes for which those funds are intended, no payments will be allowed until the corrupt criminals are removed. We have been watching the arrests and trials of these dark ones for over two years now. That is one of the imperative reasons for No Distributions until after regime change and Lady Master Nada addresses us on TV.
How does the Announcement of NESARA fit into the general flow of events leading up to First Contact?
When Regime changes, 9/11 exposure by Sibel Edmonds (in final negotiations for TV address at this moment) and revelations of the Galactic UFO Presence will forever dissolve the Cabal coverup or suppression of these facts. We will all then get an experience of upshift by a half step. This upshift would have taken many, many lifetimes of spiritual progress to accomplish, but has been decreed by the Grace of Source to each of us. Therewith most if not all will ‘remember’ our core-resonance with the Spiritual Dimensions and most hearts will open to that knowledge, already present.
This experience will be so awesome that most will want to stay home from work, school or whatever the next day or three, to process this experience. Since this will coincide with NESARA’s Announcement and >36 hours of TV/Radio Broadcasts of economic, political and spiritual information, which will be quite dramatic to most. It has been known but suppressed by the Cabal for eons of time to keep us in ignorance and separation from our Source awareness. People hearing these broadcasts will quickly learn that debt is going to be forgiven and that net income will be increased through elimination of the IRS, Income Taxes and credit card debt with NESARA’s Announcement and all the positive improvements it supports.
Can you give me an example of a country acting on its knowledge of NESARA?
Yes. The news in Iceland recently was that they are bankrupt, but will refuse Bailout Funds. They know that they will come inside NESARA’s funding provisions so they are allowing their corporate bankrupcy to proceed.
What about something called “country settlement payments”? Will they take place?
There are bogus “country settlement payments” that the Banksters would like you to believe in. They are bogus. NO such payments will be going to the crooks! I repeat: “country settlement payments” will NOT take place. Those funds will be used for the benefit of all peoples on the Planet.
What will happen to the Federal Reserve and IRS?
Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul are submitting legislation to put the Federal Reserve under the US Treasury and write off all that false-debt that is income for the Bushes and Cabal associates…and END IRS collections.
The Federal Reserve has been folded into the US Treasury and all of the Gold and Phoenix, Precious Metal-Backed currency, is in the banks NOW. The US Treasury is already taking over many functions of the Federal Reserve. The IRS is KAPUT, gone, dissolved, except for refunds, awaiting public announcements.
What will happen to the banks?
The general direction of the economy is downward as we are approaching the point where the full off-balance sheet amounts of derivatives are going to have to be dealt with–$2,000 Trillion estimated. Since they amount to more than all the banks’ assets/income in the world, a wholesale bust or bankruptcy is inevitable. That involves, banks, stock/bond markets, hedge funds, pension funds, 401k investments and most mutual funds. Since these are insured by insurance companies, they also will have to face the facts that they don’t have enough reserves to pay claims. Nationalization of the major banks is likely. That would allow the governments to take them over, clean them out of the criminals and shadow-banking practices, and write off the mostly worthless derivatives, keeping only the true asset-based investments. They will then reopen as US Treasury Banks backed by precious metals and without fractional banking.
Big Box Banks are very likely to become nationalized so they can be disinfected from their toxic derivatives–estimated to be as much as $2000 Trillion worldwide.
What will happen to the Euro? The stock market?
The Euro is going to go sliding downward. Only Gold/Silver will hold value. The stock market has not yet realized the magnitude of the unfunded debt of the world. It is impossible to EVER pay it back. So bankruptcy is the only option for the Cabal. And, as we have been saying: That has NOTHING to do with the Republic, which is fully funded by NESARA and which is already in the Announcement stage, even though not yet formally announced.
What is the validity of all these discussions of “package deliveries”?
Casper/Poof reports what is fed to him by faction 1 and 2 sources. 1/3 is based on partial truths but spun to confuse and keep folks looking for “packies” that will never come until after NESARA is announced. Anyone receiving anything purporting to be a “packie”–before Lady Master Nada announces on TV the delivery schedule– should be aware that it is likely an invitation to sign papers that will put their lives in danger. This is the way the darkside works. Take a legitimate program and the lists of beneficiaries which they have gotten access to, and send out ‘trial balloons’ to see how many gullible ones they can snare; steal their funds, and then entice them offshore and then dispose of them. For the protection of the funds; the beneficiaries and all the purposes for which those funds are intended, no payments will be allowed until the corrupt criminals are removed. Any fund transfers intended to subvert NESARA or steal the so-called Settlement Funds, will be intercepted and given over to St Germain and the criminals removed.
I have heard of “major gifting programs” or “numbered programs” connected with “original investors.” What are these and how will they work?
Only programs completed before the end of 1999 will pay out…. However everyone will still get $10 Million. … The 78 major programs are funds designed for huge projects. Recipients will be contributing $10 Million to each one on their lists of an estimated 200 people. … There are bogus settlement payments that the Banksters would like you to believe in. They are bogus and no such payments will be going to the crooks! Same is true of the packages touted by a few Faction Two bankster shills. People that invested in the 78 programs before the end of 1999 are legitimate program recipients and will be charged with supervising projects and distributions of the funds entrusted to them. Each program has specific instructions that will be included in those document deliveries. Those designated participants in the 78 original and existing numbered progams will receive large amounts to facilitate huge humanitarian projects. These are people who invested in the original 78 programs before the end of 1999. They are legitimate program recipients and will be charged with supervising projects and distributions of the funds entrusted to them. Each program has specific instructions that will be included in those document deliveries.
All major programs in all countries will be completed over 12-15 months maximum, except for the first four. People in the programs will receive many hundreds of billions –- which is an understatement — of which they will be mandatorily gifting a small percentage of $10 million to each one on their lists of an estimated 200 people. All the lists will be cross-compared to ensure that everyone gets that amount. There will not be any duplications as each ‘gifting list’ will be recorded so no one is left out and no one gets paid twice.
Of course, the main purpose of these programs is to level the economic playing field and to fund massive humanitarian projects around the world. In addition, other amounts could be donated, if the recipient chooses. I’m only talking about the mandatory gifting amounts. Clarifying instructions and examples will be included in the major-program package instructions each will receive. Different programs have different requirements but all will participate in this gifting distribution.
What will be happening to the last cabal in these days ahead?
Ashtar stated on 11/18: “NESARA is NOW the Law of the Land. Black Ops funding is being cancelled and certain Black Ops programs are being dismantled and shut down.” Many foundation changes are already being implemented. House Arrest of the leaders of 195 countries has been necessary as part of the changes. Ashtar said that the funding for the Black Ops programs have been shut down…permanently. Blackwater troops are ready to seek other work as they are not being paid what is owed to them. Cabal Black Ops programs are being defunded and will no longer have their drug money to fund them.
No solid-hologram will actually take office … although Bush, Cheney, Paulson, Hillary, and many more in Congress and elsewhere in government and banking are now just that. Paschat Warriors are paying ‘business calls’ on the 13 Elder Dragon Families. These ‘calls’ are also happening to BlackWater, Haliburton and many others. All false intel stories about Obama or any appointees will be exposed. Do NOT think that any solid holograms will be taking office. With the Announcement, the ‘power’ to sustain those ones will be withdrawn and they will ‘fizzle out’.
The War Crimes Arrests for 9/11 involvement will be quite broad and quite extensive. Likewise for acts of Treason. These are critical elements of justice that must be allowed to fulfill Planetary and Universal legal requirements.
The truth must be told with purity, clarity and exactness. Most of us are well aware that all political, religious, economic, sciences and histories have been manipulated and distorted for purposes of control throughout the ages. That ends now. The most important lies have been the withholding of our own origins, purposes and potentials for the purpose of enslavement and prevention of Planetary Ascension. This will be one of the most amazing revelations of all times.
On October 30th, in Ashville, NC, CH 13, WSOL, locals were surprised to see huge movements of large military aircraft–painted black–into the local area. CIA, FBI in large numbers filled the area, and then thousands of business-suited prisoners in handcuffs and leg shackles were loaded on the planes in the wee hours of the night. Those planes were headed for the Hague and the prisoners were said to be 10,000 bankers and associates indicted by Patrick Fitzgerald’s 56 Grand Juries meeting over the last 3+ years. It was obvious that a Federal Judge had unsealed those indictments.
Ashtar mentioned the King of Egypt as an Adept who had accomplished miracles. We understood that he was referring to the KOE’s masterful orchestration and coordination of all that was required to effect the success of the arrests, and the transport to Europe of all those corrupt ones, for formal trial in the Hague.
Ashtar told us that those ones will not be returning. They will be joined by Illuminati families [“families” as in lines of control] and minions and their programs of control of the people of this Planet are already being dismantled and shut down permanently. We are seeing the first fruits of NESARA Law, and it is just the beginning, as each new day will continue to reveal more and more positive changes. All elected candidates will now have to be accountable for their oaths. They have been told and Galactic Federation will ensure that any failures to honor those oaths will bring removal and replacement by authentic and honest representatives.
10,000 bankers were arrested, tried in the Hague, and executed a week ago, while holograms are in their places in the top levels of the banks and their families will not know until after our Announcement. It has taken many, many years of secret Grand Jury sifting through mountains of facts to bring 10,000+ sealed indictments to be unsealed jointly by Patrick Fitzgerald and Lady Master Nada for serving by US Marshals, the military; interpol and backed by the Galactic Federation Ships over all our major cities now. That number comes from the 56 Grand Juries that met for over 3 years as part of Patrick Fitzgerald’s investigations of various illuminati directed criminal matters. The King of Egypt is our direct source for that number and that information. It was his job to bring all of those ones indicted for treasonable offenses to Asheville, NC where they were guarded by a team of military, CIA and FBI before being put onto large black aircraft and flown to the Hague for trial and for execution a week later. The late night transport was reported on local TV Ch 13 and nowhere else.
We were told by KOE that they were gone…a week later. Holograms were put in their places and they are still going to work and home, until after our Announcements. These ones were international criminals who stole 300 Trillion dollars and cost the lives of untold numbers. They were not ‘white collar criminals’. Some other thousands were arrested and received average sentences of 25 years confinement in foreign facilities. We are talking about the worst of the worst. War Crimes, Genocide, Terrorism and Treason are the crimes involved. This will all come out after Announcements.
100 million reptilians have been removed over the last 8 years from surface and subsurface environments. Every organization, political, religious, military, legal, media, of any magnitude, on the Planet has been infiltrated and controlled by these ones, as agents of the 13 Old Dragon families. There has been almost complete control of every facet of existence until Faction Three, Galactic Federation, and the ascended masters were given permission in 1987 and 1999 to ‘remove the controllers’ and assist the planet in ascending. It is only in recent days that enough of us have awakened enough to tip the balance to the Light. That was by Divine decree and with direct Source Light infusions which will continue through Ascension.
Something else, I may or may not have mentioned before, is that only about 50 members of Congress are still alive. Many {480+} were killed and cloned and many are solid holograms. When Ashtar/Nada/Sananda/Mother Sekhmet/Red/Green/KOS say they are taking care of business, that’s what they mean. Everything will be announced at once. It will already be a done deal.
Massive special police operations involving 300+ officers took place, at least three separate locations. Seizure and transport of safe deposit lockers to secure locations where contents of documents, drugs, money, stolen computer technologies, etc will be inventoried, analayzed and followed up with arrests. These sites are crucial intermediary drops for agents, criminals and other international intelligence dark ops agents. Such ops have been planned and carried out several times over the past two years. Often we never see evidence of it in the news. The implications will unfold in the coming days, and will trigger panic attempts to remove additional incriminating evidence from bank safe deposit facilities, which it is presumed will now be more closely monitored for just such actions.
This unprecedented operation took two years of planning, observation and top secret levels of police cooperation…following Chris Story’s publication of the methods/extent and names of international financial criminals, banksters, politicians fraudulent transactions that secreted $300 Trillion into private accounts. Those funds have now been recovered and will be very instrumental in funding the new financial systems that NESARA requires. That these operations are now surfacing speaks clearly to the difference in this moment as compared to all those preceding today’s. Chris Story was working for the cabal and a shill for the UK crown. He was shot out on the street when they no longer had a use for him.
These are the kind of undercover actions closing the traps that have been so carefully placed. We are going to be hearing of many more such actions that are now in process. Another example is that of the years of Federal Grand Jury deliberations in the US. Those hearings have produced 10,000 sealed indictments that are about to be unsealed and served.
Some of the items in those 7000 lockboxes involve Trillions of dollars in gold certificates; incriminating evidence of organized crime heads, government intel services, agents, bankster operations–worldwide–that hit them like a brick-bat in the face. They just met to do ‘damage control’ during the Bilderbergers’ meeting in Chantilly, VA. Make no mistake, the chainsaws are ‘clearing the forest’ of liars, lies, fraud, murder, and every other despicable practice you know or never heard of. There will be “shock and awe” when the details can be told.
Who drafted NESARA?
Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul drafted certain sections of the secret NESARA Law.
14 members of Congress who contributed their expertise to crafting various sections of the Law. This includes Paul Wellstone, who when he was about to break his gag order was killed with his wife and daughter in a plane crash. This was a reminder to all under a gag order not to speak about NESARA Law. I have received emails from these ones saying they cannot help me at all because they are under a gag order and fear for their lives.
The key word is FAIR. Would it be fair to eliminate a ten million dollar mortgage on an estate or yacht purchased with laundered drug money? Or a hundred million dollar mortgage on a building acquired by someone whose money came by defrauding investors or deliberately putting small companies out of business? Would it be fair to eradicate a $25,000 credit card debt incurred by someone who replaced last year’s model of an expensive car with the latest model? Choices like that, like all other free will choices, are the responsibilities of the individuals.
The differences are due to purview divergences. Our information comes from ‘higher HQ’ sources: Ashtar, Sananda, Mother Sekhmet, KOS, Lady Master Nada, and St Germain. All below do not know what all above are planning, only general directions. You can be certain that what we have said is correct as it has come from those in charge of implementing the plan. This is not a criticism, just a different view from a higher level of involvement.
How are 9/11 and NESARA related?
The Cabal engineered 9/11 to stop NESARA’s announcement which was scheduled for 10 minutes after the Twin Towers/Pentagon/PA attacks. They have continued to use and expand War Powers Act-based invasions without lawful congressional actions and would–if not foiled–declare Martial Law to declare a Dictatorship or NWO. The failure to achieve their ends…thus far… is driving them to extremes that are becoming more and more transparent as time is running out. They are losing and they know it. They will not prevail. This is due to a Divine Decree which is being implemented throughout this and planet, solar system and universe.
Dennis Kucinich, talking on Clout/Air America Radio, actually discussed what was supposed to happen on 9/11: “An important Announcement was scheduled which would change our economic and political systems.” (He could not use the term NESARA because of the gag order, but all who know understand that is what he was describing).
At the time of 9/11 attacks, a special section of the Pentagon had just been modified for higher-security protection, and that segment of the Pentagon was a special Naval Intelligence communications facility involved with NESARA’s Announcement. It was the exact target of the missile attack. Transmission of codes to central banks were already in process at the time of the attack with the Announcement less than 10 minutes away.
The Pennsylvania site was an underground storage for important NESARA-related documents and was an exact targeted location. At the moment of what was called a plane crash, FEMA/FBI were already standing by in the nearby woods. They then rushed out to secure the area from other investigators. No plane crashed. Each tower was attacked by a specially-prepared aircraft, modified by Secret Government/CIA to carry missiles and also special holographic projectors to project the illusion of the aircraft in the news releases.
The Twin Towers sub-floors held records and a lot of gold. The black ops folks had pre-installed various explosive devices and came back several weeks before 9/11 to install detonators and make electrical connections and circuit checks so that they could remotely trigger the explosions to take out the massive base supports and central columns, steal the gold, and kill any people around who could testify as to what they were doing.
They didn’t kill them all as they were in a rush to load up the gold and get it away before the explosions were detonated. So there were witnesses to each of these actions. A total of 75,000 people were actually killed in those demolitions on 911. Certain areas were targeted to destroy records and accounts detailing liabilities of cabal firms.
The Announcement was scheduled for 10:15 AM on Sept 11, 2001…but that was ‘prevented’ by the Twin Towers attacks, which were planned and executed by our own governments black ops agents. Sibel Edmonds, Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson, David Ray Griffen and many others are speaking out on this subject which will result in the arrest and removal of Bush, Cheney, et al, with a new election coming within 6 months of NESARA’s Announcement.
The “Wisdom Economy”
We are on the threshold of very major changes. On Thom Hartmann’s Air America Radio Show, Thom had Dr David C Korten, an economist, speaking about the bankruptcy of “Phantom Economy,” based on fiat paper. He called for an immediate change to Precious Metals Backed Currency, leading to a “Wisdom Economy”. He then said, on the air, “I will not answer any questions on when NESARA will be announced or when disbursements will occur. All of that is speculative….” Dr Korten previously discussed these matters on Democracy NOW, with Amy Goodman.
Plunging Stock Market
The KOS gave an update and said that there are variables but that the direction was clearly downward for the stock market. These are estimates based on current knowledge only and there are NO DATES or absolute Dow numbers. Whenever they step in and close the markets they will also have to close the banks for two weeks to clean up the criminals and their practices. They would–in this country–then reopen the banks as US Treasury Banks under NESARA.
That decision will be made by St Germain.
The Dow dropped 300 points in the last 30 minutes and then bounced back to 6594 which is a lower close and, again, it happened on HIGH volume=50% greater than average. That says that the trend continues downward. Thom Hartmann said that he has been saying for 5 years that the market could fall to 5000 or even 3000, and folks should not discount that possibility since we know that he has access to KOS and St Germain and Lady Master Nada.
The main point is not a number.
It is that the trend is definitely downward and to take whatever actions are prudent in your individual case. It is also to understand that St Germain may not take action until it goes as low as 3000. St Germain gives KOS his orders and he will not tell us any exact number or date.
When will NESARA occur?
Lady Master Nada foreclosed on our Corporate Government on 9/30/08 when Bush defaulted on his payments. The KOS then put us inside NESARA Law and saved the world banks and stockmarkets from crashing. We’ve been under ICJ jurisdiction since then. So it may look like Congress has the power; that is a fiction. They are simply convicting themselves of treason…prior to being arrested and removed.
What we are looking at is a surface projection/shadow play. We have been inside NESARA Law since Oct 1, 2008 and that has allowed many foundational changes to be implemented. The US is economically bankrupt, and the surface system is failing and will soon be removed.
It takes a lot for people to let go of old ways and ‘rules’ of how to proceed. The entrenched system doesn’t care about election results. It wants to continue the ‘old ways’, which are bankrupt. We are living on two tracks at the same time, migrating from the old to the new.
The overlap allows us to continue in both as our shift takes place. Most are aware that we are upgrading from carbon to a liquid diamond substructue. That shift allows us to absorb and hold more light so that our physical structures can continue existing as ‘Soul Containers’.
The same is true of the old outer structures being infused with the new foundational structures. When NESARA is announced, the old will then fall away, like a scab on a wound, and the new will be seen to already be present.
Then progress will move exponentially forward. Everything is following this model to allow the maximum preparation by all, before the Announcement is made. Then public actions will take place that will remove those remnants of the Old Regime who have chosen not to migrate to and support the new policies.
All of this preparation for war crimes prosecution has been proceeding since Oct 1, 2008, and Obama knows all this and also knows that NESARA is about to be announced along with 911 exposure and revelation of Galactic presence.
Sananda, St Germain, Maitreya, Metatron, Michael, Mother Sekhmet, and Ashtar are working tirelessly to synchronize all these actions so that the transition will be smooth and seamless. Without these preparatory steps we would have extreme shock throughout the Planet.
There is a critical mass of people who now understand that big changes are required and that–painful as change is–we can not try to patch the old system. It is too far gone; it’s too late and there are no resources left. In this country we are still better off than 90% of the world, where conditions are beyond the average American’s comprehension.
At the same time as the outer conditions collapse, we are in a profound Universal situation where all are waiting for us to take our next step towards Galactic citizenship. The changes are coming fast and furious and will be so rapid we will not be able to keep track of the number and their impacts.
Watch how fast these seeming events turn around as the new administration moves to achieve critical support for its new actions. Thom Hartmann opened his program with an amazing question he originated. “Is the Reformation Act the Solution?” Can you imagine that! That is a breakthrough. Of course he didn’t use “NESARA” but everyone in D.C. and elsewhere knows what Reformation Act refers to. Very big evidence of impending news.
As to timing of NESARA, they will not give us an exact date.
We don’t have–because our sources aren’t allowed to tell us– the details or exact timetables.
What is President Obama doing about NESARA?
Barack Obama has been meeting with terrestial and extraterrestial councils in recent weeks including during his ‘vacation’ in Hawaii. He is our President and is also the 9th member of the Sirian Council of Nine so he has prepared himself for the last 1000 years for the role he now will play in bringing NESARA to Announcement; assisting in exposing all the War Criminals involved in Economic and Political Treason since the US Planned and Executed travesty of 911.
That involves international cabal families in many countries. The theft of over $100 Trillion of the public’s funds is also involved. Planned genocide of more than 6 Billion of the world’s population along with total dictatorial control of all earth’s assets has been the cabal’s objective since they first came here 65 Million years ago.
What will happen after NESARA is announced?
We will have programs in all countries that will remove the greed and provide the essentials of life to all citizens. There will be no need for artificial boundaries. Those artificial barriers come from disparity in income, education, and meaningful work. Since all of those will be answered in each country, borders will be removed as unnecessary. Of course, some of the provisions will take longer than others…up to 12-15 months at the longest. However, even in these cases, all basic needs will be met rapidly. The 82nd Airborne Division is surrounding Washington, D.C. to provide security in support of NESARA Law. NESARA’s announcement and implementation … is imminent…. The return of all our troops will be the final item in the Peace manifestation process.
All the military stationed throughout the world will be returned home at once. The Starships are easily capable of this task.
According to Elizabeth, we are under NESARA since Oct. 1, 2008. The current government in the US is only a theater play, and many of them are clones. NESARA is delayed by 9.11. No congressman can talk about it publicly becuase they are under gag order. Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich were involved partially in NESARA drafting. (no wonder Ron Paul is a big supporter of gold and silver!)Lady Nada is the final authority to announce NESARA which nobody knows when it will happen officially. It is part of the divine plan to lift us to the 5-D.
What is NESARA?
National Economic Security and Reformation Act.
Is NESARA for real?
I can assure you that NESARA [the National Economic Security and Reformation Act] is for real. I say that because I and my colleagues have talked to Bill Clinton, King of Swords (KOS), Ashtar, Mother Sekhmet, Lady Master Nada and 14 members of Congress who contributed their expertise to crafting various sections of the Law – not a bill! KOS and Seal teams recently moved the original signed document to a safer place so it will be available to Lady Master Nada when she makes her TV Announcement.
NESARA [National Economic Security and Reformation Act] was signed into Law by Bill Clinton in Oct 2000, but sealed from any attempt to prove its existence until it is announced, at which time it becomes fully enacted.
What are your sources on NESARA?
What I know comes from Faction 3 Intelligence, which is 38 levels above the President, which involves KOS, ACIO [Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization] of which I am a member, Ashtar Command, Ascended Masters, Mother Sekhmet, the president of the Solar Tribunal, and White Knights within the top levels of government and intelligence.
One of my friends was originally contacted by the team of 100 wealthy visionaries over 33 years ago and asked to help get the word out and be a liasion between parties. My friend, Rama Arjuna, who is Ashtar’s incarnated son, was contacted by Ashtar to combine their efforts with KOS in 1979 to help bring this to Announcement. All of these folks are real and backed up by Galactic Federation support, around the world in every country.
The sources of our information, come from both alternative broadcast media–like Air America Radio; local media personalities and, most importantly, from those at 38 levels above the President in the ACIO/Seal/Delta Teams/King of Swords/King of Egypt (code names of course); Mother Sekhmet through direct channelling; OOB meetings with Ashtar, Sananda, Ascended Masters on the Starships and Solar Tribunal Councils.
KOS has an encrypted telephone network through which he sends people messages to get information out to the public. He is based in D.C. and was appointed with St Germain by the World Court in 1999 as head of the worldwide militia of over 4 million, and is a high ranking member of the secret service.
One source was approached more than 33 years ago by the wealthy visionaries and asked to assist with what became NESARA. She has continued with that work to this moment. And, NO, this is not Dove. Rama goes up to the ships almost every night to work with Mother Sekhmet, and many others. We are all dedicated to getting NESARA announced and bringing the New Republic into full manifestation and to full Planetary Ascension.
Our summaries are sent to a very small circle of close friends. We try to only include what we have personal knowledge of even though–like everyone else–information comes in dribs and drabs and some questions and exact times will not be answered until it is safe to do so. I mention the designations of those we get info from even though some congressmen have checkered political records. Some are double agents and will soon decloak and spill the beans as to their roles. Filters are about to be ‘cleared’ and new mission assignments will be downloaded, internally, to each of us as these current events transpire. I should mention that many existing leaders may well surrender their vehicles to fully awakened galactic walkins. This has already happened in many cases…in addition to the hundreds of involuntarily cabal-cloned ‘standins’ we see on TV.
What does NESARA mandate?
The illuminati controllers will do anything to prevent its implementation as it immediately spells their removals from political and economic control over the people and resources of this Planet. It requires full return to Constitutional and Common Law principles by 190 countries starting with the US. It involves — due to present fraudulent practices — mortgage debt forgiveness; cancellation of all credit card debt; student loan forgiveness; ends IRS collection of Income Tax and substitutes a National Sales Tax on non-essential items only with no tax on food, medicines or used goods. It requires all existing congressional/administrative heads to resign; all lawyers would have to take a 30 day Constitutional Law course as statute laws will be dissolved.
The world economic system will shift to transparent operations — Basel II was implemented in the month of April — precious metals backed currency and the federal reserve and its collection agent [IRS], and most corrupt alphabet agencies will be dissolved. Current Federal Reserve notes will be exchanged for US Treasury bills backed by Gold, Silver or precious metals on a $1 for $1 basis.
Special Trusts and 78 programs which were originally created by St Germain over 200 years ago for this time, will provide the means to offer free education to all and assist all in upgrading quality of life. Suppressed technologies, secretly being used by the controllers, will be made available to the public. These provide clean and unlimited power for home, industry and travel. Replicators will be made available with First Contact landings to provide most items.
There will be a worldwide re-indexing of currencies, 30 days after announcement, so that while you now receive $100 income and pay sales taxes and income taxes on that amount, you will only pay sales taxes on $10 when spent for non-essential items after re-indexing. This is to remove much of false inflation from the prices of goods caused by use of fiat money instead of precious metals backed currency.
Peace is a requirement and no more wars or nuclear weapons will be allowed. The methods and means to achieve this are already in place and can be implemented upon a single command.
A single molecular change in the nuclear process will make all existing nuclear processes benign. Galactic/human teams will clean up air, water, soil and toxic contamination in the first two months following Announcement. Polluting industries will no longer be necessary as their replacements will be non-polluting and the old plants will be removed by processes that re-cycle the energies.
Benefactor programs will become available and gifting programs are extensive and worldwide to ensure that all will experience unprecedented opportunity to make new choices for their future occupations and enhanced learning programs will be available to quickly upgrade or learn new skills. Diagnostic/healing methods and technologies will become available to reverse all medical conditions and restore optimal health. All these technologies and methods presently exist. Many others have been suppressed but will be brought forth for all to benefit from.
Our new financial foundation has already been laid and is being powered up now. St Germain and Kuthumi are in charge of that aspect. Massive arrests and millions of Starships will be decloaking over all the major cities on the planet. That will be followed by direct broadcasts from all satellites…connected by nanites to the bridge of the New Jerusalem the Flagship of the Galactic Federation …with messages from Ashtar and Sananda. First Contact landings will occur within 7-28 days following NESARA’s Announcement. This is why the NESARA Petition and the Disclosure Petition are intrinsically connected.
An interim government will be enplaced with full revelations of the truth about our origins and the galactic presence that has been actively kept from us for over 70 years. Everyone will be told what to expect next and all areas of life will be invited to participate and share in the abundance–free from credit card/mortgage/student loan debts…with NO IRS; NO war; all military brought home immediately and given positive new employment and educational options. Constitutional Common Law will be fully restored. Peace will be declared. Skies/water/air/land will be cleared of all toxic substances and all DNA is being raised to higher awareness. Everyone will experience an increase in quality of life…no matter what age.
Enhanced educational opportunities will become freely available along with enhanced medical care and a new worldwide communications system–’Internet 5′… will begin to replace existing communications systems. Zero pollution energy systems will become commonplace along with new transportation methods. New housing methods will quickly be introduced and congestion in cities will no longer be necessary as new transportation innovations will not require roads or petroleum products.
There will be a National Sales Tax payable only on NON-essentials, with food and medicines/medical treatments non-taxable. Within 30 days of NESARA’s Announcement there will be a worldwide re-indexing of currencies on a 1:10 ratio which will mean that a 10% sales tax on $100=$10 vs $1000 x 10%=$100…a major savings for each of us. This is needed to wring out the inflation caused by fiat/worthless paper currencies, worldwide.
These funds and others will result in the end all poverty on the planet within a 12-15 month period. That will then ensure that all will have the opportunity to receive spiritual education about who we all are; our purpose here as an expression of Source essence in physicality.
Who has the power to announce and enforce NESARA?
KOS has the defacto authority, granted by the International Court of Justice at the Hague in 1999, to get NESARA Announced and the power to use his Martial Law authority “as needed.” Lady Master Nada—previously appointed by the ICJ/World Court as International Special Prosecutor with authority to take whatever actions are required, including dissolving our Supreme Court and unsealing all 10,000 indictments and ordering arrests–is thereby the top Officer of the World Court and can override any order of that or any other court. As President of the Solar Tribunal and as NESARA’s “Postal Lady”, she is the ONLY one who can order NESARA’s Announcement and authorize deliveries of funds.
We are at this moment actually under the joint jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice/World Court and the President of the Solar Tribunal [Lady Master Nada] who has been appointed by the ICJ as Special Prosecutor with power to arrest the indicted ones; dissolve our corrupt judiciary and Announce NESARA. Agents from Interpol and ICJ are present in D.C. along with the 82nd Airborne and others. We have been well advised that galactic ships are over every major city and will decloak when the signal is given.
NO one gets any money until Lady Master Nada makes her Announcement on TV, at which time she will tell us the date of release that will be within 72 hours of her announcement. She is Special Prosecutor authorized by the Solar Tribunal, of which she is President, and the ICJ. She is expected to dissolve our Supreme Court; appoint Patrick Fitzgerald as Acting Attorney General and then authorize the arrests and removals of all cited ones. Many of these are now clones.
The legal means to take us through this denouement was set in place in 1999 by the ICJ at which time St Germain and the King of Swords who is head of the worldwide militia of 4,000,000 men + 40,000 Galactic-humans, were given the power to prosecute and take such actions as are required to remove the corrupt ones and to insure that the whole Planet is prepared for upshift into the 5Dimension, in the short time left in this cycle.
Are we under NESARA law now?
The King of Swords … put us inside NESARA Law and saved the world banks and stock markets from crashing. We’ve been under ICJ jurisdiction since then. So it may look like Congress has the power; that is a fiction. They are simply convicting themselves of treason…prior to being arrested and removed. We have been inside NESARA Law since Oct 1, 2008 and that has allowed many foundational changes to be implemented.
NESARA has been divinely decreed and refined into its current form by the labors of dedicated terrestrial and celestial beings.
There is only one LAW and that Law of the Land is NESARA.
There is no other Law to cite. It is popularly known in D.C. as “the Reformation Act”.
Anything else deals with the reach of NESARA, which is global, but which starts here.
We have been INSIDE NESARA Law, since 10/2/08. … King of Swords has sent in teams of his men to each of the banks and about 99% of the infrastructure is ready to go on receipt of a signal from Ashtar, St Germain and/or Lady Master Nada. … Mother confirmed not only that we are Inside NESARA Law and all that that entails, but that most of the foundational changes have been quietly set in motion since 10/2/08. She rephrased that: We are in a CONTINUOUS ANNOUNCEMENT UNFOLDMENT NOW.
The next day, was the day we went INSIDE the NESARA Law; not UNDER, INSIDE. So that gave KOS [King of Swords] the go ahead to insert into Basel II, some of the supports for NESARA.
We are seeing the first fruits of NESARA Law, and it is just the beginning, as each new day will continue to reveal more and more positive changes. All elected candidates will now have to be accountable for their oaths. They have been told and Galactic Federation will ensure that any failures to honor those oaths will bring removal and replacement by authentic and honest representatives. Each day inside NESARA Law is bringing the means to ensure that you, your benefits and your freedom to exercise your new responsibilities as leaders of the Golden Age will be enhanced and moved forward. NESARA is NOW the Law of the Land!
Is NESARA being worked upon in other countries?
There are people in other countries, such as the Canadian hierarchy, who have been working behind the scenes to prepare for the announcements and implementation in their country. New leaders of truth, integrity and accountability are ready to come forward in 190+ countries.
What is this about a “gag order”?
There was a gag order that prevented congress or the media from talking about this on pain of death. It is about to be lifted. Thousands of media people have attended weeks of briefing sessions arranged by KOS and are ready to flood the media with stories as soon as the gag order is lifted. The Secret NESARA Law was signed by Bill Clinton in Oct 2000, and then Sealed with a gag order on all government and media. I do not have a gag order in place. I have been asked to get the word out and my goal is 1 million people.
Don’t bother to check on the Internet as that Law is sealed until announced and is now protected by Lady Master Nada and the Galactic Forces along with Faction Three earth-based resources under the King of Swords.
What is the significance of Basel II?
You remember that Bush had G7 Visitors a few days before the end of the Fiscal Year on 9/30. He was told, as was Paulson, Bernanke and others, that if the money owed to them from the $300 Trillion in recovered stolen funds was not paid on 9/30 that they would be toast. There was also a deadline of 9/30 for coming into compliance with Basel II Provisions, which Bush had agreed to in April 08 but had not yet complied.
If certification of compliance did not occur, Oct 1 would require that Central Banks not accept funds from Federal Banks that day. Here’s what happened: Bush failed to comply. The White Knights stepped in with Program funds and saw to it that all US Banks were in compliance, inside NESARA Law. Bush intended to declare Martial Law due to Economic Emergency. He was stopped by the Provost Marshal General and specially-selected Naval Flag Officers and placed under House Arrest along with the Vice-President.
The G7 ultimatum which finally got this administration to implement Basel II financial standards of transparency and accountability on Monday, after very major assets were seized, included a 100 day period for full compliance in bringing all off-balance sheet assets onto the books. Since these ‘assets’ were fraudulently constructed and leveraged by 30-150 times their actual value, they have little real value and that requires other assets to be produced to cover the equity requirements. Since no other assets exist the 100 days is reduced to hours as full compliance would result in worldwide bankrupcy and criminal prosecution of all involved. The latter is unavoidable, as justice must be done. We will see every nation and every bank bankrupt as we change over to the new financial provisions which will be made available to every child, woman and man on Earth. All who are illegally jailed under false laws will be released, all except violent offenders. Those ones will be offered appropriate remediation.
How long has this been in the planning stages?
All of the measures now culminating have been planned for hundreds of years. This is no political party scheme. This is the Return of the Light to the Planet and the Planet’s Ascension to the spiritual dimension by divine decree. All of the Universe is involved. Trillions of spaceships are here to help.
Where are the funds being kept?
The true funds and documents are safely out of their reach, in St Germain’s safe custody. Too many criminals in the banks, government and black ops/intel organizations would steal the funds in an eyeblink if the deliveries occurred prior to regime change. All of those ones will be purged from the international financial systems before any funds are inserted into the new safe system.
What about the rest of us?
In addition to these beneficiaries, all citizens, men, women and children, of these countries — not in any program– will receive $10 Million, and forgiveness of most debt, bank credit cards, and student loans.
They can expect to receive their $10 Million within 72 hours after Announcement. Thirty days later we will have re-indexing on a 10:1 ratio. That means the buying power of that $10 Million will actually be the equivalent in purchasing power of $100 million. Pretty impressive result.
Most of the inflation of the past 30 years will have been wrung out of the market. The adjusted prices for Gold, Silver and Platinum have already been set.
Mortgage payments will be deferred for 30 days after announcement, to allow expedited application for cancellation of mortgages.
Income Tax will be ended and IRS will be handling refunds only.
A National Sales Tax on non-essential, new items only will replace the Income Tax.
You can see how no one will have to work to pay basic living expenses ever again. That frees us all from the drudgery, which will then be accomplished by new technologies, and that allows plenty of time for creative pursuits and spiritual development opportunities unprecedented in scope, supporting Planetary Ascension. We will no longer be in the pursuit of survival. We will be able to spend our lives on Earth focused on spiritual development which is the whole point of being on Earth.
Will any be left behind or lose out from participation in NESARA – for instance, from the drop in value of our 401Ks?
No one will be left behind that chooses to trust, ask and allow the new to unfold. Presenters were all very definite about not fearing loss of Social Security; 401Ks, Retirement benefits, supplies of food, non-toxic medical treatment, education for our children. It won’t happen! NESARA is here and is ready to bring better solutions forward with our Announcement.
When will children be eligible to receive their benefit?
New kids being born will be able to ‘come aboard’ in 12-15 months.
Gold will be the currency of choice
Gold will be the currency of choice for as long as we still need currency, and it is also important in the alchemy of our own Ascension.
What will be the impact of these programs?
The arrangement is exceedingly fair and will have a predictable effect of jump-starting the new economy and technologies. Of course, anyone wanting to open a trust or create a foundation will incur fees and expenses for those professional services.
Four countries – the US, the UK, Canada and Australia — will begin the NESARA distributions within 72 hours after Announcement of NESARA. Other countries are to be paid in sequential numerical order over the following 12-15 months. I neither created nor am involved with the administration of any of these major programs so I can’t speak on the subject of how these programs were designed or the order of payments.
A few of the major programs are unlabeled and theoretically could be used to fill important needs not originally anticipated. There will be NEW programs after all 78 current programs pay out around the world over a 12 -15 month initial period post-announcement. This is so much simpler than the random and complicated bookkeeping methods that were spoken of ten years ago. This is far more generous and yet, the amount left to do projects will still be greater than ever!
Will every one of the original participants in the 78 major gifting programs receive a payout?
Everyone who has been operating mostly from integrity since entering one of the major gifting programs and whose intentions are harmonious with the divine purpose will receive a payout.
Anyone in these programs who has been intending or demonstrating criminally-corrupt intentions and whose spiritual frequency and behavior is inimical to unity, healing, harmony and integrity will not receive a payout from their investment in the programs.
How will this disqualification be determined?
KOS and his people have been monitoring everyone involved in the major gifting programs for years. Irresponsible, criminal behavior or intentions has basically disqualified one half of the original participants. That means there is more to be distributed in various ways by half as many people than was originally calculated. I won’t cite expected amounts, but it should be clear that far more — perhaps double the original amounts — will now be available for the gifting programs and their intended humanitarian projects.
Will the existing economy utterly collapse?
There is a critical mass of people who now understand that big changes are required and that–painful as change is–we can not try to patch the old system. It is too far gone; it’s too late and there are no resources left. In this country we are still better off than 90% of the world, where conditions are beyond the average American’s comprehension.
At the same time as the outer conditions collapse, we are in a profound universal situation where all are waiting for us to take our next step towards Galactic Citizenship.
What is the fate of victims of stock-market fraud?
Outside of the Prosperity, Freedom, Farm Claim programs, the bad guys owe additional settlements for which they have not paid; i.e., stock market fraud settlements, will these be paid too and will they be paid one for one or will the payments be RE-Indexed 90%? If so, will they be paid in the new Rainbow Currency that is backed by gold/silver?
Those obligations are of the Corporation USA, in D.C. They have nothing to do with NESARA. The money they put into their secret offshore accounts has been recovered by the Hong Kong Blondes who now work for KOS. The country settlements represent fraud/theft and none of them will get those funds—$300Trillion cyber-lifted from those secret accounts and back in the U.S. now…in safe hands.
Neither Wanta nor 160 nations’ heads will get any of that stolen money. St Germain has good projects benefiting the People that will get that money. Post Announcement, the Phoenix ‘Rainbow’ currency will be exchangable by US Citizens, in this country, on a $1=$1 basis. 30 days after NESARA’s announcement, all non-NESARA funds/prices will be reindexed to wring inflation out of the world economy. That will put more spendable income into the hands of citizens.
How is this operation being conceived and managed?
The St Germain World Trust … brought the gold of Atlantis forward for the Lightworkers of this time. One of the keys to the success of this culminated in the St Germain ‘Advisories’ which became NESARA. Ascended Master St Germain has watched over those funds and in addition has coordinated much gold coming here from Venus and other off-planet locations which cumulatively now equal $1+40 zeros which is sufficient to provide $10Million to each man, woman and child after NESARA’s Announcement. These funds and others will result in the end all poverty on the planet within a 12-15 month period.
Some logarithms from St Germain, have been mathematically modeled through matrices to develop self-replenishing ways to keep generating income and participation for as long as needed. I’ve seen those matrix examples and they can do what is needed to fund governments and people and projects indefinitely.
There is no need for any anxiety or fear. All has been prepared and solutions to all the major challenges of food, shelter, income, education and safety are included in NESARA’s provisions.
What about the impact of matters like the Bailout on NESARA?
When Bush signed that bogus bailout bill, it did not become law! He was under house arrest. That was what Ashtar meant on Tuesday 10/7, when he said: “Bailout Cancelled!” Signing that bill was only a way to get him to convict himself and all who were his corrupt co-conspirators in treason … going all the way back to 9/11. What this meant was that the Congressional votes had to do with the Corporation USA and not the Republic which is “We the People,” who are being protected and funded inside NESARA.
When will the banking and economic arrangements behind NESARA be put in place?
All NESARA gold and precious metals are in US Banks along with our new Phoenix Currency, and we are compliant with Basel II since 0ct 1.
New banking and economic systems are NOW in place! KOS has sent in teams of his men to each of the banks and about 99% of the infrastructure is ready to go on receipt of a signal from Ashtar, St Germain and/or Lady Master Nada.
When is all this likely to be announced?
Soon. Be cautious about anyone giving an exact date for actions. That should be seriously questioned. We will know when these events are happening, be assured of that. Signing the NESARA Petition is one of the most important things anyone can do to bring the Announcement into fruition.
We have been INSIDE NESARA LAW since Oct 2nd per KOS’s authority and direction. Much is being done to purge the financial systems of ‘tinkering’ vulnerabilities. That has progressed significantly and will be ready when needed.
Mother Sekhmet confirmed not only that we are inside NESARA Law and all that that entails, but that most of the foundational changes have been quietly set in motion since October 2nd.
We are not waiting for Inauguration. Tying all these loose ends together: 9/11 Treason, the role of the Vatican/Pope; War Crimes; Financial Fraud on unbelievable level; Peace across the planet; Truth about Galactic presence and assistance throughout all times and ages; truth about all the clones, holograms of all types; complicity of the media; the rogue intelligence harassment of citizens; and criminal collusion and corruption with all government heads.
We have been told there are two things pre-requisite to NESARA’s Announcement. They are: Sibel Edmond’s testimony about 9/11 and the lifting of the coverup about the galactic presence in our skies, over every major city on the planet. The two, 4 day, earth-based meetings in Europe and Dharamsala, along with Solar Tribunal meetings on Saturn, and currently in D.C., produced a statement from both the King of Egypt and associates of the King of Swords–all of whom work together, since being in service together during the Vietnam war, at the 38th level above the President.
That statement was quite specific: All the alphabet agencies known, and a few most do not know, have White Knight assets inside. Those White Knights along with about 40,000 fully awake and aware galactic-humans will combine with complements in the military to bring about and support the needed changes. The ascended masters are now present. It is obvious to any informed observer that any large sums paid to anyone at this time would put their lives in extreme danger as well as result in the funds being stolen.
That is one of the imperative reasons for No Distributions until after regime change and Lady Master Nada addresses us on TV.
All the preparations are now complete. When the first TV address is heard, the removals will all have been accomplished. This is a worldwide restoration of freedom, honesty and abundance. Gold in the amount of $1+ 40 zeros, has been recovered and includes gold and precious metals from many other Planets. These funds have been accumulating in Master Trusts for the last 200+ years through the stewardship of St Germain. Over 200 banks and safe depositories are involved worldwide in these programs. All but the master criminals and confederates, will have greater abundance, opportunities and assistance in all areas: medical, educational, expanded spiritual awareness, political expression, and so many other areas that will be possible when peace is established…. The means is already in place and can be accomplished by a single command.
What is the cabal doing to prevent its announcement?
The Bush crime family and cohorts have tried everything, including the demolition of the Twin Towers and other 9/11-related events, to see to it that the Announcement would never be allowed to occur. They have failed, but their efforts have delayed parts of the program until now.
There are disinformation ‘damage control teams’ who have planted bait on the internet. Their websites were made by people who got tired of waiting for announcement, turned bitter, and then became pawns for Cabal disinformation and damage control efforts.
But the Announcement is coming soon.
In earlier actions it was noted that “moles” existed in many agencies including the US Marshalls and those insiders consistently gave advance notice to bankers and administrative heads whenever arrests or other legal actions were scheduled. Mother confirmed that all such ones have been removed and will no longer be an impediment as the above actions prepare the way for massive arrests of indicted ones.
Any fund transfers intended to subvert NESARA or steal the so-called Settlement Funds, will be intercepted and given over to St Germain and the criminals removed. They are being electronically ‘tagged’ and will be ‘bagged’ on a single command. Many are already ‘missing in action’. This is crunch time for the tricksters.
Are the so-called “packages” legitimate?
Do not be concerned with Casper et al’s emphasis on “packages” being delivered before NESARA is announced. That is a Bush Sr ruse to dissappoint and distract Lightworkers.
Anyone receiving anything purporting to be a “packie”– before Lady Master Nada announces on TV the delivery schedule—should be aware that it is likely an invitation to sign papers that will put their lives in danger. This is the way the dark side works.
Take a legitimate program and the lists of beneficiaries which they have gotten access to, and send out ‘trial balloons’ to see how many gullible ones they can snare; steal their funds, and then entice them offshore and then dispose of them. For the protection of the funds; the beneficiaries and all the purposes for which those funds are intended, no payments will be allowed until the corrupt criminals are removed. We have been watching the arrests and trials of these dark ones for over two years now. That is one of the imperative reasons for No Distributions until after regime change and Lady Master Nada addresses us on TV.
How does the Announcement of NESARA fit into the general flow of events leading up to First Contact?
When Regime changes, 9/11 exposure by Sibel Edmonds (in final negotiations for TV address at this moment) and revelations of the Galactic UFO Presence will forever dissolve the Cabal coverup or suppression of these facts. We will all then get an experience of upshift by a half step. This upshift would have taken many, many lifetimes of spiritual progress to accomplish, but has been decreed by the Grace of Source to each of us. Therewith most if not all will ‘remember’ our core-resonance with the Spiritual Dimensions and most hearts will open to that knowledge, already present.
This experience will be so awesome that most will want to stay home from work, school or whatever the next day or three, to process this experience. Since this will coincide with NESARA’s Announcement and >36 hours of TV/Radio Broadcasts of economic, political and spiritual information, which will be quite dramatic to most. It has been known but suppressed by the Cabal for eons of time to keep us in ignorance and separation from our Source awareness. People hearing these broadcasts will quickly learn that debt is going to be forgiven and that net income will be increased through elimination of the IRS, Income Taxes and credit card debt with NESARA’s Announcement and all the positive improvements it supports.
Can you give me an example of a country acting on its knowledge of NESARA?
Yes. The news in Iceland recently was that they are bankrupt, but will refuse Bailout Funds. They know that they will come inside NESARA’s funding provisions so they are allowing their corporate bankrupcy to proceed.
What about something called “country settlement payments”? Will they take place?
There are bogus “country settlement payments” that the Banksters would like you to believe in. They are bogus. NO such payments will be going to the crooks! I repeat: “country settlement payments” will NOT take place. Those funds will be used for the benefit of all peoples on the Planet.
What will happen to the Federal Reserve and IRS?
Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul are submitting legislation to put the Federal Reserve under the US Treasury and write off all that false-debt that is income for the Bushes and Cabal associates…and END IRS collections.
The Federal Reserve has been folded into the US Treasury and all of the Gold and Phoenix, Precious Metal-Backed currency, is in the banks NOW. The US Treasury is already taking over many functions of the Federal Reserve. The IRS is KAPUT, gone, dissolved, except for refunds, awaiting public announcements.
What will happen to the banks?
The general direction of the economy is downward as we are approaching the point where the full off-balance sheet amounts of derivatives are going to have to be dealt with–$2,000 Trillion estimated. Since they amount to more than all the banks’ assets/income in the world, a wholesale bust or bankruptcy is inevitable. That involves, banks, stock/bond markets, hedge funds, pension funds, 401k investments and most mutual funds. Since these are insured by insurance companies, they also will have to face the facts that they don’t have enough reserves to pay claims. Nationalization of the major banks is likely. That would allow the governments to take them over, clean them out of the criminals and shadow-banking practices, and write off the mostly worthless derivatives, keeping only the true asset-based investments. They will then reopen as US Treasury Banks backed by precious metals and without fractional banking.
Big Box Banks are very likely to become nationalized so they can be disinfected from their toxic derivatives–estimated to be as much as $2000 Trillion worldwide.
What will happen to the Euro? The stock market?
The Euro is going to go sliding downward. Only Gold/Silver will hold value. The stock market has not yet realized the magnitude of the unfunded debt of the world. It is impossible to EVER pay it back. So bankruptcy is the only option for the Cabal. And, as we have been saying: That has NOTHING to do with the Republic, which is fully funded by NESARA and which is already in the Announcement stage, even though not yet formally announced.
What is the validity of all these discussions of “package deliveries”?
Casper/Poof reports what is fed to him by faction 1 and 2 sources. 1/3 is based on partial truths but spun to confuse and keep folks looking for “packies” that will never come until after NESARA is announced. Anyone receiving anything purporting to be a “packie”–before Lady Master Nada announces on TV the delivery schedule– should be aware that it is likely an invitation to sign papers that will put their lives in danger. This is the way the darkside works. Take a legitimate program and the lists of beneficiaries which they have gotten access to, and send out ‘trial balloons’ to see how many gullible ones they can snare; steal their funds, and then entice them offshore and then dispose of them. For the protection of the funds; the beneficiaries and all the purposes for which those funds are intended, no payments will be allowed until the corrupt criminals are removed. Any fund transfers intended to subvert NESARA or steal the so-called Settlement Funds, will be intercepted and given over to St Germain and the criminals removed.
I have heard of “major gifting programs” or “numbered programs” connected with “original investors.” What are these and how will they work?
Only programs completed before the end of 1999 will pay out…. However everyone will still get $10 Million. … The 78 major programs are funds designed for huge projects. Recipients will be contributing $10 Million to each one on their lists of an estimated 200 people. … There are bogus settlement payments that the Banksters would like you to believe in. They are bogus and no such payments will be going to the crooks! Same is true of the packages touted by a few Faction Two bankster shills. People that invested in the 78 programs before the end of 1999 are legitimate program recipients and will be charged with supervising projects and distributions of the funds entrusted to them. Each program has specific instructions that will be included in those document deliveries. Those designated participants in the 78 original and existing numbered progams will receive large amounts to facilitate huge humanitarian projects. These are people who invested in the original 78 programs before the end of 1999. They are legitimate program recipients and will be charged with supervising projects and distributions of the funds entrusted to them. Each program has specific instructions that will be included in those document deliveries.
All major programs in all countries will be completed over 12-15 months maximum, except for the first four. People in the programs will receive many hundreds of billions –- which is an understatement — of which they will be mandatorily gifting a small percentage of $10 million to each one on their lists of an estimated 200 people. All the lists will be cross-compared to ensure that everyone gets that amount. There will not be any duplications as each ‘gifting list’ will be recorded so no one is left out and no one gets paid twice.
Of course, the main purpose of these programs is to level the economic playing field and to fund massive humanitarian projects around the world. In addition, other amounts could be donated, if the recipient chooses. I’m only talking about the mandatory gifting amounts. Clarifying instructions and examples will be included in the major-program package instructions each will receive. Different programs have different requirements but all will participate in this gifting distribution.
What will be happening to the last cabal in these days ahead?
Ashtar stated on 11/18: “NESARA is NOW the Law of the Land. Black Ops funding is being cancelled and certain Black Ops programs are being dismantled and shut down.” Many foundation changes are already being implemented. House Arrest of the leaders of 195 countries has been necessary as part of the changes. Ashtar said that the funding for the Black Ops programs have been shut down…permanently. Blackwater troops are ready to seek other work as they are not being paid what is owed to them. Cabal Black Ops programs are being defunded and will no longer have their drug money to fund them.
No solid-hologram will actually take office … although Bush, Cheney, Paulson, Hillary, and many more in Congress and elsewhere in government and banking are now just that. Paschat Warriors are paying ‘business calls’ on the 13 Elder Dragon Families. These ‘calls’ are also happening to BlackWater, Haliburton and many others. All false intel stories about Obama or any appointees will be exposed. Do NOT think that any solid holograms will be taking office. With the Announcement, the ‘power’ to sustain those ones will be withdrawn and they will ‘fizzle out’.
The War Crimes Arrests for 9/11 involvement will be quite broad and quite extensive. Likewise for acts of Treason. These are critical elements of justice that must be allowed to fulfill Planetary and Universal legal requirements.
The truth must be told with purity, clarity and exactness. Most of us are well aware that all political, religious, economic, sciences and histories have been manipulated and distorted for purposes of control throughout the ages. That ends now. The most important lies have been the withholding of our own origins, purposes and potentials for the purpose of enslavement and prevention of Planetary Ascension. This will be one of the most amazing revelations of all times.
On October 30th, in Ashville, NC, CH 13, WSOL, locals were surprised to see huge movements of large military aircraft–painted black–into the local area. CIA, FBI in large numbers filled the area, and then thousands of business-suited prisoners in handcuffs and leg shackles were loaded on the planes in the wee hours of the night. Those planes were headed for the Hague and the prisoners were said to be 10,000 bankers and associates indicted by Patrick Fitzgerald’s 56 Grand Juries meeting over the last 3+ years. It was obvious that a Federal Judge had unsealed those indictments.
Ashtar mentioned the King of Egypt as an Adept who had accomplished miracles. We understood that he was referring to the KOE’s masterful orchestration and coordination of all that was required to effect the success of the arrests, and the transport to Europe of all those corrupt ones, for formal trial in the Hague.
Ashtar told us that those ones will not be returning. They will be joined by Illuminati families [“families” as in lines of control] and minions and their programs of control of the people of this Planet are already being dismantled and shut down permanently. We are seeing the first fruits of NESARA Law, and it is just the beginning, as each new day will continue to reveal more and more positive changes. All elected candidates will now have to be accountable for their oaths. They have been told and Galactic Federation will ensure that any failures to honor those oaths will bring removal and replacement by authentic and honest representatives.
10,000 bankers were arrested, tried in the Hague, and executed a week ago, while holograms are in their places in the top levels of the banks and their families will not know until after our Announcement. It has taken many, many years of secret Grand Jury sifting through mountains of facts to bring 10,000+ sealed indictments to be unsealed jointly by Patrick Fitzgerald and Lady Master Nada for serving by US Marshals, the military; interpol and backed by the Galactic Federation Ships over all our major cities now. That number comes from the 56 Grand Juries that met for over 3 years as part of Patrick Fitzgerald’s investigations of various illuminati directed criminal matters. The King of Egypt is our direct source for that number and that information. It was his job to bring all of those ones indicted for treasonable offenses to Asheville, NC where they were guarded by a team of military, CIA and FBI before being put onto large black aircraft and flown to the Hague for trial and for execution a week later. The late night transport was reported on local TV Ch 13 and nowhere else.
We were told by KOE that they were gone…a week later. Holograms were put in their places and they are still going to work and home, until after our Announcements. These ones were international criminals who stole 300 Trillion dollars and cost the lives of untold numbers. They were not ‘white collar criminals’. Some other thousands were arrested and received average sentences of 25 years confinement in foreign facilities. We are talking about the worst of the worst. War Crimes, Genocide, Terrorism and Treason are the crimes involved. This will all come out after Announcements.
100 million reptilians have been removed over the last 8 years from surface and subsurface environments. Every organization, political, religious, military, legal, media, of any magnitude, on the Planet has been infiltrated and controlled by these ones, as agents of the 13 Old Dragon families. There has been almost complete control of every facet of existence until Faction Three, Galactic Federation, and the ascended masters were given permission in 1987 and 1999 to ‘remove the controllers’ and assist the planet in ascending. It is only in recent days that enough of us have awakened enough to tip the balance to the Light. That was by Divine decree and with direct Source Light infusions which will continue through Ascension.
Something else, I may or may not have mentioned before, is that only about 50 members of Congress are still alive. Many {480+} were killed and cloned and many are solid holograms. When Ashtar/Nada/Sananda/Mother Sekhmet/Red/Green/KOS say they are taking care of business, that’s what they mean. Everything will be announced at once. It will already be a done deal.
Massive special police operations involving 300+ officers took place, at least three separate locations. Seizure and transport of safe deposit lockers to secure locations where contents of documents, drugs, money, stolen computer technologies, etc will be inventoried, analayzed and followed up with arrests. These sites are crucial intermediary drops for agents, criminals and other international intelligence dark ops agents. Such ops have been planned and carried out several times over the past two years. Often we never see evidence of it in the news. The implications will unfold in the coming days, and will trigger panic attempts to remove additional incriminating evidence from bank safe deposit facilities, which it is presumed will now be more closely monitored for just such actions.
This unprecedented operation took two years of planning, observation and top secret levels of police cooperation…following Chris Story’s publication of the methods/extent and names of international financial criminals, banksters, politicians fraudulent transactions that secreted $300 Trillion into private accounts. Those funds have now been recovered and will be very instrumental in funding the new financial systems that NESARA requires. That these operations are now surfacing speaks clearly to the difference in this moment as compared to all those preceding today’s. Chris Story was working for the cabal and a shill for the UK crown. He was shot out on the street when they no longer had a use for him.
These are the kind of undercover actions closing the traps that have been so carefully placed. We are going to be hearing of many more such actions that are now in process. Another example is that of the years of Federal Grand Jury deliberations in the US. Those hearings have produced 10,000 sealed indictments that are about to be unsealed and served.
Some of the items in those 7000 lockboxes involve Trillions of dollars in gold certificates; incriminating evidence of organized crime heads, government intel services, agents, bankster operations–worldwide–that hit them like a brick-bat in the face. They just met to do ‘damage control’ during the Bilderbergers’ meeting in Chantilly, VA. Make no mistake, the chainsaws are ‘clearing the forest’ of liars, lies, fraud, murder, and every other despicable practice you know or never heard of. There will be “shock and awe” when the details can be told.
Who drafted NESARA?
Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul drafted certain sections of the secret NESARA Law.
14 members of Congress who contributed their expertise to crafting various sections of the Law. This includes Paul Wellstone, who when he was about to break his gag order was killed with his wife and daughter in a plane crash. This was a reminder to all under a gag order not to speak about NESARA Law. I have received emails from these ones saying they cannot help me at all because they are under a gag order and fear for their lives.
The key word is FAIR. Would it be fair to eliminate a ten million dollar mortgage on an estate or yacht purchased with laundered drug money? Or a hundred million dollar mortgage on a building acquired by someone whose money came by defrauding investors or deliberately putting small companies out of business? Would it be fair to eradicate a $25,000 credit card debt incurred by someone who replaced last year’s model of an expensive car with the latest model? Choices like that, like all other free will choices, are the responsibilities of the individuals.
The differences are due to purview divergences. Our information comes from ‘higher HQ’ sources: Ashtar, Sananda, Mother Sekhmet, KOS, Lady Master Nada, and St Germain. All below do not know what all above are planning, only general directions. You can be certain that what we have said is correct as it has come from those in charge of implementing the plan. This is not a criticism, just a different view from a higher level of involvement.
How are 9/11 and NESARA related?
The Cabal engineered 9/11 to stop NESARA’s announcement which was scheduled for 10 minutes after the Twin Towers/Pentagon/PA attacks. They have continued to use and expand War Powers Act-based invasions without lawful congressional actions and would–if not foiled–declare Martial Law to declare a Dictatorship or NWO. The failure to achieve their ends…thus far… is driving them to extremes that are becoming more and more transparent as time is running out. They are losing and they know it. They will not prevail. This is due to a Divine Decree which is being implemented throughout this and planet, solar system and universe.
Dennis Kucinich, talking on Clout/Air America Radio, actually discussed what was supposed to happen on 9/11: “An important Announcement was scheduled which would change our economic and political systems.” (He could not use the term NESARA because of the gag order, but all who know understand that is what he was describing).
At the time of 9/11 attacks, a special section of the Pentagon had just been modified for higher-security protection, and that segment of the Pentagon was a special Naval Intelligence communications facility involved with NESARA’s Announcement. It was the exact target of the missile attack. Transmission of codes to central banks were already in process at the time of the attack with the Announcement less than 10 minutes away.
The Pennsylvania site was an underground storage for important NESARA-related documents and was an exact targeted location. At the moment of what was called a plane crash, FEMA/FBI were already standing by in the nearby woods. They then rushed out to secure the area from other investigators. No plane crashed. Each tower was attacked by a specially-prepared aircraft, modified by Secret Government/CIA to carry missiles and also special holographic projectors to project the illusion of the aircraft in the news releases.
The Twin Towers sub-floors held records and a lot of gold. The black ops folks had pre-installed various explosive devices and came back several weeks before 9/11 to install detonators and make electrical connections and circuit checks so that they could remotely trigger the explosions to take out the massive base supports and central columns, steal the gold, and kill any people around who could testify as to what they were doing.
They didn’t kill them all as they were in a rush to load up the gold and get it away before the explosions were detonated. So there were witnesses to each of these actions. A total of 75,000 people were actually killed in those demolitions on 911. Certain areas were targeted to destroy records and accounts detailing liabilities of cabal firms.
The Announcement was scheduled for 10:15 AM on Sept 11, 2001…but that was ‘prevented’ by the Twin Towers attacks, which were planned and executed by our own governments black ops agents. Sibel Edmonds, Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson, David Ray Griffen and many others are speaking out on this subject which will result in the arrest and removal of Bush, Cheney, et al, with a new election coming within 6 months of NESARA’s Announcement.
The “Wisdom Economy”
We are on the threshold of very major changes. On Thom Hartmann’s Air America Radio Show, Thom had Dr David C Korten, an economist, speaking about the bankruptcy of “Phantom Economy,” based on fiat paper. He called for an immediate change to Precious Metals Backed Currency, leading to a “Wisdom Economy”. He then said, on the air, “I will not answer any questions on when NESARA will be announced or when disbursements will occur. All of that is speculative….” Dr Korten previously discussed these matters on Democracy NOW, with Amy Goodman.
Plunging Stock Market
The KOS gave an update and said that there are variables but that the direction was clearly downward for the stock market. These are estimates based on current knowledge only and there are NO DATES or absolute Dow numbers. Whenever they step in and close the markets they will also have to close the banks for two weeks to clean up the criminals and their practices. They would–in this country–then reopen the banks as US Treasury Banks under NESARA.
That decision will be made by St Germain.
The Dow dropped 300 points in the last 30 minutes and then bounced back to 6594 which is a lower close and, again, it happened on HIGH volume=50% greater than average. That says that the trend continues downward. Thom Hartmann said that he has been saying for 5 years that the market could fall to 5000 or even 3000, and folks should not discount that possibility since we know that he has access to KOS and St Germain and Lady Master Nada.
The main point is not a number.
It is that the trend is definitely downward and to take whatever actions are prudent in your individual case. It is also to understand that St Germain may not take action until it goes as low as 3000. St Germain gives KOS his orders and he will not tell us any exact number or date.
When will NESARA occur?
Lady Master Nada foreclosed on our Corporate Government on 9/30/08 when Bush defaulted on his payments. The KOS then put us inside NESARA Law and saved the world banks and stockmarkets from crashing. We’ve been under ICJ jurisdiction since then. So it may look like Congress has the power; that is a fiction. They are simply convicting themselves of treason…prior to being arrested and removed.
What we are looking at is a surface projection/shadow play. We have been inside NESARA Law since Oct 1, 2008 and that has allowed many foundational changes to be implemented. The US is economically bankrupt, and the surface system is failing and will soon be removed.
It takes a lot for people to let go of old ways and ‘rules’ of how to proceed. The entrenched system doesn’t care about election results. It wants to continue the ‘old ways’, which are bankrupt. We are living on two tracks at the same time, migrating from the old to the new.
The overlap allows us to continue in both as our shift takes place. Most are aware that we are upgrading from carbon to a liquid diamond substructue. That shift allows us to absorb and hold more light so that our physical structures can continue existing as ‘Soul Containers’.
The same is true of the old outer structures being infused with the new foundational structures. When NESARA is announced, the old will then fall away, like a scab on a wound, and the new will be seen to already be present.
Then progress will move exponentially forward. Everything is following this model to allow the maximum preparation by all, before the Announcement is made. Then public actions will take place that will remove those remnants of the Old Regime who have chosen not to migrate to and support the new policies.
All of this preparation for war crimes prosecution has been proceeding since Oct 1, 2008, and Obama knows all this and also knows that NESARA is about to be announced along with 911 exposure and revelation of Galactic presence.
Sananda, St Germain, Maitreya, Metatron, Michael, Mother Sekhmet, and Ashtar are working tirelessly to synchronize all these actions so that the transition will be smooth and seamless. Without these preparatory steps we would have extreme shock throughout the Planet.
There is a critical mass of people who now understand that big changes are required and that–painful as change is–we can not try to patch the old system. It is too far gone; it’s too late and there are no resources left. In this country we are still better off than 90% of the world, where conditions are beyond the average American’s comprehension.
At the same time as the outer conditions collapse, we are in a profound Universal situation where all are waiting for us to take our next step towards Galactic citizenship. The changes are coming fast and furious and will be so rapid we will not be able to keep track of the number and their impacts.
Watch how fast these seeming events turn around as the new administration moves to achieve critical support for its new actions. Thom Hartmann opened his program with an amazing question he originated. “Is the Reformation Act the Solution?” Can you imagine that! That is a breakthrough. Of course he didn’t use “NESARA” but everyone in D.C. and elsewhere knows what Reformation Act refers to. Very big evidence of impending news.
As to timing of NESARA, they will not give us an exact date.
We don’t have–because our sources aren’t allowed to tell us– the details or exact timetables.
What is President Obama doing about NESARA?
Barack Obama has been meeting with terrestial and extraterrestial councils in recent weeks including during his ‘vacation’ in Hawaii. He is our President and is also the 9th member of the Sirian Council of Nine so he has prepared himself for the last 1000 years for the role he now will play in bringing NESARA to Announcement; assisting in exposing all the War Criminals involved in Economic and Political Treason since the US Planned and Executed travesty of 911.
That involves international cabal families in many countries. The theft of over $100 Trillion of the public’s funds is also involved. Planned genocide of more than 6 Billion of the world’s population along with total dictatorial control of all earth’s assets has been the cabal’s objective since they first came here 65 Million years ago.
What will happen after NESARA is announced?
We will have programs in all countries that will remove the greed and provide the essentials of life to all citizens. There will be no need for artificial boundaries. Those artificial barriers come from disparity in income, education, and meaningful work. Since all of those will be answered in each country, borders will be removed as unnecessary. Of course, some of the provisions will take longer than others…up to 12-15 months at the longest. However, even in these cases, all basic needs will be met rapidly. The 82nd Airborne Division is surrounding Washington, D.C. to provide security in support of NESARA Law. NESARA’s announcement and implementation … is imminent…. The return of all our troops will be the final item in the Peace manifestation process.
All the military stationed throughout the world will be returned home at once. The Starships are easily capable of this task.
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