
12 Spiritual Truths to Help You Live a More Authentic, Fulfilling Life

Life is hard. It doesn't matter if you're living in a huge mansion or standing in line at a soup kitchen, the truth of the matter is not many of us are given the tools while growing up to cope with the many stressors in our lives. But there are people out there who seem to have an idea of how to stay optimistic in these changing times. I spent much of my adult life perplexed by their good natures, and even more confused by their good will, until I learned that there were principles -- and, by principles, I mean universal truths -- that I could apply to my own life and literally change how I felt, not only about myself, but about the world around me.
Some of them seem like common sense, but you need to understand going into the exercise that reading these principles and actually practicing them in your day-to-day lives are two entirely different things (and that the latter requires vigilance and willingness). The phrase "easier said than done" applies here. But, the truth is, if you're reading this, then chances are you're in the same place I was when I first discovered these practices, and that means you're ready.
Here are the 12 spiritual principles I try to live by on a daily basis:
There's this thing called The Serenity Prayer that goes something like this: "God, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference." What painful, awful thing in your life are you accepting that, in all truth, you can actually change? Once you deeply accept that only you have the power to move forward in your life, then you can take the action to do it. But there are also things that you cannot change, and the work here is to accept that you can't manage that situation or this person or that thing. There is power in powerlessness also, because it frees you from conflict and allows you to enjoy the rest of your life with real aplomb.
You'd be surprised how many lies I told myself and how many times I suffered because of them. Indeed, the lies I told myself fed into the lies I told other people and left me isolated when all I ever craved was connection. Can you believe that? My cure for loneliness was isolation. But I changed all of that when I started to speak my own truth and gave the people around me the opportunity to truly know who I was and what I stood for. We live in fear of what other people will think or say about us, but do you really want those kinds of people in your life today? Tell your truth; embrace who you are and let the naysayers know that, if it's going to make a difference as to whether they love you or not, then it should start making a difference now.
I have a friend who, for one morning every month, pretends to be blind. He wakes without opening his eyes, fumbles his way to his kitchen to make coffee then heads off to the bathroom to shower and brush his teeth. He eats a bowl of cold cereal and dresses himself and doesn't allow himself to open his eyes until he gets behind the wheel of his car to go to work. And he does this so that he can live in gratitude of the many gifts in his life, least among which is the gift of sight. I try to practice gratitude also, although not with as much verve as my friend; but I recognize that, in today's world, it is easy to become entitled and walk around with a sense of indignation and lose sense of the things that really matter, and fall away from gratitude. Everything in your life is worth exploring, whether it be the fact that you can walk and run or the knowledge that, if it ever gets to be too much, the world is designed to accommodate you and help you not feel so abandoned or alone.
We come into the world, each of us, with our own baggage (sometimes it's an abandonment issue, sometimes it's simple trust issues, etc.). We acquire these as children, but we discover that these lessons no longer serve us in adulthood, and we become forced to re-parent or reeducate ourselves. Part of this means learning how to trust our friends and partners and spouses. These relationships are important and you need to think of them as a carefully concocted stew of love and patience and understanding. When we distrust the people closest to us, what we are actually doing is adding negative ingredients to the pot -- jealousy, possessiveness, suspicion... of course, they are going to react in a negative fashion. And we are often shocked when conflict arises, but it is conflict that could have been avoided if we'd made a conscious decision to come from a place of love than one of antagonism and unrest. People are sometimes going to let you down. This is a fact of life. But it is our responsibility to not create an arena for them to do so.
My wife is an amazing woman. I am in awe of her, but still got a bit resentful one night when I did the dinner dishes and didn't get so much as a thank you when all was said and done. It was then that I realized that I was looking for a payoff for simply being of service, and that was when my life changed. It isn't an act of kindness if you expect something for it, and once you remove the payoff from the equation, you will find yourself catapulted to the next level of true selflessness, and that is the understanding that the reward for loving is loving; the reward for being of service is being of service. And the self-esteem that comes from reaching out and helping other people is invaluable. Because it gets you out of your own head and helps you not feel overwhelmed by problems or other concerns. It helps you feel connected.
It never ceases to amaze me how sensitive I am. People who care about me -- who I know absolutely love me -- will sometimes point out one of my idiosyncrasies or talk about something stupid I did in mixed company and, for a long time, it would hurt my feelings and I would over-react. Granted, we all need to monitor how we are perceived (you don't get a second chance at first impressions), but learning how to laugh at yourself can help build stronger relationships. You family and friends should not be made to feel as though they need to walk on eggshells around you; it's up to you to create a safe, non-judgmental space for those around you because it is only in this space that you can experience the joy of authentic laughter. And, the fact of the matter is, I can't possibly be the only one to leave a public restroom with toilet paper stuck to the bottom of my shoe.
Your past is inescapable, your future is unavoidable, but your present is forever unrestrained. We sometimes spend more time obsessing over things that have happened and dreading some unforeseen future that we forget the simple truth that, right now, in this moment, we are okay. No matter what is happening, even now -- reading this -- you are okay. Take a breath. Enjoy this one, perfect moment, because it is yours. You have plans and obligations, sure, but we're not there yet; right now, it's just us, living in this wonderful moment, and reveling in the fact that, in and of ourselves, we are complete, we are worthy of connection, and we are enough. When things get hectic, remind yourself of this and get centered. Only in the moment are we ever our perfect selves.
This was a hard one for me to learn. But then I realized that a lot of the conflict in my life was of my own design. I had to adopt a new way of relating to other people. I had to ask myself, "Does this need to be said?" then, "Does this need to be said now?" and finally, "Does this need to be said by me?" The three simple questions, in one fell stroke, eliminated so much pain and drama in my life that it left a huge space in my life that could only be filled with a new influx of love and understanding. Not only did people suddenly want to be around me, but the problems that I thought could only be managed by me seemed to work themselves out on their own. I had, for lack of a better term, inadvertently learned how to get out of God's way.
This one's a hard pill to swallow, because I'm not a huge advocate of "Turn The Other Cheek" -- I believe that you have to talk about (and really process) some wrongs that have been done to you before you can get to the part where forgiveness is possible. But, I also believe that it gets easier every time you do it, and that the emotional work involved is worth the effort it takes to get there. Some transgressions are unforgivable, true. But most aren't. Bear in mind, I am not telling you to run out and forgive everyone; I am telling you to LEARN to forgive, because that's where the spiritual growth will come from: it will come from the journey toward forgiveness.
I have a friend who is a huge naysayer when it comes to new concepts and ideas. The simple truth is, he's so busy seeing THROUGH everything that he can't see ANYTHING. And, sadly, as a result, he will always be right where I left him, because his capacity for growth is stunted by his inability to embrace new ideas. But this doesn't have to be YOU. Allow yourself to have an open mind. Accept that even the worst-dressed person at the party may have something interesting to say to you and put your hand out to say hello. Rediscover your sense of wonder. No matter how old you are, the world still has a lot to show you. We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having very Human experiences. Avail yourself to each and every one.
I cannot tell you how much time and energy I wasted searching for some sort of outside "thing" to fix me. And everywhere I went, the answer was always the same: We're Perfect. In and of ourselves, we are whole and complete. Inner Peace comes from accepting this as Your Truth. Granted, there are things about ourselves that we can change, and there are outside things that we can acquire that will enrich the quality of our lives, but none of those things are the destination of any spiritual journey; every spiritual journey is designed to help you find yourself. Because it is only when you've found, accepted, and learned to love yourself that you are capable of connecting with anything else, whether it's other people, your family, or a God of your own understanding. Believe it.
Maya Angelou is a celebrated American author and poet who once taught that Courage is the most important of all the virtues because, without it, you cannot practice any of the others consistently. It takes courage to love. It takes courage to be honest and to speak your own truth. It takes courage to forgive. It takes courage to reach out and help other people. The list goes on and on. I had to learn very early on how not to let fear dictate my behavior; I had to learn how to not let fear inform my decisions. You can do this, too. I promise you. It's in you. If you're reading this, then you're ready to take a few chances and truly grow. And, if worse comes to worst, keep this in mind: A turtle cannot walk -- it cannot move forward -- unless it sticks its neck out.
For more by Dr. Howard Samuels, click here.

Planetary Liberation NOW! 解放地球!

Folks, please go to the following website to sign the petition. People from all over the world are signing NOW! It's time to liberate our planet NOW! Tell our friends above the sky we need help and we want true freedom NOW!


Planetary Liberation NOW!

We are all aware that there are forces within the banking establishment, military-industrial complex and also on the non-physical planes that do not wish humanity to be free. They have stolen our money. They have poisoned our food. They are trying to take away our freedom. They are trying to take away our happiness. We will not let them.

There are also benevolent forces originating beyond the surface of this planet, such as the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans, the Agarthians and the Resistance Movement, willing to assist us in the planetary liberation process. They are willing to support the human population to bring justice back again and change the corrupt legal systems worldwide, create a fair and transparent new financial system, bring new and clean advanced technologies to humanity and reveal hidden information about the existence of extraterrestrial races and about the real history of mankind.

They are offering a co-creative partnership to humanity because they wish our planet to join a civilized galactic society. To make the next step in their public disclosure, they need a certain degree of agreement with their proposal for partnership from the surface population of this planet. This is the purpose of our petition. If you wish a full disclosure of these benevolent forces and full partnership with them, please sign this petition. When we reach our goal of 144,000 signatures, the benevolent forces of Light will take the next step in the disclosure process.

Please sign the petition and help us reaching 144,000:



DL Zeta: We are the Bridge Between Two Merging Worlds

We are the Bridge Between Two Merging Worlds, by DL Zeta, December 8, 2013 at: http://www.celestialvision.org
Our movement into the new time has delivered us to a space between two worlds where we attempt to merge the world of our past and the world of our future through harmonic resonance. This resonance is created when we combine gratitude for all that has been with skillfully-programmed intentions designed to activate the future timelines where our highest visions reside.
Establishing Outposts in the New Time
This synergistic formula of profound appreciation for the life we have lived and conscious creation of a future beyond what we have imagined will allow us to establish new outposts in the expanding landscape of the new time.
We’re in a period of large-scale change as numerous energetic influences help us gain the traction we need to blend our past efforts toward healing and self-understanding with a future where our talents, skills and intentions merge with our highest potentials. This effort carries us further and faster than ever before.
We hold a space within ourselves where these two worlds blend and become one. We learn the mechanism for this blending by incubating it within our consciousness. By incubating the merging of past and future within, we learn the steps to serving as a bridge between the old and the new – a gift we will share with others and ultimately with the universe.
Souls are being activated in Service of the New Earth
Many souls came here for this purpose – to add their light to the effort to help construct the energetic framework for the transition to the new time. These souls are now being activated. It’s at the point of activation that their 3D worlds may start to unravel. Those who “signed on” to serve with this transition programmed change into their life hologram to allow them to awaken with divine timing to their higher purpose.
It’s a gift to be called to serve. The path will be clearer once we embrace this. Every obstacle that stands in our way will dissolve as we take our place in service of this new and brighter light now shining on planet earth.
Programming Intentions toward Healing and Spiritual Freedom
Do not despair for what you are losing, or for the ones who are leaving your life. Mourn the loss of your old life as you breathe life into the new forms materializing before you. This is not to say there was anything “wrong” with the old way – it’s simply time to consciously move forward in a new way and with greater awareness of our intentions.
Intentions programmed toward healing and spiritual freedom become the foundation of our transition. Efforts to heal our past are especially supported now, including time travel in consciousness to heal past selves still mired in trauma and to discover any remaining thought viruses that may be operating in our present moment.
Cultivating an Accelerated Path into the New Time
This quickening path into the new time requires plenty of breathing space between accelerations. We need healthy food, lots of rest, and time to meditate to allow these two worlds to seamlessly merge within us. Avoid heavy foods and upgrade your physical system with green juicing, green fasting, wheatgrass, blue green algae, and yoga; undertake a vision quest, meditate, spend time daily in nature, take sun baths, and exercise to invigorate your physical system. Journal to bring further insight and understanding to what is taking place within you. Make time for the creative play that is so essential to the growth of your spirit. Honor your time and energy; wherever you go, have a goal and purpose aligned with your spiritual mission.
As you continue to grow and expand your consciousness, you become a stronger bridge between two merging worlds. As you help unite these worlds, you facilitate the awakening of growing numbers of souls into the new time. Everything multiplies exponentially from this point forward, and your greatest satisfaction will be in seeing the world of your highest future unfold before you.
©2010-2013 DL Zeta, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved www.celestialvision.org These messages are intended to be shared. You are welcome to share and distribute this message with others as you feel guided to do so. Please be sure to include the author & source website link.
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Sandra Walter – Collective Shift in Reality

Video transcript:
Beloved Light Tribe, the moment of revelation has presented. Gaia is taking off the mask to reveal her 4D shift in early 2014. Awakened or not, here she comes. At long last, mass awakening is about to begin.
The photonic light waves penetrating the planet will continue to increase in intensity. By the end of December, the Ascending to 5D tribe will experience deep shifts in consciousness, with major
amplifications from January through March equinox. These are unique to your level of light and willingness to engage with the unknown.
The unawakened collective will (finally) see unusual changes – and start questioning their reality. I sense most will be distracted by Earth changes or personal phenomena before they realize Unity is the goal of this evolutionary passage, however great waves of awakening are expected in early 2014.
Mass Awakening to Light

Photonic evolution targets our perception, dissolving the self-imposed veils. At this juncture, Unity is best served by collective experience. It is up to the Ascending collective to demonstrate that the Shift is about Love, Compassion and Oneness.
Wayshowers, we must focus on Love. Heightened emotional states triggered in the collective will require balance on our part. Hold and radiate LOVE to all life on this planet. Be gentle, kind and patient. Be a pure conduit of Source Light Intelligence; generate a flow of Light from the God spark within. Keep the Heart center open and flowing through the internal Source-Point as the external aligns with the highest interests of all concerned.
Magnetic Harmony
Magnetic balancing is busy during this passage. Sensitives may feel it in the body as vertigo, dizziness or nausea. Gaia experiences shifts in her plates and grid systems, and the elementals respond with weather intended to balance. Multiple magnetic balancing points were created by many light teams throughout 2012-2013. They provide options for erratic electro-magnetic flows; multiple points for magnetic surges to gravitate to, rather than a limited choice of North and South poles. The sacred sites, vortexes, and portals on the surface of the planet will assist in directing the new light to these new magnetic balancing points. Some sites are already serving as balancing points themselves.
The intention with this system – and many other systems which were implemented for this passage – is to provide as smooth a journey as possible for Gaia, HUmanity and the Kingdoms. While it would be beautiful to sail through the photon belt without Earth changes altogether, shifts must occur. They may appear dramatic to those unaware of these compassionate efforts.
Weep with Joy, Dear Light Tribe
As powerful as the last three months have been for the Ascension tribe, we are in for a whole lot more. Accelerations of this magnitude take conscious choice from moment to moment. Beyond being present, be Presence. The grace and power of your true self is being revealed; integrate it as it presents for you. True integration means a permanent change.
Denial of the truth is no longer tolerated on both personal and planetary levels. Don’t let your lower levels torture you if they cling to what was; surrender to who you truly are as it is revealed. Expansion of consciousness can get overwhelming as these new levels of light turn up the volume. Breathe, know all is well, find the love (not the drama) in these upgrades.
One-way Departure
The Ascending tribe is experiencing deep revelations, dimensional bleed-through phenomena, profound stillness and sensations of departure. Remember this is a permanent departure from the past. The Collective intuition senses that the 3D platform is no longer there, which triggers stability issues. Keep the personal and collective psychological affects in balance by breathing in acceptance of change, staying open to the flow of the Shift and focusing on heart intelligence. This light can be overwhelming; simplify wherever you can.
The December – March Shift will be brilliant and challenging.  Remain calm and centered in your Heart-stream. Anchor love, peace and compassion with every conversation, every action, every thought. Let us unite as shining examples of what Ascension is all about. Guide everyone around you to the Light by demonstrating how beautiful it is to embody the highest Love.

Cobra Update - December 9, 2013 Financial Reset and Event Update

There are drastic changes happening behind the scenes. 
A battle continues for the control of the new financial system, which is being created now with full speed. The Eastern Alliance is building the new financial system to support the coming Event:

On the other hand, the Jesuits have infiltrated many agents inside the Eastern Alliance to hijack the process, hoping to create a global centralized financial system after the dollar collapses as a world reserve currency and the Illuminazi faction is removed: 

They are entertaining an idea of including Bitcoin in the new centralized system as well.

The Jesuits are hoping to somehow survive the Event untouched by putting the friendly face of master manipulator Pope Francis as their frontman and portraying themselves as the good guys. 

To further their goal of a new centralized banking system, the Jesuits have silently teamed up with the Rothschilds in their efforts:

The Rothschilds are doing whatever they can to be as silent and invisible as possible in hopes that  people will not remember them when the Event comes. They will try to portray themselves as people who collect art and love good wines and have an investment fund or two by the way. 

Meanwhile, the world is preparing for the financial reset. The fact that dollar will lose world reserve currency status and that a new financial system is coming is becoming common knowledge, although interpretations having the Cabal as their intel source might not always be correct:

The collapse of the current financial system is inevitable after the Resistance removed the vast majority of physical gold from the Cabal in early 2012. That gold was underwriting the financial system and after it was gone, a countdown clock for the complete system meltdown was triggered and its collapse is expected soon. Some people expect this to happen as late as 2015:

Some other people much sooner:

I am not at liberty yet to disclose any timeline for those events. The only thing I can say is that the moment of total meltdown of the current financial system is the last possible moment for the Event to occur, regardless of everything. 

There have been some drastic developments regarding the Event during the last weekend. Special task force of the Resistance, codenamed RM2m, was within 45 minutes of triggering the Event on Saturday after the Archons (physical and non-physical) went a little bit too far with some of their actions. The Archons backed off at the last moment to prevent the Event from being triggered and were forced to negotiate their own safety and survival. In order to survive a little bit longer, they  were forced to deconstruct Dom33, their plan of retaliation when the Event happens. 

They were also forced to surrender full protection of the top level people within the Cabal, who were until now able to conduct their deeds with physical Archons covering their backs. As the physical Archons are now more concerned with their own safety than with safety of the Cabal, the Cabal might find out that if they do something negative, strange things might begin happening to them. The old order that worked in their favor for thousands of years has been severely disrupted. 

There is a significant number of agents of the Resistance on the surface of the planet now, doing »various things«. 

The Archons did not handle those changes easily. An unconfirmed source stated that one senior member of the Orsini family committed suicide in his apartment in Rome this Saturday, while the Farnese are seriously considering their surrender. Also the Eastern Alliance has allegedly made a trading attack on Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena, disrupting Jesuit financial machinations. That bank is one of the most important banks in the current Jesuit-controlled banking system. It is owned by the Chigi family, a main black nobility family from Siena. 


Most importantly, the RM2m special task force has proposed a plan to trigger the Event before the non-physical planes are totally cleared. They feel that this wait is simply taking too long to be tolerated and that some risks need to be taken. They are now aligning their plan with the non-terrestrial Light forces. 

However, for this plan to be successful, they need our cooperation. 

Triggering the Event before the non-physical planes are cleared may result in some additional loss of human lives as some people will become dysfunctional, unable to handle the Event and resort to violence. The Cabal is not so much of a problem as they will be either arrested or stardusted in the first few hours and even initially they will not be able to do that much damage now that their Doom33 plan has been compromised. The Illuminazi faction is now hastily devising their own retaliation plan after they lost support of the Archons for Doom33, but that plan would pose far lesser threat than former Doom33. Here I might need to add that all Jesuit and Illuminazi agents which have infiltrated various militias in the last few decades will be stardusted also if the try anything nasty. 

The problem lies within the general population. Some people might get violent in their home situations and their families, old resentments suddenly being triggered and coming out to the surface. Also, violent street gangs might be formed briefly in the initial hours and maybe even days after the Event in some more remote areas without proper law enforcement being present. So I would suggest everybody to avoid violent confrontations in the first hours and days after the Event, regardless of the situation. 

The RM2m special task force has asked if we can conduct a poll to determine what the opinion of the surface population is about their plan. The results of that poll will not determine the course of their actions, but will give them priceless feedback for them to be able to adjust their plan to accommodate the needs of the surface population more. 

The first option is to trigger the Event as soon as possible, although this might pose a remote but potentially grave risk to life / physical safety of yourself and your loved ones.

The second option is to wait for the safest moment for the Event to occur, even if that means a significantly longer wait. 

You can vote on the upper left corner of this blog and I hope that many other blogs and websites will help spreading the word. 

The RM2m special task force will give more updates in the near future as the situation unfolds. 



Bashar about Economy & Reptilians

The Meaning of The Pineal Gland

he pineal gland, a pine-cone shaped gland of the endocrine system, is a highly essential part of the brain necessary to our survival. It is often associated with the third eye or the Ajna chakra, when activated, leads one to higher realms of consciousness. The third eye gives us perception of the universe around us through the five senses. Through our five senses we have self awareness and intelligence: sentience.
As a chakra, the third eye, the pineal gland represents the point at which the body receives energy from the universe that keeps our lives sustained; the main access point between the astral body and the physical body. Its function in the brain is essential to our very consciousness. Without awareness of the universe, you have no point of reference at which you have self awareness. Without self awareness, you have neither consciousness nor logical thought.
We use our perception, our consciousness and our senses to gain awareness of energy in our world via information around us. Without the pineal gland there would be no senses, meaning we would have no way to locate food, mates, safety, warmth, and the many necessities of every day life in both man kind and the animal kingdom.
The pineal gland contains pigment similar to that found in the eyes and is connected to the optic thalami, hence it controls the action of light upon our body.The pineal gland is located beneath the cerebral cortex where the two thalamic hemispheres of the brain join, where the brain regulates consciousness, interprets the body’s motory and sensory functions, and produces melatonin. A serotonin derivative, that controls our sleep cycle.
Melatonin is not only necessary for proper sleep, but it also regulates the onset of puberty and fight against harmful and free radicals. Almost at the center of the brain, its location can also be understood as the third eye, the center of the brow. Focusing on the third eye stimulates not only the pineal gland but the thalamus and the cerebral cortex as well.
In children, the pineal gland secretes more melatonin than in adults, which is said to inhibit sexual development. After puberty, the pineal gland shrinks and releases less melatonin.
The pineal gland is only the size of a single grain of rice but it has been claimed to produce dimethyltryptamine, DMT, the most powerful psychedelic, and possibly most powerful psychoactive, substance known to man. However it calcifies, and produces less as the body ages. The gland calcifies when it encounters fluoride. These calcifications are known as corpora arenacea, or brain sand. This brain sand is composed of calcium phosphate, calcium carbonate, magnesium phosphate and ammonium phosphate.
Some say the reason our water is fluoridated is to intentionally calcify the pineal gland, decreasing our intelligence, resulting in a more submissive society. More willing to follow it’s leaders. Something to ponder on though is that water fluoridation has been around since the 40′s, for various reasons.
While knowledge of the Pineal Gland has been available for thousands of years. A lot of ancient religious symbolism going back to the Sumerians, Egyptians, Vatican and more. Regardless this means that over time our civilization is using less and less of our pineal glands, and producing less DMT.
According to some scientists DMT is constantly being produced in the brain in trace amounts. When DMT is used as a psychedelic, the user experiences a very intense feeling of unity and oneness, perhaps this oneness is the end-all-be-all oneness of conscious itself? DMT production and consciousness in the brain, is necessary for us to further understand and survive in the world around us.
Understanding the world around us through facts allows us to increase the efficiency of our perception, and our total being. Knowledge of positive fact is beneficial to the perception. With knowledge we have awareness of what our perception represents, this is why DMT is massively released during near-death experiences. The reason of this, is the awareness of the imminence of death. The brain becomes aware that it is going to die and releases DMT at the last minute to stretch out the time it has left, by peaking your perception, so it can perform the last minute functions it needs to complete, and you can learn the things you need to know before death.
People often understand these experiences as flashbacks, entering the afterlife, becoming one with great peace or a light and the ultimate oneness of the universe. Perhaps death itself is what the DMT in our pineal glands is trying to teach us – that a totality of being is total peace and oneness.

Conversations With Cobra, Chapter One

Interview Transcription: Elizabeth Whitney and Cobra
Recorded by Skype in Point Reyes Station, November 16, 2013

Elizabeth:  I’d like to start our conversation with a big overview of the Fukushima situation, largely because so many people here on the west coast have expressed a lot of anxiety about it. There was something in our paper today from one of the columnists about not eating seafood. If you could give us a little different perspective on that situation, how it happened and what’s going on now and what the prognosis is, that would be a very helpful way to introduce where you are coming from.
COBRA: This Fukushima situation is a creation of the Jesuits. [Cobra means a small faction of the Cabal within the Jesuits representing about 10% of the Jesuit community.] The reason they triggered this false flag event was they wanted to exert pressure on Japan to get more funds for their operations. It is interesting to know that this event happened on March 11, 2011, which was one day before Uranus entered a new 84 -year cycle. So the moment of this was chosen according to astrological constellations. The second purpose of this event was to put more fear into the general human population because the vibrational frequency of fear is the frequency that allows the controllers to maintain control over the human population. I would say that most stories about radiation are exaggeration. I have seen reports of actual measurements of radiation exposure in California and they are not above normal. Everything is as it was before the Fukushima event. So this is a short overview of the situation.
E: When you say this event was created as a retaliation or blackmail, it is hard to absorb that this kind of thing is going on and we don’t see any news about it or investigation or signs of it going on.  Is there a way that we can become more conscious of the actual facts of how these things play out?
C: Most of those pressures are happening behind the scenes and of course they will not be reported in the mainstream media. There are some reports in the alternative media about it, but not much.
E. Also, you’ve said that after what we are going to talk about as the Event, there will be help, extraterrestrial help, in cleaning up the radiation that exists there. I wonder if you want to talk that a little bit about that and even describe what it would be like to have this kind of participation.
C: After the Event, and especially after the first contact, the positive extraterrestrial races will use their technology not only to remove excessive radiation from Fukushima, but to actually restore ecological balance throughout the planet. One of the top priorities will be to remove radiation and various poisonous substances from many nuclear power plants in other locations around the planet, not only Fukushima but also Chernobyl and other locations. They will then continue with restoring the ecosystem of the planet and it will be quite a fast operation in human standards. After the First Contact, in a few months, the situation on the planet will be much, much better.
They have advanced technology. Of course, they have complete control over matter so they can actually disintegrate all harmful substances in a matter of seconds. It is not a problem for them. It is just a matter of humanity having the right consciousness and understanding to accept and receive that technology. That is why the Event needs to happen first, the removal the Cabal needs to happen first, so the Light Forces can then use the mass media to educate the human population, so when these things do happen the human population will have an understanding and also an active participation in that purification process.


Canola Oil is a Classic Example of Food Fraud

(NaturalNews) Remember margarine? That was touted as healthier than butter several years ago. Though many have since caught on to that lie, it still persists somewhat. Margarine is as healthy as melted plastic. But it sure is cheap to produce! That was then, this is now. Could Canola oil's health claims compare with margarine's fraud?

There is evidence to support health food fraud with canola oil. Not buying it by the bottle is easy enough, but it appears in many prepared or processed foods, even those in health food stores. Because of Canola's marketing itself as a healthy option, it is recommended by many health food experts. Meanwhile, the health food industry sells and uses it as a healthy alternative despite growing evidence of toxic dangers.

What Canola Oil Is

Canola is a hybrid name that stands for Canadian oil, since it is grown, processed, and exported mainly from Canada. And the Canadian government, it is reported, put up the cash to have the FDA classify Canola oil as GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe). This classification allowed the Canola industry to avoid long term safety testing.

The Canadian government subsidizes most of rapeseed planting and harvesting. Those plants are cheap, easy to grow and a natural insect resistant, and Canola oil is cheaper and easier to use for processed foods than more expensive, healthier cold pressed oils such as olive oil.
Originally it was called lear oil (low erucic acid rapeseed) a natural modified hybrid of rape seed to remove most of its erucic acid, which is totally toxic. Rapeseed oil is so toxic that bugs and animals won't eat it. It was used in the first half of the 20th century as an industrial oil. So that name had to go completely. Hence, the final Canadian product became Canola oil in 1988.

The rapeseed plant was genetically modified further to withstand heavy doses of the Monsanto's weed killing herbicide Roundup. Roundup itself is not exactly safe for humans and animals, so the use of a toxin to support a genetically modified plant makes for a dangerous combination.

In addition to the plant having an unpredictable GMO element, the oil is heated to over 300 degrees as part of a process to remove its extremely unpleasant odor. Processing vegetable oils may include degumming, batch acidulation, bleaching, deodorization, chemical extraction methods using solvents, and high temperature expeller pressing.

Canola oil is monounsaturated, which makes it easy to promote it as similar to olive oil but cheaper. But real olive oil is not processed and doesn't contain toxic trans-fatty acids or GMOs. Canola is among the lowest of all oils with essential fatty acids, which happens to be the main health aspect of oils.

Then Came Some Independent Testing

Various tests came up with previously unforeseen and unannounced health hazards. One example is when piglets were fed a formula using Canola oil, their vitamin E was reduced to dangerous levels, and their blood platelets became sticky, impeding blood flow. And this is what is promoted as a heart healthy oil?

Other tests have determined various imbalances with micronutrients that nature synergistically provides. These imbalances are part of what technology does to ruin food and undermine long term human health.

The best that can be said about Canola oil is that it is not a healthy option. It doesn't even rank among other oils that do promote health, such as cold pressed hemp, flax, or even olive oil. Even worse, tests show that Canola may promote bad health. Read your labels carefully.

[Editor`s Note: NaturalNews is strongly against the use of all forms of animal testing. We fully support implementation of humane medical experimentation that promotes the health and wellbeing of all living creatures.]

Sources for more information include:

Canola: Canada's Oil Spill into the American Market http://www.quantumbalancing.com/news/canola....

Canola: Another Victory of Food Technology Over Common Sense http://www.naturalnews.com/026365_canola_oil...

Truther Girls Site on Canola http://thetruthergirls.wordpress.com/2010/07..

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/029516_canola_oil_fraud.html#ixzz2kagGRfL7

Canola oil used to be called RAPESEED oil but the name was changed for marketing reasons

(NaturalNews) Olive oil comes from olive, grapeseed oil comes from grape seeds, peanut oil comes from peanuts and canola oil comes from... rapeseed. The plant known as "rape," from a Latin word for "turnip," is a domesticated crop in the widely cultivated Brassicaceae family (also known as the mustard family, the cabbage family, or the cruciferous vegetables). Although the word has disturbing connotations today, during World War II people thought nothing of referring to "rapeseed," and the oil from those seeds was used for industrial purposes.

The real problem with the name "rapeseed oil" is that the oil was so toxic that the FDA banned it for human consumption in 1956. So when Canadian growers bred a new variety of rapeseed in the 1970s with a lower content of the toxic erucic acid, they decided they needed a new name for it.

The term canola was coined from "Canadian oil, low acid" to convince consumers that this oil was safe to eat. And while "canola" was originally a registered trademark, the term became so widely known that the trademark was eventually abandoned, and "canola" became the default term in many countries for any low-erucic rapeseed oil.

Canola oil is a very effective insecticide, and it is the primary ingredient in many "organic" (non-chemical) pesticide control products sprayed on vegetables to kill bugs. I covered this in my "canola oil pesticide" video:

Source: 25 Amazing Facts About Food, authored by Mike Adams and David Guiterrez. This report reveals surprising things about where your food comes from and what's really in it! Download the full report (FREE) by clicking here. Inside, you'll learn 24 more amazing but true facts about foods, beverages and food ingredients. Instant download of the complete PDF. All 25 facts are documented and true.

Additional Sources:

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/034733_canola_oil_rapeseed_food_labels.html#ixzz2kafgTcQV

Are you eating pesticides? Canola oil a great insect killer

Blindness, Mad Cow Disease and Canola Oil

By John Thomas excerpt from:
Young again: How to Reverse the Aging Process - See more at: http://www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/ConsumerAlert/Canola.aspx#sthash.1rvUYxPL.dpuf

Millions of people have suffered the loss of their vision from glaucoma, a disease involving atrophy (deterioration) of the optic nerve. For years, "experts" have been telling us that glaucoma results from fluid-pressure buildup in the eye that causes the optic nerve to deteriorate. This theory was based on an incorrect medical model: They were wrong! Now, the experts have admitted that this is not true and have given birth to a new theory. According to it, glaucoma is instead caused by a deficiency of of oxygen and blood flow. Finally they are on the right trail. In the end, they will discover that glaucoma is the result of insufficient blood flow due to agglutination (clumping together) of the red blood cells and waste buildup in the cells and intercellular fluids.
These blood-corpuscle clusters cannot squeeze through the extremely tiny capillaries in the posterior of the eye, so cannot deliver oxygen to the mitochondria.1 This is what the problem has been all along, and if people continue to eat soy *2*and canola oils, a lot more of them are going to experience vision irregularities - like retinitis and macula lutea*3* degeneration.
Death of the mitochondria in the cells in the posterior of the eye is due to oxygen starvation, sodium toxicity and waste accumulation. When the mitochondria die, the cells die and the posterior eye tissues atrophy. In this respect, glaucoma has much in common with hair loss, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy and hearing problems.
A woman called me from Chicago to tell me that she had been in England when the "Mad Cow Disease" had been at its peak. She said that she had seen a television news report that told people not to panic if they had been using rape oil in their diet and were over 65 years of age. The "experts" added that the effects of rape oil ingestion takes at least 10 years to manifest, and in all likelihood, most of these people would be dead by then anyway. Comforting!
In the reports I read, the "experts" blamed the behavior on a viral disease called scrapie. However, when rape oil was removed from animal feed, "scrapie disappeared.
No longer a European livestock problem; now it is ours. U.S. farmers grow rape seed, and manufacturers use its oil (canola) in thousands of processed foods, with the blessings of government watchdog agencies, of course.
Rape Seed Oil or "Canola"?
  • Canola is a coined word. It appeared out of nowhere and is not listed in any but the most recent reference sources.
  • The flip side of the canola coin reads: "rape"! You must admit that canola sounds better than rape. The name canola disguised the introduction of rape oil to America.
  • Canola oil comes from the rape seed, which is part of the mustard family of plants. Rape is the most toxic of all food-oil plants. Like soy, rape is a weed. Insects will not eat it; it is deadly poisonous! The oil from the rape seed is a hundred times more toxic than soy oil.
  • Canola is a semi-drying oil that is used as lubricant, fuel, soap and synthetic rubber base, and as an illuminant for the slick color pages you see in magazines. It is an industrial oil and does not belong in the body!
  • Canola oil has some very interesting characteristics and effects on living systems. For example, it forms latex-like substances that agglutinate the red blood corpuscles, as does soy, but much more pronounced.
- See more at: http://www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/ConsumerAlert/Canola.aspx#sthash.1rvUYxPL.dpuf
There are several things a person can do to reverse these debilitating conditions. Biologically friendly water*4* is basic to all rejuvenation, as is fresh, viable foodDetoxification of the tissues and body fluids is accomplished with yucca extract, Kombucha tea, 5 PACs*6* and colon therapy.
Degradation of Vision
Loss of vision is a known, characteristic side effect of rape oil which antagonizes the central and peripheral nervous systems=20 again like soy oil, again worse. The deterioration takes years, however. Rape (canola) oil causes emphysema respiratory distress, anemia, constipation, irritability and blindness in animals-and humans. Rape oil was widely used in animal feeds in England and Europe between 1986 and 1991 when it was thrown out. You may remember reading about the cows, pigs and sheep that went blind, lost their minds, attacked people and had to be shot.
Officially, canola oil is known as "LEAR" oil - Low Erucic Acid, Rape. Industry experts love to tell how canola was developed in Canada and that it is safe to use. They admit it was developed from the rape seed, but that through genetic engineering, i.e. irradiation, it is no longer rape seed, but "canola" instead. ["Canadian oil", get it?]
They love to talk about canola"s qualities - its unsaturated structure(Omega 3, 6, 12), its wonderful digestibility and its fatty acid makeup. They turn us against naturally saturated oils and fats, while they come to the rescue with canola oil. They even tell us how Asia has warmly embraced canola due to its distinctive flavor. Isn"t it wonderful how internationalists brokers "help" third-world peoples? Reminds me of the introduction of the microwave oven.
An earthly expression from the Old West sums up the flimflam accompanying rape oil"s rebirth and promotion worldwide: "horseshit and gun smoke!" Its new name provided the perfect cover for commercial interests wanting to make billions in the United States. The euphemism is still very much in use, but is no longer needed. Look at the ingredients list on peanut butter labels. The peanut oil has been removed and replaced with rape oil.
- See more at: http://www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/ConsumerAlert/Canola.aspx#sthash.1rvUYxPL.dpuf