
Spring Equinox and Solfeggio Harmonics - 528 HZ

According to Irma Kaye,
On this day (3/20) and thereafter, there will be a frequency that some have identified as the “Heart” frequency of 528 HZ which has been associated with the actual repair of DNA, as well as possessing within in it codes of Activation and Transformation. You see, in the beginning was the Word made manifest into various tones and frequencies. To align and receive these are to return “Home.”
There is a special sound and color of love according to Dr. Horowitz, a Harvard-trained award-winning investigator. Broadcasting the right frequency can help open your heart, prompt peace, and hasten healing. “We now know the love signal, 528 Hertz, is among the six core creative frequencies of the universe because math doesn’t lie, the geometry of physical reality universally reflects this music; these findings have been independently derived, peer reviewed, and empirically validated,” Dr. Horowitz says.
The third note, frequency 528, relates to the note MI on the scale and derives from the phrase “MI-ra gestorum” in Latin meaning “miracle.” Stunningly, this is the exact frequency used by genetic biochemists to repair broken DNA – the genetic blueprint upon which life is based! MI – 528 Hz – relates to the Crown chakra. Dr Puleo suggests an association with DNA integrity.
The regular “C” that we all know of in this culture (which is from the diatonic scale of do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do) is not the 528 Hz frequency “C.” A regular “C” vibrates at a frequency of 523.3 Hz. The “C” of 528 Hz used for DNA repair is part of an ancient scale called the Solfeggio Scale. – The Critical Thinker Blog

NOTE: Though it is Fall Equinox for those in the Southern Hemisphere, the same energies apply.
© Irma Kaye Sawyer 2013. Please feel free to share these messages as you are guided with author and copyright information included. Thank you.


