Cobra update 8.11.2013: New Windows of Opportunity
New Windows of Opportunity
There was a lot of progress lately. A huge victory of the Light has been achieved on the day of the opening of the 8-8 portal. ALL negative entities from the lower mental and lower astral planes have been removed. The only remaining negative non-physical entities are now hiding within the implant hemispheres on the etheric plane. If they wander outside implant hemispheres, they are removed instantly. There is not even enough of them to maintain implant hemispheres for all 7.2 billion incarnated humans so some of implant hemispheres are already disintegrating and some lucky humans completely free of any negative non-physical interference.
The remaining etheric negative entities are concentrating their attacks on lightwarriors and lightworkers, but their final removal in inevitable and will come soon. Outside of implant hemispheres, angelic beings are healing war-torn etheric and astral landscape, clearing the remaining anomaly and restoring the non-physical planes to their original paradise state. This is how etheric plane looks right now:

The Resistance Movement has communicated that as the non-physical planes will be clear soon, it is of the utmost importance to reach a certain degree of harmony within the planetary liberation movement as lack of harmony there will soon be the last main remaining factor delaying the Event.
It is also very important for the grassroots preparedness infrastructure teams for the Event (prepareforchange.net ) to organize themselves in such a way as to be able to handle millions of inquiries from confused surface population in real time without delays at the time of the Event.
People trying to guess the timing of the Event based on the timing of my conferences are wasting their precious energy. People waiting for the Event are doing the same. It would be much better for everybody to start forming Event support groups in their area NOW. The Resistance needs a certain number of functional Event support groups on the surface before the action can be triggered. These Event support groups will absorb the shock of abrupt change for the masses of humanity as those groups will be most qualified to deal with the changes.
There are two Windows of Opportunity coming in the near future and each of them is a potential time for the Event, if only the awakened part of the surface population begins to cooperate enough.
The choice is ours.
The first Window of Opportunity comes within October – December timeframe. It will be triggered by the solar magnetic field reversal:
Solar magnetic field reversal comes in 11 and 22 year cycles and it usually triggers societal changes:
There is much more to this first Window of Opportunity and intel about this will be released in September.
The second Window of Opportunity comes within March- April 2014 time frame. It will be triggered by the Galactic Core activation by the G2 interstellar cloud:
The potential of this second Window of Opportunity is huge, since it encompasses changes on the Galactic level.
Denise LeFay: September 22, 2013 Equinox – End of the Nine Months Life Review
I’ve done my best in 2013 to be consciously aware of the Ascension related evolutionary shifts and changes I am going through this year. I’ve always done this, however, I really wanted to be consciously aware of this particular 2013 leg of the Ascension Journey where we’re about to ‘Break on through to the Other Side’ to borrow a great old Jim Morrison/Doors line.
Some of what I’ve experienced and perceived so far in 2013 is pretty impressive to this current version of “me” living this Process. To other aspects of the Greater ME it’s merely business as usual so don’t get all worked up or hot n’ bothered over any of it! These different perspectives are, at times, truly hilarious and great equalizers. There’s nothing like that look your Higher Self occasionally gives you that tells you to knock off the emotional Drama Queen routine. It’s like being a kid and getting busted by a parent and it forces you to discharge all the imbalanced emotional stuff in an instant. Perspective.
When I honestly review the great evolutionary ascension leap we’re making—regardless of which Stair Step one is on today—it’s damned impressive. We’re evolving/ascending from a profoundly restrictive, intensely dense, repulsively polarized, monstrously controlled world controlled by Monsters unseen and seen, in an extremely narrow band of frequency and consciousness to… something so much better it’s hard for many to comprehend or even imagine. Some people understand this; they get it at deeper, inner levels but most people haven’t a clue that such a profound level of evolutionary leaping—not crawling, leaping—has, is, and will continue happening for many years.
It’s a very different thing intellectually knowing something from actually living it body, heart, and soul. Example: for years we’ve read wonderful Ascension related information about this phase of the Process that many called ‘being in the birth canal’ or being ‘in labor within the womb of the Great Mother’ etc. Then finally in 2013 we entered this Process body, heart, and soul at another level than we’d ever experienced earlier, and now we know what it actually feels like being intensely pressured, squeezed, and struggling within the energetic ‘birth canal’ in real ‘labor pains’. Now we know because we’re living it all the way down in the physical dimension in and through our physical bodies. It’s not ethereal or intellectual but a hardcore Process we’re going through physically and because of this it’s very different and much more extreme feeling, deeply personal, extra emotional, and profoundly exhausting.
September 22, 2013 Equinox – End of the Nine Months
A lot of people are very curious and/or very concerned about what will or what will not happen with this next upcoming important date— 9-22-13. I know many people were hugely disappointed when the physical external world didn’t instantly transform into what you and I wanted it to on December 21, 2012— 12-21-12. I knew better and I still wanted everything to transform instantly back then too! However, what we all must bear in heartmind (that’s another NEW Denise word if you’re wondering
) is that things would instantly transform in much more obvious and dramatic ways if we did this via the old method of physically dying and leaving one’s physical body! Poof, you’re out of the physical dimension; poof, out of your physical body; poof, the heavy physical density is gone; poof, you’re in a nonphysical dimension; poof, you’re in one of your nonphysical bodies; poof, OMG things feel so much better!
But because we desperately wanted to remain in our physical bodies in this physical dimension on this physical earth world and live through the Ascension Process in our physical bodies and do The Process THAT WAY, it takes more linear physical time. Why? Because otherwise the sudden and profound impact of going from one very dense low-frequency state into a much higher frequency state would literally destroy as in kill our physical bodies, burnout our central nervous systems, fry our intellect, and most likely fracture our psyches in horrible ways. So, to prevent all that and worse, we’ve HAD to do this entire Ascension Process in incremental Stair Steps over and over and over and freakin’ over year after year after year.
It simply takes more linear time in physicality to carefully, methodically, and incrementally move our selves, our consciousness, and our energetic and physical bodies through this monumental Alchemical Evolutionary Ascension Process when remaining in the physical body in a physical dimension in a physical world in linear time. We can (and we all have and it’s perfectly okay) bitch n’ whine n’ complain about this Ascension Process and all the linear time it takes and how hard and painful it is. Stepping out of the physical body at death is fast and easy compared to remaining in it and hauling it with you up all these different energetic Stair Steps to literally Alchemically transform it from dense 3D Lead into Light-filled 5D Gold! That is painful and thattakes some linear time but in the end we’ll be very, very, glad we went through all this.
Today is August 2, 2013, and it feels to me at this moment like something really big and reality-changing is about to happen in this physical dimension and physical world. I sense this whatever all it is I’m feeling now is both wondrous and horrible. Horrible because some things we’re used to in the old world are going to start disappearing very fast now and that could cause some panic, some discomfort, some anger, some fear etc. Wondrous because more of the NEW is able to manifest here now; not all the NEW mind you, but a good bit more of it. Stair Steps remember?
The months of June, July and August of 2011, 2012 and 2013 have energetically been so hard, so intense and difficult, and now in early August 2013 it feels to me like really big changes are about to transpire on this physical level of “reality”. This is not saying that they haven’t been for the past 25 years because they have, but this is different, and different in those simultaneous wondrous and horrible sorts of ways. No fear my friends just being honest about the current shifts I’m feeling at the moment.
Time to confess a bit more about the next big date change of 9-22-13. Ooo, but first just look and feel those numbers will you? A 9 and a 22 and a 13. They’re saying a lot if you’re familiar with numerology and it’s all very good!
Back to what I was about to confession. The other day I was talking with Callista Summerfield-Burlinghof via emails and she mentioned something that I’ve been aware of too. She’s written a new blog about this and other related things and as soon as it’s published at Rainbow Phoenix.com I’ll quote it here. What she mentioned and we subsequently discussed briefly was how we both have perceived that a lot, and I mean a lot of people will be dying and rather quickly once we reach9-22-13. This date is another major cutoff point in the Ascension Process just as 12-21-12 was. But in this case, after the Life Review everyone experienced during December 21, 22, 23, 2012, we’ve all had these Nine Months to very intensely and under severe compression pressures, work on whatever it was that each of us was shown we needed to work on in ourselves during our individual Life Review.
Now at the end of those Nine Months—which is the 9-22-13 Fall Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere, Spring Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere—great numbers of people will choose to physically die and leave their physical bodies in this physical dimension and physical world for whatever their personal reasons. This has nothing to do with anyone not doing it “right” or doing it “wrong” etc., but with the fact that many people cannot stay in their physical bodies on the other side of 9-22-13 in the dramatically increased, higher frequency Light Energies because they haven’t done the necessary transformational Inner Work that causes them and their bodies, brains, central nervous systems, psyches, and consciousness to match and comfortably cope with existing in the NEW higher frequencies or Light Energies.
On the other side of 9-22-13 many people will opt-out and die, will exit their physical bodies and go off and have another more traditional Life Review, then a Rest and Recuperation period for a bit, and then they’ll reincarnate in physical bodies that are a better frequency match to whatever world and timeline they choose to incarnate on if that’s what their Higher Self has chosen. There are of course many other options than just this one I’ve described, but the point is that a lot of people will be dying once we cross the 9-22-13 cutoff point. And again, none of this has anything to do with anyone “failing”, “missing the Ascension boat”, or doing it “wrong” or anything else; it has to do with personal choice and many people simply do not want to go through the difficult transformational Process of ascending their physical bodies now.
Because many people are going to be hoping for and expecting all sorts of positive and wondrous changes and improvements post 9-22-13, which will happen but just maybe not as fast as you/me/we’d all like, please know that instead of immediately seeing the earth world transform into an other dimensional Crystal City heaven on earth type situation, instead you may see a lot of people suddenly and very quickly dying and the rest of the old negative patriarchal global systems also dying off just as quickly.
See… this is why I don’t always share what I See, what I perceive because 1) I worry it will scare the poo out of some people and 2) I absolutely don’t want to create fear in anyone and further muck up reality with more fear-based energies and thought forms and 3) we’re not all going to end up in the same timeline on the same earth world and so on. We are diverse beings individually and because of this “reality” is even more diverse to accommodate each one of us.
If you get scared, worried, or confused about this 9-22-13 shift point I want you to honestly think about how well you can remember your last dream; your “past lives” on earth and on other dimensions and other worlds etc. Very few can remember their dreams so don’t worry about systems changing here and people dying and leaving now for new horizons that are a better match for them individually. Big changes are coming and soon but they may not immediately be the wondrous changes you/me/all of us reading this have worked so long and so hard for. Why? Go back and reread the paragraph about linear time and Stair Steps and why it has to be this way for those of use remaining in these current physical bodies. This is normal for physicality and even though it seems to these versions of “us” in physicality living through it all that it’s taking for EVER to happen, it’s happening incredibly fast from higher levels of being and perception. Just ask your Higher Self. 
Another reason I sometimes don’t tell everything I know and perceive is because of those Stair Steps again. Everyone is not standing on the same level of awareness, understanding, development and Ascension transformation at the same time and this is perfectly normal. However, because of this I withhold certain information sometimes—as I know certain other Ascension Teachers do too for the same reasons—and those reasons are primarily to NOT say something that the majority would misunderstand and then create more fear and negative thought forms that us Lightworkers would then have to help clear and/or transmute! I’ve known for a while that a lot of people are going to be dying suddenly after 9-22-13 but it most likely would have created more fear, worry, confusion, anxiety, chaos, and even guilt in some people if I’d shared that information back in January of 2013. So I withhold certain knowledge I’ve perceived until it feels correct for me to share publicly. Callista sharing the other day that she’s perceived this too told me it’s time now for me to share what I’ve perceived about this and give explanations as to WHY mass numbers of people will be dying after 9-22-13.
Despite there being what looks, feels and seems like it’s a big negative or big unpleasant thing is actually in this physical realm a HUGE sign that those positive NEW changes are physically here now. The weird thing with this Process at this point is that the positive manifesting and the negative disappearing are happening simultaneously, which gets difficult to wrap ones brain around sometimes. The collapsing of the old patriarchal world with its corrupt, elitist, greed based, dead-end systems are falling apart simultaneously to the NEW energies physically manifesting here now… especially post 9-22-13.
August 2, 2013
Copyright © Denise Le Fay and TRANSITIONS, 2013. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and you include this copyright notice and live linkhttp://deniselefay.wordpress.com/
The Compression Zone by Cosmic Awareness & Will Berlinghof
The Compression Zone
“That which is Cosmic Awareness is now available for the purpose of today’s readings for Rainbow-Phoenix. Please proceed.
Question: “Thank you Awareness, welcome and thank you again for being with us this evening. The Law of Love and the Law of Light have been invoked. Will Berlinghof is the Interpreter and Joan Mills is the Energizer and Questioner. Do you have an opening message please?
Cosmic Awareness: “That this Awareness does have an opening message for general membership, for all who are coming to the site Rainbow-Phoenix.
That this Awareness does point out that in a few days by your earthly measure of time, you will reach the 21st of July. That this marks seven months since the event known as the Ascension event occurred December 21, 2012.
That this Awareness does point out that for many, this is an extreme time of personal growth and development and that this is reflected outwardly as well. That this period of time is that which this Awareness has called the compression zone. It has offered the image of the hourglass, whereby that which is the neck of the hourglass, the thin tube funnel from one or to the other, from one end of the hourglass to the other, is that which is the experience of many, that they are in this narrow neck of the hourglass, this relating to their lives. That this means that much is occurring for many in terms of their physical situations, their mental acuity and perceptions, their emotional body and emotional energies.
That it is not accidental that things seem so intense for many at this time. Many are definitely experiencing odd physical reality challenges, mostly for them bodily problems, aches and pains.
That this Awareness does confirm that for many, there is a process of transformation that is occurring at the bodily level of physicality. That this means that many are still experiencing the type of symptoms that this Awareness has been talking about over the last several months, even several years, and that the miasms that many are feeling in the body are intensifying and feel often as if the situation is so extreme that they must run to the doctor or to the medical authorities, for they are frightened by that which they are experiencing.
This Awareness would always support an individual whose choice it is to go to the medical ones, for this Awareness is not saying to anyone that you must ignore physical pains and symptoms. And that if going to the doctor or to the clinic, or even to emergency, is what you feel you need, then do follow this.
However this Awareness would add that often many will not find anything wrong. This is because much of that which is occurring is on a psychological-physical level. Thus the psychological journey that many are taking will provoke the physical responses that are needed to release energy in certain areas of the body where there may have been traumatic shock at other times, in other lifetimes. The traumatic shock is that which could be understood to exist at the deep psychological level of perception that is available both consciously and unconsciously to all human beings.
For many, it is an unconscious process and thus there is no awareness to what is happening other than the physical symptoms one is experiencing. As this is so, the physical still thus has precedence, still has the edge and that what is also occurring therefore is a challenge to individuals to trust a deeper process that is occurring at this time: the process of transformation even at the body’s level, the actual physical experience of the body, its aches and its pains.
That is why this Awareness can also say that it is important not to go into fear about any conditions one might be experiencing, to have a trust and faith that even though one is in pain, it is not permanent and it is not serious. That by understanding that there is this psychological element of release that is occurring in the transformational process, one begins to understand how much energy one can put into something that has become fearful for one.
The Interpreter recently experienced a body condition that at first provoked him at a fear level and he did also wonder if he was having a serious situation in the body and what it might mean on the physical level. But he did manage to curtail the fear, realized that he is reacting in a standard way that has been ingrained into humanity over the many millennia. That this has to do with the teaching, the indoctrinated beliefs, that the body only breaks down and cannot heal itself, and that if anything occurs that medical experts should be sought out and allopathic approach using pharmaceuticals, radiation, chemotherapy, etc. be used.
But this is not acknowledging the deep power of the mind and Spirit Itself. Thus when many are having their conditions that are being experienced at this time–the aches, the pains, the reflux, the heart palpitations–that while one has the right to deal with this on a physical level if the fear and anxiety is too great, remember always that this is a unique time and that in this time those challenges will present themselves that one does need to get to the bottom of, that one does need to work with and not simply go into fear or in a state of fear. In a state of panic, that which is the most feared can truly manifest itself. That this situation is such that as part of the compression process that the mind, the body, that the heart are going through, that Spirit is delivering to individuals, that it is such an experience that the challenges of one’s life, the fears, the doubts, the anxiety will express themselves very strongly and very personally.
In other words, for all individuals they will experience these challenges in the most personal way and that which is the strongest fear will have the most energy and most impact. These are parts of the blocks and barriers in this compression state in the tube of the hourglass of transformation that this Awareness has spoken of previously.
It is only reiterating this at this time for those who are going through some very intense experiences at this time, and that the bodily experiences that many are having are part of the process. To analyze this, to reflect on this, to go beyond any fear on these matters is required and even if one does decide that they do need physical assistance, rather than simply give all one’s powers away, one can start to understand that one can engage even this form of treatment, this allopathic physical approach and believe still that it will sort certain things out for them. But if they do find that after approaching allopathic experts, doctors, the medical field and they are diagnosed with something extremely dangerous, then they are on another journey where they will still have to choose whether to believe the allopathic doctors or not, whether to take control and invoke higher levels of participation in a healing process.
Often the problem is that when one abdicates to those who are the experts, one puts oneself in their hands and thus in their power. It is not easily done when one is in such a state to deny the authority of those in power, and thus when pronouncements are made on one that they will die from their illness, many simply accept this and energize this, for they do not understand their own true power, their own true faculty as a healer to themselves, a creator being of their lives.
But for those who have the strength and power to question, to challenge, to look within and to find the deeper answers, then this type of experience can indeed be one of those points in that compression zone of experience that is occurring now, that can lead one beyond that fear level, that can lead one into liberation and freedom from those who hold power in such ways.
That this Awareness is simply trying at this time to help one and all who are experiencing their own personal situations to understand there is deeper meaning and deeper reason to whatever challenge you bring into your life, be it the physical, be it the mental, be it the emotional.
That recently this Awareness spoke of financial crisis that many are going through. This too is that which will have great energy to it, part of the ingrained belief system that money alone will solve all problems and that a lack of funds means that one is limited, one cannot proceed for there is no money. Again, this is ingrained and is indoctrinated into each human being. It is their challenge to overcome this, as it would be of course, the challenge to overcome any other type crisis.
At this seven-month point, many of these crises are coming now to a head and that is one reason this Awareness would say: have trust, have faith, go deeply within, open to your spiritual being, your spiritual connections, know that this too is part of the journey, part of the way through and forward.
That this Awareness will speak now of another element of this time of compression when much is facing an individual, either in an individual personal way or in a grander, exterior way: the events of the world or of their lives reflected in their regions, in their localities, in their nations. That with compression there is that which is the transformational process, the compression such as coal experiences when it is compressed by the forces of Mother Earth so that it can become a diamond. But during the time of pressure it is difficult in many ways. Luckily this Awareness would say, it is not impossible and does state a saying that many are familiar with: “that nothing beyond that which can be endured will be delivered upon an individual. That only that which can be truly experienced and overcome is that which you will experience”.
That with compression, there does come the breakthrough, the shattering of that which was the problem, the situation that has been brought forward to be dealt with. That with the shattering, there then comes expansion, as one expands into this phase beyond that which was the crisis, that was the bottleneck. That this is still part of a process. Thus it is that after reaching this new expansion of awareness, of consciousness, of experience, that a compression begins again.
Remember this is still in that period of time, this nine-month period of time of development that this Awareness has spoken of. Thus with the compression that begins, new challenges may present themselves, other situations that have not yet been resolved may appear. Thus it feels to many that this is an unending process, even when they think they have achieved all, then they find that they go deep into retraction or contraction again, compression occurring once more.
But remember, it is a process. Therefore continue, work, delve deeply into that which now is presenting itself and again shattering those blocks, those limitations, again moving into new expansion. If one follows the imagery of the hourglass, in particular the bottleneck or that narrow part of the hourglass, one could imagine oneself always moving deeper as passage is made through this narrow stem, this funnel, this compression zone, until one finally comes to that place of ultimate breakthrough and one enters into the expansion of the new that is awaiting one; then a new journey begins.
But always remember that the spiritual journey is a process. That while many might expect and hope for a singular event that will completely end all, it is seldom so, and thus as one even moves on 21st of September to completion of this nine-month period and a new expansion opens, so does a new process, a new process of continual growth and evolution.
It has been asked of this Awareness why there cannot be an ending to things, a final completion. This is simply not the way of things. That even beyond third dimensionality into the higher states of dimensional consciousness, there is always an evolutionary process as the soul continues to refine itself, move itself towards greater and greater comprehension and completion, reaching for and striving for reunification with God Itself, to be re-absorbed into the totality of God Consciousness.
Thus it is that spiritual evolution is a continuum, a process. There is never a sharp ending with nothing beyond. There is always the completion and ending so that one can break through, move on into new states of expanded consciousness and begin a new process, a new level of the journey. That this is how it works in Spirit, thus it is how it works in the physical.
Those who would wish for a final completion, that it is done, do not understand completely that the process is continual, and that when one area is completed and achievement made, that there are new challenges, new growth and new development that await.
That at this time in the process of the nine-month journey, the final tweaking has truly begun. This is one reason why such intensity is now occurring. This is intensity, not only in the personal life journey, but in the evolutionary journey of Mother Earth herself . Thus there are factors that are affecting the planet as well.
That the solar impact of the solar radiations is having an effect on the planetary body, on the magnetosphere, the ionosphere, many levels of the physical of Mother Earth. She too is going through her own journey of compression and contraction, then expanding, breaking through, expanding beyond that which was the limitation previously.
That her journey can also have a strong effect on humans on her surface that are contained within her presence, her continuity of experience. Do not forget, always you are part of that which is Mother Earth, part of that great terrestrial being that is going through her own evolutionary process. That many of the bodily symptoms that you are experiencing that are designed to provoke inner search and advancement are also triggered by and affected by the planetary process that is occurring. The magnetosphere, the ionosphere, the intense radiation that is coming through at this time; all of this is affecting not only Mother Earth but individuals on the planet. You are there to participate in this part of the journey as well. Therefore, recognize that while you are going through whatever intense experiences you are going through, you are at the same time connected to the process Mother Earth is going through.
While this is a time of transformation, the transformation is not complete, you have not yet reached the final portion. There is more tweaking to do, more adjusting to do; but as you understand your greater participatory role in this journey of evolution, both for yourselves individually as well as for Mother Earth, you will begin to feel a greater sense of unity with this journey, with the higher forces that are beginning to communicate more and more to you, either unconsciously during the sleep state or in the many intriguing, unique experiences that so many are having. All is exemplary of the journey of progress that is underway, the journey of development, the journey of transformation.
That this Awareness is now complete with Its opening message.
It adds a final note: to be patient with yourself, to trust and know that despite everything, all will be fine, all will be well. That the challenges of your lives do need to be faced now, that you have brought them to yourselves for this purpose, to face these issues and win your freedom, or not, for there is always choice here.
And that one can choose one path or another, one can face and the challenges in a way that is bravery itself or one can retreat in absolute fear, doubt and panic. The choices are always yours, but to understand you are being supported by forces greater than you even now can comprehend, even though you are moving towards breakthrough and completion of this cycle, it is still a personnel journey that you are on. A personal journey where you are not truly alone.
There are those forces, those greater spiritual forces, that are working with you, working with Mother Earth to expand into this level of realization in consciousness–will be very beneficial for many as they often feel they are completely alone on the journey. For those who do feel this, understand that you are not alone. That the Divine, that Spirit, that this Awareness indeed travels with you as do many other levels and layers of Spirit, of that which is your own higher dimensional beingness.
That this journey is an extreme one, but then again you chose to be part of this journey at this time. Always remember that you are not here by accident, that you have chosen this, that you have decided it is time now to break through and to journey forward now with trust and faith that all will be well.
That this completes the opening message, the general message that this Awareness wished to deliver at this time.”
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